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Commit ffeb000d authored by BinderDavid's avatar BinderDavid Committed by Marge Bot
Browse files

Add tests from libraries/process/tests and libraries/Win32/tests to GHC

These tests were previously part of the libraries, which themselves are
submodules of the GHC repository. This commit moves the tests directly
to the GHC repository.
parent b8997080
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with 393 additions and 0 deletions
module Main where
import Graphics.Win32.Misc
import System.IO
import System.Win32.Types
testStdHandle :: Handle -> StdHandleId -> IO ()
testStdHandle haskHandle winStdHandle = do
winHandle <- getStdHandle winStdHandle
withHandleToHANDLE haskHandle $ print . (== winHandle)
main :: IO ()
main = do
testStdHandle stdin sTD_INPUT_HANDLE
testStdHandle stdout sTD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
testStdHandle stderr sTD_ERROR_HANDLE
# This Makefile runs the tests using GHC's testsuite framework. It
# assumes the package is part of a GHC build tree with the testsuite
# installed in ../../../testsuite.
include $(TOP)/mk/
include $(TOP)/mk/
module Main where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Foreign
import System.Win32.Time
main :: IO ()
main = do
(_, tzi) <- getTimeZoneInformation
alloca $ \buf -> do
poke buf tzi
tzi' <- peek buf
assert (tzi == tzi') $ return ()
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
( forkIO, threadDelay )
import Control.Monad
( void )
import Data.Foldable
( for_ )
import System.Win32.Event
( waitForSingleObject )
import System.Win32.File
( closeHandle )
import System.Win32.Semaphore
( Semaphore(..), createSemaphore, releaseSemaphore )
main :: IO ()
main = do
(test_sem, ex1) <- mk_test_sem
(_, ex2) <- mk_test_sem
let sem_name = "win32-test-semaphore"
(sem, ex3) <- createSemaphore Nothing 2 3 (Just sem_name)
putStrLn (show ex1 ++ " " ++ show ex2 ++ " " ++ show ex3)
-- False True False
putStrLn "=========="
for_ [1,2,3] (run_thread sem)
-- finish: 1, 2
putStrLn "=========="
void $ releaseSemaphore sem 3
-- finish: 3
threadDelay 5000 -- 5 ms
for_ [4,5,6,7] (run_thread sem)
-- finish: 4, 5
threadDelay 1000 -- 1 ms
putStrLn "=========="
void $ releaseSemaphore sem 1
-- finish: 6
threadDelay 100000 -- 100 ms
putStrLn "=========="
closeHandle (semaphoreHandle test_sem)
closeHandle (semaphoreHandle sem)
run_thread :: Semaphore -> Int -> IO ()
run_thread sem i = do
threadDelay 1000 -- 1 ms
putStrLn ("start " ++ show i)
void $ forkIO $ do
res <- waitForSingleObject (semaphoreHandle sem) 50 -- 50 ms
putStrLn ("finish " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ show res)
mk_test_sem :: IO (Semaphore, Bool)
mk_test_sem = createSemaphore Nothing 1 1 (Just "test-sem")
False True False
start 1
finish 1: 0
start 2
finish 2: 0
start 3
finish 3: 0
start 4
finish 4: 0
start 5
finish 5: 0
start 6
start 7
finish 6: 0
finish 7: 258
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.Ptr
import Graphics.Win32.GDI.Clip
main = do
openClipboard nullPtr
go 0
go n = do
n' <- enumClipboardFormats n
unless (n == 0) (go n')
test('registry001', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
# This isn't a very good test to run automatically at the moment, since
# it doesn't terminate
test('helloworld', skip, compile_and_run, ['-package lang -package win32'])
test('lasterror', normal, compile_and_run, ['-package Win32'])
test('T4452', normal, compile_and_run, ['-package Win32'])
test('PokeTZI', ignore_stdout, compile_and_run, ['-package Win32'])
test('HandleConversion', normal, compile_and_run, ['-package Win32'])
test('Semaphores', normal, compile_and_run, ['-threaded -package Win32'])
-- Haskell version of "Hello, World" using the Win32 library.
-- Demonstrates how the Win32 library can be put to use.
-- (c) sof 1999
module Main(main) where
import qualified Win32
import Addr
-- Toplevel main just creates a window and pumps messages.
-- The window procedure (wndProc) we pass in is partially
-- applied with the user action that takes care of responding
-- to repaint messages (WM_PAINT).
main :: IO ()
main = do
lpps <- Win32.malloc Win32.sizeofPAINTSTRUCT
hwnd <- createWindow 200 200 (wndProc lpps onPaint)
messagePump hwnd
-- OnPaint handler for a window - draw a string centred
-- inside it.
onPaint :: Win32.RECT -> Win32.HDC -> IO ()
onPaint (_,_,w,h) hdc = do
Win32.setBkMode hdc Win32.tRANSPARENT
Win32.setTextColor hdc (Win32.rgb 255 255 0)
let y | h==10 = 0
| otherwise = ((h-10) `div` 2)
x | w==50 = 0
| otherwise = (w-50) `div` 2
Win32.textOut hdc x y "Hello, world"
return ()
-- Simple window procedure - one way to improve and generalise
-- it would be to pass it a message map (represented as a
-- finite map from WindowMessages to actions, perhaps).
wndProc :: Win32.LPPAINTSTRUCT
-> (Win32.RECT -> Win32.HDC -> IO ()) -- on paint action
-> Win32.HWND
-> Win32.WindowMessage
-> Win32.WPARAM
-> Win32.LPARAM
wndProc lpps onPaint hwnd wmsg wParam lParam
| wmsg == Win32.wM_DESTROY = do
Win32.sendMessage hwnd Win32.wM_QUIT 1 0
return 0
| wmsg == Win32.wM_PAINT && hwnd /= nullAddr = do
r <- Win32.getClientRect hwnd
paintWith lpps hwnd (onPaint r)
return 0
| otherwise =
Win32.defWindowProc (Just hwnd) wmsg wParam lParam
createWindow :: Int -> Int -> Win32.WindowClosure -> IO Win32.HWND
createWindow width height wndProc = do
let winClass = Win32.mkClassName "Hello"
icon <- Win32.loadIcon Nothing Win32.iDI_APPLICATION
cursor <- Win32.loadCursor Nothing Win32.iDC_ARROW
bgBrush <- Win32.createSolidBrush (Win32.rgb 0 0 255)
mainInstance <- Win32.getModuleHandle Nothing
( Win32.cS_VREDRAW + Win32.cS_HREDRAW
, mainInstance
, Just icon
, Just cursor
, Just bgBrush
, Nothing
, winClass
w <- Win32.createWindow
"Hello, World example"
Nothing Nothing -- leave it to the shell to decide the position
-- at where to put the window initially
(Just width)
(Just height)
Nothing -- no parent, i.e, root window is the parent.
Nothing -- no menu handle
Win32.showWindow w Win32.sW_SHOWNORMAL
Win32.updateWindow w
return w
messagePump :: Win32.HWND -> IO ()
messagePump hwnd = do
msg <- Win32.getMessage (Just hwnd) `catch` \ _ -> return nullAddr
if msg == nullAddr then
return ()
else do
Win32.translateMessage msg
Win32.dispatchMessage msg
messagePump hwnd
paintWith :: Win32.LPPAINTSTRUCT -> Win32.HWND -> (Win32.HDC -> IO a) -> IO a
paintWith lpps hwnd p = do
hdc <- Win32.beginPaint hwnd lpps
a <- p hdc
Win32.endPaint hwnd lpps
return a
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- Test that the Win32 error code from getLastError is thread-local.
import System.Win32
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
main = do
setLastError 42
r <- getLastError
when (r /= 42) $ fail ("wrong: " ++ show r)
m <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ do setLastError 43; putMVar m ()
takeMVar m
r <- getLastError
when (r /= 42) $ fail ("wrong: " ++ show r)
import System.Win32
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
x = "bumble"
name = "test_registry001"
-- Create, read, and delete a value (test for bug #3241)
main = do
k1 <- regCreateKey hKEY_CURRENT_USER "Software"
k2 <- regCreateKey k1 "Haskell"
k3 <- regCreateKey k2 "GHC"
flip finally (regDeleteValue k3 name) $ do
regSetStringValue k3 name x
r <- regQueryDefaultValue k3 name
print r
# specific files
# This Makefile runs the tests using GHC's testsuite framework. It
# assumes the package is part of a GHC build tree with the testsuite
# installed in ../../../testsuite.
include $(TOP)/mk/
include $(TOP)/mk/
.PHONY: process007_fd
'$(TEST_HC)' -optc='-Wall' -no-hs-main -no-auto-link-packages process007_fd.c -o process007_fd
.PHONY: T3994app
'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) T3994app.hs -threaded
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
import System.Process
launch :: String -> IO String
launch i = do (hin,hout,herr,ph) <- runInteractiveProcess "cat" [] Nothing Nothing
-- forkIO $ collect ph -- This doesn't seem to be relevant to the problem.
forkIO $ do hPutStr hin i
hClose hin
hGetContents hout
main :: IO ()
main = do o <- foldl (>>=) (return "foo") (replicate 5 launch)
t <- myThreadId
-- timeout
forkIO $ do threadDelay 5000000; killThread t
putStrLn o
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
import System.Cmd
import System.Directory
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
forkIO $ f "foo1.txt"
forkIO $ f "foo2.txt"
threadDelay $ 2*1000000
putStrLn "Finished successfully"
f file = do
h <- openFile file WriteMode
hPutStrLn h "fjkladsf"
system "sleep 1"
-- putChar '.'
hClose h
removeFile file
f file
Finished successfully
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
import System.Process
main :: IO ()
main = do (_,Just hout,_,p) <- createProcess (proc "./T3994app" ["start", "10000"])
{ std_out = CreatePipe, create_group = True }
start <- hGetLine hout
putStrLn start
interruptProcessGroupOf p
t <- myThreadId
-- timeout
forkIO $ do
threadDelay 5000000
putStrLn "Interrupting a Running Process Failed"
hFlush stdout
killThread t
waitForProcess p
putStrLn "end"
return ()
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