- Jul 05, 2023
Numerous tests make use of CUSKs (complete user-supplied kinds), a legacy feature scheduled for deprecation. In order to proceed with the said deprecation, the tests have been updated to use SAKS instead (standalone kind signatures). This also allows us to remove the Haskell2010 language pragmas that were added in 115cd3c8 to work around the lack of CUSKs in GHC2021.
- Jun 15, 2023
Andrei Borzenkov authored
This patch modifies the renamer to respect ScopedTypeVariables in kind signatures. This means that kind variables bound by the outermost `forall` now scope over the type: type F = '[Right @a @() () :: forall a. Either a ()] -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ -- in scope here bound here However, any use of such variables is a type error, because we don't have type-level lambdas to bind them in Core. This is described in the new Note [Type variable scoping errors during type check] in GHC.Tc.Types.
- Jun 14, 2023
Fixes #23176
- Jun 07, 2023
Vladislav Zavialov authored
This patch implements @k-binders introduced in GHC Proposal #425 and guarded behind the TypeAbstractions extension: type D :: forall k j. k -> j -> Type data D @k @j a b = ... ^^ ^^ To represent the new syntax, we modify LHsQTyVars as follows: - hsq_explicit :: [LHsTyVarBndr () pass] + hsq_explicit :: [LHsTyVarBndr (HsBndrVis pass) pass] HsBndrVis is a new data type that records the distinction between type variable binders written with and without the @ sign: data HsBndrVis pass = HsBndrRequired | HsBndrInvisible (LHsToken "@" pass) The rest of the patch updates GHC, template-haskell, and haddock to handle the new syntax. Parser: The PsErrUnexpectedTypeAppInDecl error message is removed. The syntax it used to reject is now permitted. Renamer: The @ sign does not affect the scope of a binder, so the changes to the renamer are minimal. See rnLHsTyVarBndrVisFlag. Type checker: There are three code paths that were updated to deal with the newly introduced invisible type variable binders: 1. checking SAKS: see kcCheckDeclHeader_sig, matchUpSigWithDecl 2. checking CUSK: see kcCheckDeclHeader_cusk 3. inference: see kcInferDeclHeader, rejectInvisibleBinders Helper functions bindExplicitTKBndrs_Q_Skol and bindExplicitTKBndrs_Q_Tv are generalized to work with HsBndrVis. Updates the haddock submodule. Metric Increase: MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot Co-authored-by:
Simon Peyton Jones <simon.peytonjones@gmail.com>
- May 24, 2023
This patch migrates the error messages in GHC.Tc.Validity to use the new diagnostic infrastructure. It adds the constructors: - TcRnSimplifiableConstraint - TcRnArityMismatch - TcRnIllegalInstanceDecl, with sub-datatypes for HasField errors and fundep coverage condition errors.
- May 13, 2023
This patch continues the refactoring of the constraint solver described in #23070. The Big Deal in this patch is to call the regular, eager unifier from the constraint solver, when we want to create new equalities. This replaces the existing, unifyWanted which amounted to yet-another-unifier, so it reduces duplication of a rather subtle piece of technology. See * Note [The eager unifier] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify * GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.wrapUnifierTcS I did lots of other refactoring along the way * I simplified the treatment of right hand sides that contain CoercionHoles. Now, a constraint that contains a hetero-kind CoercionHole is non-canonical, and cannot be used for rewriting or unification alike. This required me to add the ch_hertero_kind flag to CoercionHole, with consequent knock-on effects. See wrinkle (2) of `Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]` in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality. * I refactored the StopOrContinue type to add StartAgain, so that after a fundep improvement (for example) we can simply start the pipeline again. * I got rid of the unpleasant (and inefficient) rewriterSetFromType/Co functions. With Richard I concluded that they are never needed. * I discovered Wrinkle (W1) in Note [Wanteds rewrite Wanteds] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint, and therefore now prioritise non-rewritten equalities. Quite a few error messages change, I think always for the better. Compiler runtime stays about the same, with one outlier: a 17% improvement in T17836 Metric Decrease: T17836 T18223
- May 06, 2023
Tracking ticket: #20115 MR: !10361 This converts uses of `mkTcRnUnknownMessage` to newly added constructors of `TcRnMessage`. Only addresses the single warning missing from the previous MR.
- May 05, 2023
Tracking ticket: #20115 MR: !10350 This converts uses of `mkTcRnUnknownMessage` to newly added constructors of `TcRnMessage`.
- Apr 14, 2023
This MR substantially refactors the way in which the constraint solver deals with equality constraints. The big thing is: * Intead of a pipeline in which we /first/ canonicalise and /then/ interact (the latter including performing unification) the two steps are more closely integreated into one. That avoids the current rather indirect communication between the two steps. The proximate cause for this refactoring is fixing #22194, which involve solving [W] alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[4]) by doing this: alpha[2] := Maybe delta[2] [W] delta[2] ~ F beta[4] That is, we don't promote beta[4]! This is very like introducing a cycle breaker, and was very awkward to do before, but now it is all nice. See GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify Note [Promotion and level-checking] and Note [Family applications in canonical constraints]. The big change is this: * Several canonicalisation checks (occurs-check, cycle-breaking, checking for concreteness) are combined into one new function: GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.checkTyEqRhs This function is controlled by `TyEqFlags`, which says what to do for foralls, type families etc. * `canEqCanLHSFinish` now sees if unification is possible, and if so, actually does it: see `canEqCanLHSFinish_try_unification`. There are loads of smaller changes: * The on-the-fly unifier `GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.unifyType` has a cheap-and-cheerful version of `checkTyEqRhs`, called `simpleUnifyCheck`. If `simpleUnifyCheck` succeeds, it can unify, otherwise it defers by emitting a constraint. This is simpler than before. * I simplified the swapping code in `GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality.canEqCanLHS`. Especially the nasty stuff involving `swap_for_occurs` and `canEqTyVarFunEq`. Much nicer now. See Note [Orienting TyVarLHS/TyFamLHS] Note [Orienting TyFamLHS/TyFamLHS] * Added `cteSkolemOccurs`, `cteConcrete`, and `cteCoercionHole` to the problems that can be discovered by `checkTyEqRhs`. * I fixed #23199 `pickQuantifiablePreds`, which actually allows GHC to to accept both cases in #22194 rather than rejecting both. Yet smaller: * Added a `synIsConcrete` flag to `SynonymTyCon` (alongside `synIsFamFree`) to reduce the need for synonym expansion when checking concreteness. Use it in `isConcreteType`. * Renamed `isConcrete` to `isConcreteType` * Defined `GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs.isInjectiveInType` as a more efficient way to find if a particular type variable is used injectively than finding all the injective variables. It is called in `GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.definitely_poly`, which in turn is used quite a lot. * Moved `rewriterView` to `GHC.Core.Type`, so we can use it from the constraint solver. Fixes #22194, #23199 Compile times decrease by an average of 0.1%; but there is a 7.4% drop in compiler allocation on T15703. Metric Decrease: T15703
- Apr 03, 2023
I've turned all occurrences of TcRnUnknownMessage in GHC.Rename.HsType module into a proper TcRnMessage. Instead, these TcRnMessage messages were introduced: TcRnDataKindsError TcRnUnusedQuantifiedTypeVar TcRnIllegalKindSignature TcRnUnexpectedPatSigType TcRnSectionPrecedenceError TcRnPrecedenceParsingError TcRnIllegalKind TcRnNegativeNumTypeLiteral TcRnUnexpectedKindVar TcRnBindMultipleVariables TcRnBindVarAlreadyInScope
- Apr 01, 2023
Tracking ticket: #20117 MR: !10183 This converts uses of `mkTcRnUnknownMessage` to newly added constructors of `TcRnMessage`.
- Mar 22, 2023
Tracking ticket: #20119 MR: !10138 This converts uses of `mkTcRnUnknownMessage` to newly added constructors of `TcRnMessage`.
- Mar 06, 2023
I've turned almost all occurrences of TcRnUnknownMessage in GHC.Rename.Module module into a proper TcRnMessage. Instead, these TcRnMessage messages were introduced: TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneDerivingDecl TcRnUnusedVariableInRuleDecl TcRnUnexpectedStandaloneKindSig TcRnIllegalRuleLhs TcRnBadAssocRhs TcRnDuplicateRoleAnnot TcRnDuplicateKindSig TcRnIllegalDerivStrategy TcRnIllegalMultipleDerivClauses TcRnNoDerivStratSpecified TcRnStupidThetaInGadt TcRnBadImplicitSplice TcRnShadowedTyVarNameInFamResult TcRnIncorrectTyVarOnLhsOfInjCond TcRnUnknownTyVarsOnRhsOfInjCond Was introduced one helper type: RuleLhsErrReason
- Mar 04, 2023
- Jan 23, 2023
runtimeRepLevity_maybe was panicing unnecessarily; and the error printing code made use of the case when it should return Nothing rather than panicing. For some bizarre reason perf/compiler/T21839r shows a 10% bump in runtime peak-megagbytes-used, on a single architecture (alpine). See !9753 for commentary, but I'm going to accept it. Metric Increase: T21839r
- Jan 13, 2023
Ticket #22743 pointed out that there is a missing check, for type-inferred bindings, that the inferred type doesn't have an escaping kind. The fix is easy.
- Dec 24, 2022
This implements proposal 547 and closes ticket #22298. See the proposal and ticket for motivation. Compiler perf improves a bit Metrics: compile_time/bytes allocated ------------------------------------- CoOpt_Singletons(normal) -2.4% GOOD T12545(normal) +1.0% T13035(normal) -13.5% GOOD T18478(normal) +0.9% T9872d(normal) -2.2% GOOD geo. mean -0.2% minimum -13.5% maximum +1.0% Metric Decrease: CoOpt_Singletons T13035 T9872d
- Nov 29, 2022
Fixes: #217093 Associated to #19415 This change * Flips the orientation of the the generated kind equality coercion in canEqLHSHetero; * Removes `cc_fundeps` in CDictCan as the check was incomplete; * Changes `canDecomposableTyConAppOk` to ensure we process kind equalities before type equalities and avoiding a call to `canEqLHSHetero` while processing wanted TyConApp equalities * Adds 2 new tests for validating the change - testsuites/typecheck/should_compile/T21703.hs and - testsuites/typecheck/should_fail/T19415b.hs (a simpler version of T19415.hs) * Misc: Due to the change in the equality direction some error messages now have flipped type mismatch errors * Changes in Notes: - Note [Fundeps with instances, and equality orientation] supercedes Note [Fundeps with instances] - Added Note [Kind Equality Orientation] to visualize the kind flipping - Added Note [Decomposing Dependent TyCons and Processing Wanted Equalties]
- Nov 25, 2022
Before this patch, GHC unconditionally printed ticks before promoted data constructors: ghci> type T = True -- unticked (user-written) ghci> :kind! T T :: Bool = 'True -- ticked (compiler output) After this patch, GHC prints ticks only when necessary: ghci> type F = False -- unticked (user-written) ghci> :kind! F F :: Bool = False -- unticked (compiler output) ghci> data False -- introduce ambiguity ghci> :kind! F F :: Bool = 'False -- ticked by necessity (compiler output) The old behavior can be enabled by -fprint-redundant-promotion-ticks. Summary of changes: * Rename PrintUnqualified to NamePprCtx * Add QueryPromotionTick to it * Consult the GlobalRdrEnv to decide whether to print a tick (see mkPromTick) * Introduce -fprint-redundant-promotion-ticks Co-authored-by:
Artyom Kuznetsov <hi@wzrd.ht>
- Nov 11, 2022
This big patch addresses the rats-nest of issues that have plagued us for years, about the relationship between Type and Constraint. See #11715/#21623. The main payload of the patch is: * To introduce CONSTRAINT :: RuntimeRep -> Type * To make TYPE and CONSTRAINT distinct throughout the compiler Two overview Notes in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim * Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT] * Note [Type and Constraint are not apart] This is the main complication. The specifics * New primitive types (GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim) - CONSTRAINT - ctArrowTyCon (=>) - tcArrowTyCon (-=>) - ccArrowTyCon (==>) - funTyCon FUN -- Not new See Note [Function type constructors and FunTy] and Note [TYPE and CONSTRAINT] * GHC.Builtin.Types: - New type Constraint = CONSTRAINT LiftedRep - I also stopped nonEmptyTyCon being built-in; it only needs to be wired-in * Exploit the fact that Type and Constraint are distinct throughout GHC - Get rid of tcView in favour of coreView. - Many tcXX functions become XX functions. e.g. tcGetCastedTyVar --> getCastedTyVar * Kill off Note [ForAllTy and typechecker equality], in (old) GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical. It said that typechecker-equality should ignore the specified/inferred distinction when comparein two ForAllTys. But that wsa only weakly supported and (worse) implies that we need a separate typechecker equality, different from core equality. No no no. * GHC.Core.TyCon: kill off FunTyCon in data TyCon. There was no need for it, and anyway now we have four of them! * GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep: add two FunTyFlags to FunCo See Note [FunCo] in that module. * GHC.Core.Type. Lots and lots of changes driven by adding CONSTRAINT. The key new function is sORTKind_maybe; most other changes are built on top of that. See also `funTyConAppTy_maybe` and `tyConAppFun_maybe`. * Fix a longstanding bug in GHC.Core.Type.typeKind, and Core Lint, in kinding ForAllTys. See new tules (FORALL1) and (FORALL2) in GHC.Core.Type. (The bug was that before (forall (cv::t1 ~# t2). blah), where blah::TYPE IntRep, would get kind (TYPE IntRep), but it should be (TYPE LiftedRep). See Note [Kinding rules for types] in GHC.Core.Type. * GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare is a new module in which we do eqType and cmpType. Of course, no tcEqType any more. * GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs. I moved some free-var-like function into this module: tyConsOfType, visVarsOfType, and occCheckExpand. Refactoring only. * GHC.Builtin.Types. Compiletely re-engineer boxingDataCon_maybe to have one for each /RuntimeRep/, rather than one for each /Type/. This dramatically widens the range of types we can auto-box. See Note [Boxing constructors] in GHC.Builtin.Types The boxing types themselves are declared in library ghc-prim:GHC.Types. GHC.Core.Make. Re-engineer the treatment of "big" tuples (mkBigCoreVarTup etc) GHC.Core.Make, so that it auto-boxes unboxed values and (crucially) types of kind Constraint. That allows the desugaring for arrows to work; it gathers up free variables (including dictionaries) into tuples. See Note [Big tuples] in GHC.Core.Make. There is still work to do here: #22336. But things are better than before. * GHC.Core.Make. We need two absent-error Ids, aBSENT_ERROR_ID for types of kind Type, and aBSENT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR_ID for vaues of kind Constraint. Ditto noInlineId vs noInlieConstraintId in GHC.Types.Id.Make; see Note [inlineId magic]. * GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep. Completely refactor the NthCo coercion. It is now called SelCo, and its fields are much more descriptive than the single Int we used to have. A great improvement. See Note [SelCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep. * GHC.Core.RoughMap.roughMatchTyConName. Collapse TYPE and CONSTRAINT to a single TyCon, so that the rough-map does not distinguish them. * GHC.Core.DataCon - Mainly just improve documentation * Some significant renamings: GHC.Core.Multiplicity: Many --> ManyTy (easier to grep for) One --> OneTy GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep TyCoBinder --> GHC.Core.Var.PiTyBinder GHC.Core.Var TyCoVarBinder --> ForAllTyBinder AnonArgFlag --> FunTyFlag ArgFlag --> ForAllTyFlag GHC.Core.TyCon TyConTyCoBinder --> TyConPiTyBinder Many functions are renamed in consequence e.g. isinvisibleArgFlag becomes isInvisibleForAllTyFlag, etc * I refactored FunTyFlag (was AnonArgFlag) into a simple, flat data type data FunTyFlag = FTF_T_T -- (->) Type -> Type | FTF_T_C -- (-=>) Type -> Constraint | FTF_C_T -- (=>) Constraint -> Type | FTF_C_C -- (==>) Constraint -> Constraint * GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr. Some significant refactoring in the TypeEqMisMatch case of pprMismatchMsg. * I made the tyConUnique field of TyCon strict, because I saw code with lots of silly eval's. That revealed that GHC.Settings.Constants.mAX_SUM_SIZE can only be 63, because we pack the sum tag into a 6-bit field. (Lurking bug squashed.) Fixes * #21530 Updates haddock submodule slightly. Performance changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was worried that compile times would get worse, but after some careful profiling we are down to a geometric mean 0.1% increase in allocation (in perf/compiler). That seems fine. There is a big runtime improvement in T10359 Metric Decrease: LargeRecord MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot T13386 T13719 Metric Increase: T8095
- Nov 01, 2022
Ticket #22379 revealed that skolemiseQuantifiedTyVar was dropping the passed-in skol_info on the floor when it encountered a SkolemTv. Bad! Several TyCons thereby share a single SkolemInfo on their binders, which lead to bogus error reports.
- Oct 26, 2022
Sylvain Henry authored
Necessary for newer cross-compiling backends (JS, Wasm) that don't support TH yet.
- Oct 13, 2022
When a newtype introduces GADT eq_specs due to a defaulted RuntimeRep, we detect this and print the error message with explicit kinds. This also refactors newtype type checking to use the new diagnostic infra. Fixes #21447
- Sep 13, 2022
- Aug 19, 2022
This patch improves the uniformity of error message formatting by printing constraints in quotes, as we do for types. Fix #21167
- Jun 27, 2022
Previously several tests' output were unnecessarily dependent on version numbers, particularly of `base`. Fix this.
To 0.9.0 and 4.17.0 respectively. Bumps array, deepseq, directory, filepath, haskeline, hpc, parsec, stm, terminfo, text, unix, haddock, and hsc2hs submodules. (cherry picked from commit ba47b951)
- Jun 06, 2022
This commit fixes #20312 It deprecates "TypeInType" extension according to the following proposal: https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0083-no-type-in-type.rst It has been already implemented. The migration strategy: 1. Disable TypeInType 2. Enable both DataKinds and PolyKinds extensions Metric Decrease: T16875
- Apr 01, 2022
Users are supposed to import GHC.Exts rather than GHC.Prim. Part of #18749.
- Mar 15, 2022
Vladislav Zavialov authored
* Users can define their own (~) type operator * Haddock can display documentation for the built-in (~) * New transitional warnings implemented: -Wtype-equality-out-of-scope -Wtype-equality-requires-operators Updates the haddock submodule.
- Feb 23, 2022
Co-authored by: Sam Derbyshire Previously, GHC had three flavours of constraint: Wanted, Given, and Derived. This removes Derived constraints. Though serving a number of purposes, the most important role of Derived constraints was to enable better error messages. This job has been taken over by the new RewriterSets, as explained in Note [Wanteds rewrite wanteds] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint. Other knock-on effects: - Various new Notes as I learned about under-described bits of GHC - A reshuffling around the AST for implicit-parameter bindings, with better integration with TTG. - Various improvements around fundeps. These were caused by the fact that, previously, fundep constraints were all Derived, and Derived constraints would get dropped. Thus, an unsolved Derived didn't stop compilation. Without Derived, this is no longer possible, and so we have to be considerably more careful around fundeps. - A nice little refactoring in GHC.Tc.Errors to center the work on a new datatype called ErrorItem. Constraints are converted into ErrorItems at the start of processing, and this allows for a little preprocessing before the main classification. - This commit also cleans up the behavior in generalisation around functional dependencies. Now, if a variable is determined by functional dependencies, it will not be quantified. This change is user facing, but it should trim down GHC's strange behavior around fundeps. - Previously, reportWanteds did quite a bit of work, even on an empty WantedConstraints. This commit adds a fast path. - Now, GHC will unconditionally re-simplify constraints during quantification. See Note [Unconditionally resimplify constraints when quantifying], in GHC.Tc.Solver. Close #18398. Close #18406. Solve the fundep-related non-confluence in #18851. Close #19131. Close #19137. Close #20922. Close #20668. Close #19665. ------------------------- Metric Decrease: LargeRecord T9872b T9872b_defer T9872d TcPlugin_RewritePerf -------------------------
- Feb 06, 2022
Note [Tidying multiple names at once] indicates that if multiple variables have the same name then we shouldn't prioritise one of them and instead rename them all to a1, a2, a3... etc This patch implements that change, some error message changes as expected. Closes #20932
- Jan 29, 2022
The main purpose of this patch is to attach a SkolemInfo directly to each SkolemTv. This fixes the large number of bugs which have accumulated over the years where we failed to report errors due to having "no skolem info" for particular type variables. Now the origin of each type varible is stored on the type variable we can always report accurately where it cames from. Fixes #20969 #20732 #20680 #19482 #20232 #19752 #10946 #19760 #20063 #13499 #14040 The main changes of this patch are: * SkolemTv now contains a SkolemInfo field which tells us how the SkolemTv was created. Used when reporting errors. * Enforce invariants relating the SkolemInfoAnon and level of an implication (ic_info, ic_tclvl) to the SkolemInfo and level of the type variables in ic_skols. * All ic_skols are TcTyVars -- Check is currently disabled * All ic_skols are SkolemTv * The tv_lvl of the ic_skols agrees with the ic_tclvl * The ic_info agrees with the SkolInfo of the implication. These invariants are checked by a debug compiler by checkImplicationInvariants. * Completely refactor kcCheckDeclHeader_sig which kept doing my head in. Plus, it wasn't right because it wasn't skolemising the binders as it decomposed the kind signature. The new story is described in Note [kcCheckDeclHeader_sig]. The code is considerably shorter than before (roughly 240 lines turns into 150 lines). It still has the same awkward complexity around computing arity as before, but that is a language design issue. See Note [Arity inference in kcCheckDeclHeader_sig] * I added new type synonyms MonoTcTyCon and PolyTcTyCon, and used them to be clear which TcTyCons have "finished" kinds etc, and which are monomorphic. See Note [TcTyCon, MonoTcTyCon, and PolyTcTyCon] * I renamed etaExpandAlgTyCon to splitTyConKind, becuase that's a better name, and it is very useful in kcCheckDeclHeader_sig, where eta-expansion isn't an issue. * Kill off the nasty `ClassScopedTvEnv` entirely. Co-authored-by:
Simon Peyton Jones <simon.peytonjones@gmail.com>
- Jan 17, 2022
sheaf authored
- Nov 20, 2021
- Oct 17, 2021
PHASE 1: we never rewrite Concrete# evidence. This patch migrates all the representation polymorphism checks to the typechecker, using a new constraint form Concrete# :: forall k. k -> TupleRep '[] Whenever a type `ty` must be representation-polymorphic (e.g. it is the type of an argument to a function), we emit a new `Concrete# ty` Wanted constraint. If this constraint goes unsolved, we report a representation-polymorphism error to the user. The 'FRROrigin' datatype keeps track of the context of the representation-polymorphism check, for more informative error messages. This paves the way for further improvements, such as allowing type families in RuntimeReps and improving the soundness of typed Template Haskell. This is left as future work (PHASE 2). fixes #17907 #20277 #20330 #20423 #20426 updates haddock submodule ------------------------- Metric Decrease: T5642 -------------------------
- Oct 06, 2021
There were two problems around `mkDictErr`: 1. An outdated call to `flattenTys` meant that we missed out on some instances. As we no longer flatten type-family applications, the logic is obsolete and can be removed. 2. We reported "out of scope" errors in a poly-kinded situation because `BoxedRep` and `Lifted` were considered out of scope. We fix this by using `pretendNameIsInScope`. fixes #20465
- Sep 01, 2021
Hai Nguyen Quang authored
- Add 19 new messages. Update test outputs accordingly. - Pretty print suggest-extensions hints: remove space before interspersed commas. - Refactor Rank's MonoType constructors. Each MonoType constructor should represent a specific case. With the Doc suggestion belonging to the TcRnMessage diagnostics instead. - Move Rank from Validity to its own `GHC.Tc.Types.Rank` module. - Remove the outdated `check_irred_pred` check. - Remove the outdated duplication check in `check_valid_theta`, which was subsumed by `redundant-constraints`. - Add missing test cases for quantified-constraints/T16474 & th/T12387a.
- Jun 10, 2021
- May 20, 2021
This commit modifies interface files so that *only* direct information about modules and packages is stored in the interface file. * Only direct module and direct package dependencies are stored in the interface files. * Trusted packages are now stored separately as they need to be checked transitively. * hs-boot files below the compiled module in the home module are stored so that eps_is_boot can be calculated in one-shot mode without loading all interface files in the home package. * The transitive closure of signatures is stored separately This is important for two reasons * Less recompilation is needed, as motivated by #16885, a lot of redundant compilation was triggered when adding new imports deep in the module tree as all the parent interface files had to be redundantly updated. * Checking an interface file is cheaper because you don't have to perform a transitive traversal to check the dependencies are up-to-date. In the code, places where we would have used the transitive closure, we instead compute the necessary transitive closure. The closure is not computed very often, was already happening in checkDependencies, and was already happening in getLinkDeps. Fixes #16885 ------------------------- Metric Decrease: MultiLayerModules T13701 T13719 -------------------------