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  1. Feb 08, 2024
    • Ben Gamari's avatar
      Move `base` to `ghc-internal` · 44f6557a
      Ben Gamari authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Here we move a good deal of the implementation of `base` into a new
      package, `ghc-internal` such that it can be evolved independently
      from the user-visible interfaces of `base`.
      While we want to isolate implementation from interfaces, naturally, we
      would like to avoid turning `base` into a mere set of module re-exports.
      However, this is a non-trivial undertaking for a variety of reasons:
       * `base` contains numerous known-key and wired-in things, requiring
         corresponding changes in the compiler
       * `base` contains a significant amount of C code and corresponding
         autoconf logic, which is very fragile and difficult to break apart
       * `base` has numerous import cycles, which are currently dealt with via
         carefully balanced `hs-boot` files
       * We must not break existing users
      To accomplish this migration, I tried the following approaches:
      * [Split-GHC.Base]: Break apart the GHC.Base knot to allow incremental
        migration of modules into ghc-internal: this knot is simply too
        intertwined to be easily pulled apart, especially given the rather
        tricky import cycles that it contains)
      * [Move-Core]: Moving the "core" connected component of base (roughly
        150 modules) into ghc-internal. While the Haskell side of this seems
        tractable, the C dependencies are very subtle to break apart.
      * [Move-Incrementally]:
        1. Move all of base into ghc-internal
        2. Examine the module structure and begin moving obvious modules (e.g.
           leaves of the import graph) back into base
        3. Examine the modules remaining in ghc-internal, refactor as necessary
           to facilitate further moves
        4. Go to (2) iterate until the cost/benefit of further moves is
           insufficient to justify continuing
        5. Rename the modules moved into ghc-internal to ensure that they don't
           overlap with those in base
        6. For each module moved into ghc-internal, add a shim module to base
           with the declarations which should be exposed and any requisite
           Haddocks (thus guaranteeing that base will be insulated from changes
           in the export lists of modules in ghc-internal
      Here I am using the [Move-Incrementally] approach, which is empirically
      the least painful of the unpleasant options above
      Bumps haddock submodule.
      Metric Decrease:
      Metric Increase:
  2. Aug 28, 2023
  3. Jun 27, 2023
  4. Jun 15, 2023
    • Andrei Borzenkov's avatar
      Report scoped kind variables at the type-checking phase (#16635) · 78cd1132
      Andrei Borzenkov authored
      This patch modifies the renamer to respect ScopedTypeVariables in kind
      signatures. This means that kind variables bound by the outermost
      `forall` now scope over the type:
        type F = '[Right @a @() () :: forall a. Either a ()]
        --         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^
        --          in scope here        bound here
      However, any use of such variables is a type error, because we don't
      have type-level lambdas to bind them in Core. This is described in the
      new Note [Type variable scoping errors during type check] in GHC.Tc.Types.
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Check visibility of nested foralls in can_eq_nc (#18863) · 469ff08b
      Vladislav Zavialov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Prior to this change, `can_eq_nc` checked the visibility of the
      outermost layer of foralls:
      	forall a. forall b. forall c. phi1
      	forall x. forall y. forall z. phi2
      	     up to here
      Then it delegated the rest of the work to `can_eq_nc_forall`, which
      split off all foralls:
      	forall a. forall b. forall c. phi1
      	forall x. forall y. forall z. phi2
      	                         up to here
      This meant that some visibility flags were completely ignored.
      We fix this oversight by moving the check to `can_eq_nc_forall`.
  5. Apr 03, 2023
    • Haskell-mouse's avatar
      Convert diagnostics in GHC.Rename.HsType to proper TcRnMessage · 8b092910
      Haskell-mouse authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      I've turned all occurrences of TcRnUnknownMessage in GHC.Rename.HsType
      module into a proper TcRnMessage.
      Instead, these TcRnMessage messages were introduced:
  6. Mar 06, 2023
    • Andrei Borzenkov's avatar
      Convert diagnostics in GHC.Rename.Module to proper TcRnMessage (#20115) · cad5c576
      Andrei Borzenkov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      I've turned almost all occurrences of TcRnUnknownMessage in GHC.Rename.Module
      module into a proper TcRnMessage.
      Instead, these TcRnMessage messages were introduced:
      Was introduced one helper type:
  7. Dec 24, 2022
    • Richard Eisenberg's avatar
      Drop support for kind constraints. · 3c3060e4
      Richard Eisenberg authored and Matthew Pickering's avatar Matthew Pickering committed
      This implements proposal 547 and closes ticket #22298.
      See the proposal and ticket for motivation.
      Compiler perf improves a bit
      Metrics: compile_time/bytes allocated
        CoOpt_Singletons(normal)   -2.4% GOOD
                  T12545(normal)   +1.0%
                  T13035(normal)  -13.5% GOOD
                  T18478(normal)   +0.9%
                  T9872d(normal)   -2.2% GOOD
                       geo. mean   -0.2%
                       minimum    -13.5%
                       maximum     +1.0%
      Metric Decrease:
  8. Nov 25, 2022
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Print unticked promoted data constructors (#20531) · 13d627bb
      Vladislav Zavialov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Before this patch, GHC unconditionally printed ticks before promoted
      data constructors:
      	ghci> type T = True  -- unticked (user-written)
      	ghci> :kind! T
      	T :: Bool
      	= 'True              -- ticked (compiler output)
      After this patch, GHC prints ticks only when necessary:
      	ghci> type F = False    -- unticked (user-written)
      	ghci> :kind! F
      	F :: Bool
      	= False                 -- unticked (compiler output)
      	ghci> data False        -- introduce ambiguity
      	ghci> :kind! F
      	F :: Bool
      	= 'False                -- ticked by necessity (compiler output)
      The old behavior can be enabled by -fprint-redundant-promotion-ticks.
      Summary of changes:
      * Rename PrintUnqualified to NamePprCtx
      * Add QueryPromotionTick to it
      * Consult the GlobalRdrEnv to decide whether to print a tick (see mkPromTick)
      * Introduce -fprint-redundant-promotion-ticks
      Co-authored-by: default avatarArtyom Kuznetsov <>
  9. Nov 11, 2022
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Type vs Constraint: finally nailed · 778c6adc
      Simon Peyton Jones authored and Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones committed
      This big patch addresses the rats-nest of issues that have plagued
      us for years, about the relationship between Type and Constraint.
      See #11715/#21623.
      The main payload of the patch is:
      * To introduce CONSTRAINT :: RuntimeRep -> Type
      * To make TYPE and CONSTRAINT distinct throughout the compiler
      Two overview Notes in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
      * Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT]
      * Note [Type and Constraint are not apart]
        This is the main complication.
      The specifics
      * New primitive types (GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim)
        - CONSTRAINT
        - ctArrowTyCon (=>)
        - tcArrowTyCon (-=>)
        - ccArrowTyCon (==>)
        - funTyCon     FUN     -- Not new
        See Note [Function type constructors and FunTy]
        and Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT]
      * GHC.Builtin.Types:
        - New type Constraint = CONSTRAINT LiftedRep
        - I also stopped nonEmptyTyCon being built-in; it only needs to be wired-in
      * Exploit the fact that Type and Constraint are distinct throughout GHC
        - Get rid of tcView in favour of coreView.
        - Many tcXX functions become XX functions.
          e.g. tcGetCastedTyVar --> getCastedTyVar
      * Kill off Note [ForAllTy and typechecker equality], in (old)
        GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.  It said that typechecker-equality should ignore
        the specified/inferred distinction when comparein two ForAllTys.  But
        that wsa only weakly supported and (worse) implies that we need a separate
        typechecker equality, different from core equality. No no no.
      * GHC.Core.TyCon: kill off FunTyCon in data TyCon.  There was no need for it,
        and anyway now we have four of them!
      * GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep: add two FunTyFlags to FunCo
        See Note [FunCo] in that module.
      * GHC.Core.Type.  Lots and lots of changes driven by adding CONSTRAINT.
        The key new function is sORTKind_maybe; most other changes are built
        on top of that.
        See also `funTyConAppTy_maybe` and `tyConAppFun_maybe`.
      * Fix a longstanding bug in GHC.Core.Type.typeKind, and Core Lint, in
        kinding ForAllTys.  See new tules (FORALL1) and (FORALL2) in GHC.Core.Type.
        (The bug was that before (forall (cv::t1 ~# t2). blah), where
        blah::TYPE IntRep, would get kind (TYPE IntRep), but it should be
        (TYPE LiftedRep).  See Note [Kinding rules for types] in GHC.Core.Type.
      * GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare is a new module in which we do eqType and cmpType.
        Of course, no tcEqType any more.
      * GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs. I moved some free-var-like function into this module:
        tyConsOfType, visVarsOfType, and occCheckExpand.  Refactoring only.
      * GHC.Builtin.Types.  Compiletely re-engineer boxingDataCon_maybe to
        have one for each /RuntimeRep/, rather than one for each /Type/.
        This dramatically widens the range of types we can auto-box.
        See Note [Boxing constructors] in GHC.Builtin.Types
        The boxing types themselves are declared in library ghc-prim:GHC.Types.
        GHC.Core.Make.  Re-engineer the treatment of "big" tuples (mkBigCoreVarTup
        etc) GHC.Core.Make, so that it auto-boxes unboxed values and (crucially)
        types of kind Constraint. That allows the desugaring for arrows to work;
        it gathers up free variables (including dictionaries) into tuples.
        See  Note [Big tuples] in GHC.Core.Make.
        There is still work to do here: #22336. But things are better than
      * GHC.Core.Make.  We need two absent-error Ids, aBSENT_ERROR_ID for types of
        kind Type, and aBSENT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR_ID for vaues of kind Constraint.
        Ditto noInlineId vs noInlieConstraintId in GHC.Types.Id.Make;
        see Note [inlineId magic].
      * GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep. Completely refactor the NthCo coercion.  It is now called
        SelCo, and its fields are much more descriptive than the single Int we used to
        have.  A great improvement.  See Note [SelCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.
      * GHC.Core.RoughMap.roughMatchTyConName.  Collapse TYPE and CONSTRAINT to
        a single TyCon, so that the rough-map does not distinguish them.
      * GHC.Core.DataCon
        - Mainly just improve documentation
      * Some significant renamings:
        GHC.Core.Multiplicity: Many -->  ManyTy (easier to grep for)
                               One  -->  OneTy
        GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep TyCoBinder      -->   GHC.Core.Var.PiTyBinder
        GHC.Core.Var      TyCoVarBinder   -->   ForAllTyBinder
                          AnonArgFlag     -->   FunTyFlag
                          ArgFlag         -->   ForAllTyFlag
        GHC.Core.TyCon    TyConTyCoBinder --> TyConPiTyBinder
        Many functions are renamed in consequence
        e.g. isinvisibleArgFlag becomes isInvisibleForAllTyFlag, etc
      * I refactored FunTyFlag (was AnonArgFlag) into a simple, flat data type
          data FunTyFlag
            = FTF_T_T           -- (->)  Type -> Type
            | FTF_T_C           -- (-=>) Type -> Constraint
            | FTF_C_T           -- (=>)  Constraint -> Type
            | FTF_C_C           -- (==>) Constraint -> Constraint
      * GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr.  Some significant refactoring in the TypeEqMisMatch case
        of pprMismatchMsg.
      * I made the tyConUnique field of TyCon strict, because I
        saw code with lots of silly eval's.  That revealed that
        GHC.Settings.Constants.mAX_SUM_SIZE can only be 63, because
        we pack the sum tag into a 6-bit field.  (Lurking bug squashed.)
      * #21530
      Updates haddock submodule slightly.
      Performance changes
      I was worried that compile times would get worse, but after
      some careful profiling we are down to a geometric mean 0.1%
      increase in allocation (in perf/compiler).  That seems fine.
      There is a big runtime improvement in T10359
      Metric Decrease:
      Metric Increase:
  10. Oct 26, 2022
    • Sylvain Henry's avatar
      Testsuite: more precise test options · 9ab31f42
      Sylvain Henry authored
      Necessary for newer cross-compiling backends (JS, Wasm) that don't
      support TH yet.
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Introduce TcRnWithHsDocContext (#22346) · 0270cc54
      Vladislav Zavialov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Before this patch, GHC used withHsDocContext to attach an HsDocContext
      to an error message:
      	addErr $ mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints (withHsDocContext ctxt msg)
      The problem with this approach is that it only works with
      TcRnUnknownMessage. But could we attach an HsDocContext to a
      structured error message in a generic way? This patch solves
      the problem by introducing a new constructor to TcRnMessage:
      	data TcRnMessage where
      	  TcRnWithHsDocContext :: !HsDocContext -> !TcRnMessage -> TcRnMessage
  11. Sep 13, 2022
    • sheaf's avatar
      Diagnostic codes: acccept test changes · 362cca13
      sheaf authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      The testsuite output now contains diagnostic codes, so many tests need
      to be updated at once.
      We decided it was best to keep the diagnostic codes in the testsuite
      output, so that contributors don't inadvertently make changes to the
      diagnostic codes.
  12. Jan 29, 2022
    • Matthew Pickering's avatar
      Rework the handling of SkolemInfo · 268efcc9
      Matthew Pickering authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      The main purpose of this patch is to attach a SkolemInfo directly to
      each SkolemTv. This fixes the large number of bugs which have
      accumulated over the years where we failed to report errors due to
      having "no skolem info" for particular type variables. Now the origin of
      each type varible is stored on the type variable we can always report
      accurately where it cames from.
      Fixes #20969 #20732 #20680 #19482 #20232 #19752 #10946
        #19760 #20063 #13499 #14040
      The main changes of this patch are:
      * SkolemTv now contains a SkolemInfo field which tells us how the
        SkolemTv was created. Used when reporting errors.
      * Enforce invariants relating the SkolemInfoAnon and level of an implication (ic_info, ic_tclvl)
        to the SkolemInfo and level of the type variables in ic_skols.
          * All ic_skols are TcTyVars -- Check is currently disabled
          * All ic_skols are SkolemTv
          * The tv_lvl of the ic_skols agrees with the ic_tclvl
          * The ic_info agrees with the SkolInfo of the implication.
        These invariants are checked by a debug compiler by
      * Completely refactor kcCheckDeclHeader_sig which kept
        doing my head in. Plus, it wasn't right because it wasn't skolemising
        the binders as it decomposed the kind signature.
        The new story is described in Note [kcCheckDeclHeader_sig].  The code
        is considerably shorter than before (roughly 240 lines turns into 150
        It still has the same awkward complexity around computing arity as
        before, but that is a language design issue.
        See Note [Arity inference in kcCheckDeclHeader_sig]
      * I added new type synonyms MonoTcTyCon and PolyTcTyCon, and used
        them to be clear which TcTyCons have "finished" kinds etc, and
        which are monomorphic. See Note [TcTyCon, MonoTcTyCon, and PolyTcTyCon]
      * I renamed etaExpandAlgTyCon to splitTyConKind, becuase that's a
        better name, and it is very useful in kcCheckDeclHeader_sig, where
        eta-expansion isn't an issue.
      * Kill off the nasty `ClassScopedTvEnv` entirely.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSimon Peyton Jones <>
  13. Mar 10, 2021
  14. Nov 06, 2020
    • Ryan Scott's avatar
      Replace HsImplicitBndrs with HsOuterTyVarBndrs · e07e383a
      Ryan Scott authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      This refactors the GHC AST to remove `HsImplicitBndrs` and replace it with
      `HsOuterTyVarBndrs`, a type which records whether the outermost quantification
      in a type is explicit (i.e., with an outermost, invisible `forall`) or
      implicit. As a result of this refactoring, it is now evident in the AST where
      the `forall`-or-nothing rule applies: it's all the places that use
      `HsOuterTyVarBndrs`. See the revamped `Note [forall-or-nothing rule]` in
      `GHC.Hs.Type` (previously in `GHC.Rename.HsType`).
      Moreover, the places where `ScopedTypeVariables` brings lexically scoped type
      variables into scope are a subset of the places that adhere to the
      `forall`-or-nothing rule, so this also makes places that interact with
      `ScopedTypeVariables` easier to find. See the revamped
      `Note [Lexically scoped type variables]` in `GHC.Hs.Type` (previously in
      `HsOuterTyVarBndrs` are used in type signatures (see `HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs`)
      and type family equations (see `HsOuterFamEqnTyVarBndrs`). The main difference
      between the former and the latter is that the former cares about specificity
      but the latter does not.
      There are a number of knock-on consequences:
      * There is now a dedicated `HsSigType` type, which is the combination of
        `HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs` and `HsType`. `LHsSigType` is now an alias for an
        `XRec` of `HsSigType`.
      * Working out the details led us to a substantial refactoring of
        the handling of explicit (user-written) and implicit type-variable
        bindings in `GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType`.
        Instead of a confusing family of higher order functions, we now
        have a local data type, `SkolemInfo`, that controls how these
        binders are kind-checked.
        It remains very fiddly, not fully satisfying. But it's better
        than it was.
      Fixes #16762. Bumps the Haddock submodule.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSimon Peyton Jones <>
      Co-authored-by: Richard Eisenberg's avatarRichard Eisenberg <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarZubin Duggal <>
  15. Oct 31, 2020
    • Ryan Scott's avatar
      Make typechecker equality consider visibility in ForAllTys · 57c3db96
      Ryan Scott authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Previously, `can_eq_nc'` would equate `ForAllTy`s regardless of their
      `ArgFlag`, including `forall i -> i -> Type` and `forall i. i -> Type`! To fix
      this, `can_eq_nc'` now uses the `sameVis` function to first check if the
      `ArgFlag`s are equal modulo specificity. I have also updated `tcEqType`'s
      implementation to match this behavior. For more explanation on the "modulo
      specificity" part, see the new `Note [ForAllTy and typechecker equality]`
      in `GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical`.
      While I was in town, I fixed some related documentation issues:
      * I added `Note [Typechecker equality]` to `GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType` to describe
        what exactly distinguishes `can_eq_nc'` and `tcEqType` (which implement
        typechecker equality) from `eqType` (which implements definitional equality,
        which does not care about the `ArgFlags` of `ForAllTy`s at all).
      * The User's Guide had some outdated prose on the specified/inferred
        distinction being different for types and kinds, a holdover from #15079. This
        is no longer the case on today's GHC, so I removed this prose, added some new
        prose to take its place, and added a regression test for the programs in
      * The User's Guide had some _more_ outdated prose on inferred type variables
        not being allowed in `default` type signatures for class methods, which is no
        longer true as of the resolution of #18432.
      * The related `Note [Deferred Unification]` was being referenced as
        `Note [Deferred unification]` elsewhere, which made it harder to `grep`
        for. I decided to change the name of the Note to `Deferred unification`
        for consistency with the capitalization style used for most other Notes.
      Fixes #18863.
  16. Sep 24, 2020
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Improve kind generalisation, error messages · 9fa26aa1
      Simon Peyton Jones authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      This patch does two things:
      * It refactors GHC.Tc.Errors a bit.  In debugging Quick Look I was
        forced to look in detail at error messages, and ended up doing a bit
        of refactoring, esp in mkTyVarEqErr'.  It's still quite a mess, but
        a bit better, I think.
      * It makes a significant improvement to the kind checking of type and
        class declarations. Specifically, we now ensure that if kind
        checking fails with an unsolved constraint, all the skolems are in
        scope.  That wasn't the case before, which led to some obscure error
        messages; and occasional failures with "no skolem info" (eg #16245).
      Both of these, and the main Quick Look patch itself, affect a /lot/ of
      error messages, as you can see from the number of files changed.  I've
      checked them all; I think they are as good or better than before.
      Smaller things
      * I documented the various instances of VarBndr better.
        See Note [The VarBndr tyep and its uses] in GHC.Types.Var
      * Renamed GHC.Tc.Solver.simpl_top to simplifyTopWanteds
      * A bit of refactoring in bindExplicitTKTele, to avoid the
        footwork with Either.  Simpler now.
      * Move promoteTyVar from GHC.Tc.Solver to GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
      Fixes #16245 (comment 211369), memorialised as
      Also fixes the three bugs in #18640
  17. Jun 05, 2020
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Simple subsumption · 2b792fac
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This patch simplifies GHC to use simple subsumption.
        Ticket #17775
      Implements GHC proposal #287
      All the motivation is described there; I will not repeat it here.
      The implementation payload:
       * tcSubType and friends become noticably simpler, because it no
         longer uses eta-expansion when checking subsumption.
       * No deeplyInstantiate or deeplySkolemise
      That in turn means that some tests fail, by design; they can all
      be fixed by eta expansion.  There is a list of such changes below.
      Implementing the patch led me into a variety of sticky corners, so
      the patch includes several othe changes, some quite significant:
      * I made String wired-in, so that
          "foo" :: String   rather than
          "foo" :: [Char]
        This improves error messages, and fixes #15679
      * The pattern match checker relies on knowing about in-scope equality
        constraints, andd adds them to the desugarer's environment using
        addTyCsDs.  But the co_fn in a FunBind was missed, and for some reason
        simple-subsumption ends up with dictionaries there. So I added a
        call to addTyCsDs.  This is really part of #18049.
      * I moved the ic_telescope field out of Implication and into
        ForAllSkol instead.  This is a nice win; just expresses the code
        much better.
      * There was a bug in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.tcDataFamInstHeader.
        We called checkDataKindSig inside tc_kind_sig, /before/
        solveEqualities and zonking.  Obviously wrong, easily fixed.
      * solveLocalEqualitiesX: there was a whole mess in here, around
        failing fast enough.  I discovered a bad latent bug where we
        could successfully kind-check a type signature, and use it,
        but have unsolved constraints that could fill in coercion
        holes in that signature --  aargh.
        It's all explained in Note [Failure in local type signatures]
        in GHC.Tc.Solver. Much better now.
      * I fixed a serious bug in anonymous type holes. IN
          f :: Int -> (forall a. a -> _) -> Int
        that "_" should be a unification variable at the /outer/
        level; it cannot be instantiated to 'a'.  This was plain
        wrong.  New fields mode_lvl and mode_holes in TcTyMode,
        and auxiliary data type GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.HoleMode.
        This fixes #16292, but makes no progress towards the more
        ambitious #16082
      * I got sucked into an enormous refactoring of the reporting of
        equality errors in GHC.Tc.Errors, especially in
        In particular, the very tricky mkExpectedActualMsg function
        is gone.
        It took me a full day.  But the result is far easier to understand.
        (Still not easy!)  This led to various minor improvements in error
        output, and an enormous number of test-case error wibbles.
        One particular point: for occurs-check errors I now just say
           Can't match 'a' against '[a]'
        rather than using the intimidating language of "occurs check".
      * Pretty-printing AbsBinds
      Tests review
      * Eta expansions
         T11305: one eta expansion
         T12082: one eta expansion (undefined)
         T13585a: one eta expansion
         T3102:  one eta expansion
         T3692:  two eta expansions (tricky)
         T2239:  two eta expansions
         T16473: one eta
         determ004: two eta expansions (undefined)
         annfail06: two eta (undefined)
         T17923: four eta expansions (a strange program indeed!)
         tcrun035: one eta expansion
      * Ambiguity check at higher rank.  Now that we have simple
        subsumption, a type like
           f :: (forall a. Eq a => Int) -> Int
        is no longer ambiguous, because we could write
           g :: (forall a. Eq a => Int) -> Int
           g = f
        and it'd typecheck just fine.  But f's type is a bit
        suspicious, and we might want to consider making the
        ambiguity check do a check on each sub-term.  Meanwhile,
        these tests are accepted, whereas they were previously
        rejected as ambiguous:
      * Some more interesting error message wibbles
         T13381: Fine: one error (Int ~ Exp Int)
                 rather than two (Int ~ Exp Int, Exp Int ~ Int)
         T9834:  Small change in error (improvement)
         T10619: Improved
         T2414:  Small change, due to order of unification, fine
         T2534:  A very simple case in which a change of unification order
                 means we get tow unsolved constraints instead of one
         tc211: bizarre impredicative tests; just accept this for now
      Updates Cabal and haddock submodules.
      Metric Increase:
      Metric Decrease:
      Merge note: This appears to break the
      `UnliftedNewtypesDifficultUnification` test. It has been marked as
      broken in the interest of merging.
      (cherry picked from commit 66b7b195)
  18. May 05, 2020
    • Ryan Scott's avatar
      Add regression tests for #16244, #16245, #16758 · 2420c555
      Ryan Scott authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Commit e3c374cc ended up
      fixing quite a few bugs:
      * This commit fixes #16244 completely. A regression test has been
      * This commit fixes one program from #16245. (The program in
        ghc/ghc#16245 (comment 211369) still
        panics, and the program in
        ghc/ghc#16245 (comment 211400) still
        loops infinitely.) A regression test has been added for this
      * This commit fixes #16758. Accordingly, this patch removes the
        `expect_broken` label from the `T16758` test case, moves it from
        `should_compile` to `should_fail` (as it should produce an error
        message), and checks in the expected stderr.
  19. Feb 12, 2020
  20. Dec 11, 2019
    • Richard Eisenberg's avatar
      Warn on inferred polymorphic recursion · 2d1b9619
      Richard Eisenberg authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Silly users sometimes try to use visible dependent quantification
      and polymorphic recursion without a CUSK or SAK. This causes
      unexpected errors. So we now adjust expectations with a bit
      of helpful messaging.
      Closes #17541 and closes #17131.
      test cases: dependent/should_fail/T{17541{,b},17131}
  21. Dec 05, 2019
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Pretty-printing of the * kind · 3354c68e
      Vladislav Zavialov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Before this patch, GHC always printed the * kind unparenthesized.
      This led to two issues:
      1. Sometimes GHC printed invalid or incorrect code.
         For example, GHC would print:  type F @*   x = x
               when it meant to print:  type F @(*) x = x
         In the former case, instead of a kind application we were getting a
         type operator (@*).
      2. Sometimes GHC printed kinds that were correct but hard to read.
         Should  Either * Int  be read as  Either (*) Int
                                    or as  (*) Either Int  ?
         This depends on whether -XStarIsType is enabled, but it would be
         easier if we didn't have to check for the flag when reading the code.
      We can solve both problems by assigning (*) a different precedence. Note
      that Haskell98 kinds are not affected:
        ((* -> *) -> *) -> *  does NOT become  (((*) -> (*)) -> (*)) -> (*)
      The parentheses are added when (*) is used in a function argument
         F * * *   becomes  F (*) (*) (*)
         F A * B   becomes  F A (*) B
         Proxy *   becomes  Proxy (*)
         a * -> *  becomes  a (*) -> *
  22. Nov 27, 2019
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Whitespace-sensitive bang patterns (#1087, #17162) · 8168b42a
      Vladislav Zavialov authored
      This patch implements a part of GHC Proposal #229 that covers five
      * the bang operator (!)
      * the tilde operator (~)
      * the at operator (@)
      * the dollar operator ($)
      * the double dollar operator ($$)
      Based on surrounding whitespace, these operators are disambiguated into
      bang patterns, lazy patterns, strictness annotations, type
      applications, splices, and typed splices.
      This patch doesn't cover the (-) operator or the -Woperator-whitespace
      warning, which are left as future work.
  23. Nov 09, 2019
    • Ben Gamari's avatar
      testsuite: Fix putStrLn in saks028 · a9b14790
      Ben Gamari authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
      Bizarrely, `saks028` previously failed reliably, but only on Windows
      (#17450). The test would exit with a zero exit code but simply didn't
      emit the expected text to stderr.
      I believe this was due to the fact that the test used `putStrLn`,
      resulting in the output ending up on stdout. This worked on other
      platforms since (apparently) we redirect stdout to stderr when
      evaluating splices. However, on Windows it seems that the redirected
      output wasn't flushed as it was on other platforms.
      Anyways, it seems like the right thing to do here is to be explicit
      about our desire for the output to end up on stderr.
      Closes #17450.
  24. Sep 25, 2019
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Standalone kind signatures (#16794) · 0b5eede9
      Vladislav Zavialov authored
      Implements GHC Proposal #54: .../ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0054-kind-signatures.rst
      With this patch, a type constructor can now be given an explicit
      standalone kind signature:
        {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
        type Functor :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
        class Functor f where
          fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
      This is a replacement for CUSKs (complete user-specified
      kind signatures), which are now scheduled for deprecation.
      User-facing changes
      * A new extension flag has been added, -XStandaloneKindSignatures, which
        implies -XNoCUSKs.
      * There is a new syntactic construct, a standalone kind signature:
          type <name> :: <kind>
        Declarations of data types, classes, data families, type families, and
        type synonyms may be accompanied by a standalone kind signature.
      * A standalone kind signature enables polymorphic recursion in types,
        just like a function type signature enables polymorphic recursion in
        terms. This obviates the need for CUSKs.
      * TemplateHaskell AST has been extended with 'KiSigD' to represent
        standalone kind signatures.
      * GHCi :info command now prints the kind signature of type constructors:
          ghci> :info Functor
          type Functor :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
      * 'forall'-bound type variables of a standalone kind signature do not
        scope over the declaration body, even if the -XScopedTypeVariables is
        enabled. See #16635 and #16734.
      * Wildcards are not allowed in standalone kind signatures, as partial
        signatures do not allow for polymorphic recursion.
      * Associated types may not be given an explicit standalone kind
        signature. Instead, they are assumed to have a CUSK if the parent class
        has a standalone kind signature and regardless of the -XCUSKs flag.
      * Standalone kind signatures do not support multiple names at the moment:
          type T1, T2 :: Type -> Type   -- rejected
          type T1 = Maybe
          type T2 = Either String
        See #16754.
      * Creative use of equality constraints in standalone kind signatures may
        lead to GHC panics:
          type C :: forall (a :: Type) -> a ~ Int => Constraint
          class C a where
            f :: C a => a -> Int
        See #16758.
      Implementation notes
      * The heart of this patch is the 'kcDeclHeader' function, which is used to
        kind-check a declaration header against its standalone kind signature.
        It does so in two rounds:
          1. check user-written binders
          2. instantiate invisible binders a la 'checkExpectedKind'
      * 'kcTyClGroup' now partitions declarations into declarations with a
        standalone kind signature or a CUSK (kinded_decls) and declarations
        without either (kindless_decls):
          * 'kinded_decls' are kind-checked with 'checkInitialKinds'
          * 'kindless_decls' are kind-checked with 'getInitialKinds'
      * DerivInfo has been extended with a new field:
          di_scoped_tvs :: ![(Name,TyVar)]
        These variables must be added to the context in case the deriving clause
        references tcTyConScopedTyVars. See #16731.