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Commit b86243b4 authored by Sylvain Henry's avatar Sylvain Henry Committed by Marge Bot
Browse files

Interpreter: fix literal alignment on big-endian architectures (fix #19261)

Literals weren't correctly aligned on big-endian, despite what the
comment said.
parent 4f02d3c1
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......@@ -43,23 +43,19 @@ import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Platform.Profile
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST ( runST )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Array.MArray
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as Array
import Data.Array.Base ( UArray(..) )
import Data.Array.Unsafe( castSTUArray )
import Foreign hiding (shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.Char ( ord )
import Data.List ( genericLength )
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GHC.Float (castFloatToWord32, castDoubleToWord64)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Unlinked BCOs
......@@ -416,7 +412,7 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
p <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_bco)
p_tup <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_tuple_bco)
info <- int (fromIntegral $
info <- word (fromIntegral $
mkNativeCallInfoSig platform call_info)
emit bci_PUSH_ALTS_T
[Op p, Op info, Op p_tup]
......@@ -466,21 +462,21 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
emit bci_TESTLT_W [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTEQ_W w l -> do np <- word w
emit bci_TESTEQ_W [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTLT_I64 i l -> do np <- int64 i
TESTLT_I64 i l -> do np <- word64 (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTLT_I64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTEQ_I64 i l -> do np <- int64 i
TESTEQ_I64 i l -> do np <- word64 (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTEQ_I64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTLT_I32 i l -> do np <- int (fromIntegral i)
TESTLT_I32 i l -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTLT_I32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTEQ_I32 i l -> do np <- int (fromIntegral i)
TESTEQ_I32 i l -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTEQ_I32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTLT_I16 i l -> do np <- int (fromIntegral i)
TESTLT_I16 i l -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTLT_I16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTEQ_I16 i l -> do np <- int (fromIntegral i)
TESTEQ_I16 i l -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTEQ_I16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTLT_I8 i l -> do np <- int (fromIntegral i)
TESTLT_I8 i l -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTLT_I8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTEQ_I8 i l -> do np <- int (fromIntegral i)
TESTEQ_I8 i l -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
emit bci_TESTEQ_I8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
TESTLT_W64 w l -> do np <- word64 w
emit bci_TESTLT_W64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
......@@ -530,42 +526,80 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
-- On Windows, stdcall labels have a suffix indicating the no. of
-- arg words, e.g. foo@8. testcase: ffi012(ghci)
literal (LitLabel fs _ _) = litlabel fs
literal LitNullAddr = int 0
literal LitNullAddr = word 0
literal (LitFloat r) = float (fromRational r)
literal (LitDouble r) = double (fromRational r)
literal (LitChar c) = int (ord c)
literal (LitString bs) = lit [BCONPtrStr bs]
-- LitString requires a zero-terminator when emitted
literal (LitNumber nt i) = case nt of
LitNumInt -> int (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord -> int (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt8 -> int8 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord8 -> int8 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt16 -> int16 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord16 -> int16 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt32 -> int32 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord32 -> int32 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt64 -> int64 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord64 -> int64 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt -> word (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord -> word (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt8 -> word8 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord8 -> word8 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt16 -> word16 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord16 -> word16 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt32 -> word32 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord32 -> word32 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumInt64 -> word64 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumWord64 -> word64 (fromIntegral i)
LitNumBigNat -> panic "GHC.ByteCode.Asm.literal: LitNumBigNat"
-- We can lower 'LitRubbish' to an arbitrary constant, but @NULL@ is most
-- likely to elicit a crash (rather than corrupt memory) in case absence
-- analysis messed up.
literal (LitRubbish {}) = int 0
literal (LitRubbish {}) = word 0
litlabel fs = lit [BCONPtrLbl fs]
addr (RemotePtr a) = words [fromIntegral a]
float = words . mkLitF platform
double = words . mkLitD platform
int = words . mkLitI
int8 = words . mkLitI64 platform
int16 = words . mkLitI64 platform
int32 = words . mkLitI64 platform
int64 = words . mkLitI64 platform
word64 = words . mkLitW64 platform
words ws = lit (map BCONPtrWord ws)
word w = words [w]
word_size = platformWordSize platform
word_size_bits = platformWordSizeInBits platform
-- Make lists of host-sized words for literals, so that when the
-- words are placed in memory at increasing addresses, the
-- bit pattern is correct for the host's word size and endianness.
-- Note that we only support host endianness == target endianness for now,
-- even with the external interpreter. This would need to be fixed to
-- support host endianness /= target endianness
int :: Int -> Assembler Word
int i = word (fromIntegral i)
float :: Float -> Assembler Word
float f = word32 (castFloatToWord32 f)
double :: Double -> Assembler Word
double d = word64 (castDoubleToWord64 d)
word64 :: Word64 -> Assembler Word
word64 ww = case word_size of
PW4 ->
let !wl = fromIntegral ww
!wh = fromIntegral (ww `unsafeShiftR` 32)
in case platformByteOrder platform of
LittleEndian -> words [wl,wh]
BigEndian -> words [wh,wl]
PW8 -> word (fromIntegral ww)
word8 :: Word8 -> Assembler Word
word8 x = case platformByteOrder platform of
LittleEndian -> word (fromIntegral x)
BigEndian -> word (fromIntegral x `unsafeShiftL` (word_size_bits - 8))
word16 :: Word16 -> Assembler Word
word16 x = case platformByteOrder platform of
LittleEndian -> word (fromIntegral x)
BigEndian -> word (fromIntegral x `unsafeShiftL` (word_size_bits - 16))
word32 :: Word32 -> Assembler Word
word32 x = case platformByteOrder platform of
LittleEndian -> word (fromIntegral x)
BigEndian -> case word_size of
PW4 -> word (fromIntegral x)
PW8 -> word (fromIntegral x `unsafeShiftL` 32)
isLargeW :: Word -> Bool
isLargeW n = n > 65535
......@@ -648,74 +682,5 @@ mkNativeCallInfoLit :: Platform -> NativeCallInfo -> Literal
mkNativeCallInfoLit platform call_info =
mkLitWord platform . fromIntegral $ mkNativeCallInfoSig platform call_info
-- Make lists of host-sized words for literals, so that when the
-- words are placed in memory at increasing addresses, the
-- bit pattern is correct for the host's word size and endianness.
mkLitI :: Int -> [Word]
mkLitF :: Platform -> Float -> [Word]
mkLitD :: Platform -> Double -> [Word]
mkLitI64 :: Platform -> Int64 -> [Word]
mkLitW64 :: Platform -> Word64 -> [Word]
mkLitF platform f = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> runST $ do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),0)
writeArray arr 0 f
f_arr <- castSTUArray arr
w0 <- readArray f_arr 0
return [w0 :: Word]
PW8 -> runST $ do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 f
-- on 64-bit architectures we read two (32-bit) Float cells when we read
-- a (64-bit) Word: so we write a dummy value in the second cell to
-- avoid an out-of-bound read.
writeArray arr 1 0.0
f_arr <- castSTUArray arr
w0 <- readArray f_arr 0
return [w0 :: Word]
mkLitD platform d = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 d
d_arr <- castSTUArray arr
w0 <- readArray d_arr 0
w1 <- readArray d_arr 1
return [w0 :: Word, w1]
PW8 -> runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),0)
writeArray arr 0 d
d_arr <- castSTUArray arr
w0 <- readArray d_arr 0
return [w0 :: Word]
mkLitI64 platform ii = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 ii
d_arr <- castSTUArray arr
w0 <- readArray d_arr 0
w1 <- readArray d_arr 1
return [w0 :: Word,w1]
PW8 -> [fromIntegral ii :: Word]
mkLitW64 platform ww = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Word),1)
writeArray arr 0 ww
d_arr <- castSTUArray arr
w0 <- readArray d_arr 0
w1 <- readArray d_arr 1
return [w0 :: Word,w1]
PW8 -> [fromIntegral ww :: Word]
mkLitI i = [fromIntegral i :: Word]
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