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  1. Oct 23, 2018
  2. Aug 27, 2018
  3. Jun 14, 2018
    • Ben Gamari's avatar
      Revert inadvertant changes to .gitmodules · 0c5aac8a
      Ben Gamari authored
    • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
      Embrace -XTypeInType, add -XStarIsType · d650729f
      Vladislav Zavialov authored
      Implement the "Embrace Type :: Type" GHC proposal,
      GHC 8.0 included a major change to GHC's type system: the Type :: Type
      axiom. Though casual users were protected from this by hiding its
      features behind the -XTypeInType extension, all programs written in GHC
      8+ have the axiom behind the scenes. In order to preserve backward
      compatibility, various legacy features were left unchanged. For example,
      with -XDataKinds but not -XTypeInType, GADTs could not be used in types.
      Now these restrictions are lifted and -XTypeInType becomes a redundant
      flag that will be eventually deprecated.
      * Incorporate the features currently in -XTypeInType into the
        -XPolyKinds and -XDataKinds extensions.
      * Introduce a new extension -XStarIsType to control how to parse * in
        code and whether to print it in error messages.
      Test Plan: Validate
      Reviewers: goldfire, hvr, bgamari, alanz, simonpj
      Reviewed By: goldfire, simonpj
      Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie, mpickering, carter
      GHC Trac Issues: #15195
      Differential Revision:
  4. Dec 08, 2017
  5. Sep 15, 2017
  6. Aug 01, 2017
  7. Jul 28, 2017
  8. May 11, 2017
  9. Jan 30, 2017
    • rwbarton's avatar
      Turn libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/tarball into a submodule · 32729d35
      rwbarton authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
      The submodule repository contains the latest version of the GMP source
      distribution (6.1.2) with the doc/ subdirectory removed, as described
      in gmp/ Rather than applying the old patch from gmp/tarball/patch
      I moved its contents into gmp/gmpsrc.patch, canceling a patch related to
      memory management there. Experimentally, the PIC-related patch for OS X
      is still necessary.
      The upgrade to GMP 6.1.2 fixes #7655.
      Test Plan:
      Built on OS X with in-tree gmp and tested that the command
      `ghc -e 'length (show (2^(5*10^6) :: Integer))'` no longer segfaults.
      Reviewers: mpickering, hvr, austin, bgamari
      Reviewed By: bgamari
      Subscribers: mpickering, thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #7655
  10. Feb 11, 2016
  11. Dec 11, 2015
    • Austin Seipp's avatar
    • Richard Eisenberg's avatar
      Add kind equalities to GHC. · 67465497
      Richard Eisenberg authored
      This implements the ideas originally put forward in
      "System FC with Explicit Kind Equality" (ICFP'13).
      There are several noteworthy changes with this patch:
       * We now have casts in types. These change the kind
         of a type. See new constructor `CastTy`.
       * All types and all constructors can be promoted.
         This includes GADT constructors. GADT pattern matches
         take place in type family equations. In Core,
         types can now be applied to coercions via the
         `CoercionTy` constructor.
       * Coercions can now be heterogeneous, relating types
         of different kinds. A coercion proving `t1 :: k1 ~ t2 :: k2`
         proves both that `t1` and `t2` are the same and also that
         `k1` and `k2` are the same.
       * The `Coercion` type has been significantly enhanced.
         The documentation in `docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdf` reflects
         the new reality.
       * The type of `*` is now `*`. No more `BOX`.
       * Users can write explicit kind variables in their code,
         anywhere they can write type variables. For backward compatibility,
         automatic inference of kind-variable binding is still permitted.
       * The new extension `TypeInType` turns on the new user-facing
       * Type families and synonyms are now promoted to kinds. This causes
         trouble with parsing `*`, leading to the somewhat awkward new
         `HsAppsTy` constructor for `HsType`. This is dispatched with in
         the renamer, where the kind `*` can be told apart from a
         type-level multiplication operator. Without `-XTypeInType` the
         old behavior persists. With `-XTypeInType`, you need to import
         `Data.Kind` to get `*`, also known as `Type`.
       * The kind-checking algorithms in TcHsType have been significantly
         rewritten to allow for enhanced kinds.
       * The new features are still quite experimental and may be in flux.
       * TODO: Several open tickets: #11195, #11196, #11197, #11198, #11203.
       * TODO: Update user manual.
      Tickets addressed: #9017, #9173, #7961, #10524, #8566, #11142.
      Updates Haddock submodule.
  12. Dec 05, 2015
  13. Dec 04, 2015
  14. Aug 19, 2015
  15. Dec 24, 2014
  16. Nov 21, 2014
  17. Aug 14, 2014
  18. Jun 26, 2014
  19. Jun 25, 2014
    • Herbert Valerio Riedel's avatar
      Convert loose sub-repos into proper submodules (re #8545) · db19c665
      Herbert Valerio Riedel authored
      Specifically, the following sub-repos/modules are converted:
       - libffi-tarballs
       - libraries/array
       - libraries/deepseq
       - libraries/directory
       - libraries/dph
       - libraries/filepath
       - libraries/haskell2010
       - libraries/haskell98
       - libraries/hoopl
       - libraries/hpc
       - libraries/old-locale
       - libraries/old-time
       - libraries/parallel
       - libraries/process
       - libraries/stm
       - libraries/unix
       - nofib
       - utils/hsc2hs
      N.B. ghc-tarballs is not converted as it will probably be handled
           differently in the future.
      Signed-off-by: Herbert Valerio Riedel's avatarHerbert Valerio Riedel <>
  20. Mar 23, 2014
  21. Feb 06, 2014
  22. Nov 22, 2013
    • Joachim Breitner's avatar
      Ignore untracked contents in submodules · 3fdad857
      Joachim Breitner authored
      The GHC build creates files there that are not part of the project’s
      .gitignore, and clutter up "git status" in ghc/. With this patch, these
      changes are ignored; modifications to existing files in the submodule
      repositories are still reported.
  23. Aug 19, 2013
  24. Aug 09, 2013
  25. Feb 03, 2013
  26. Dec 02, 2012
  27. Nov 25, 2012