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Commit 9fea0dc8 authored by Alec Theriault's avatar Alec Theriault Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Use `.hie` files for the Hyperlinker backend (#977)

# Summary

This is a large architectural change to the Hyperlinker.

  * extract link (and now also type) information from `.hie` instead
    of doing ad-hoc SYB traversals of the `RenamedSource`. Also
    adds a superb type-on-hover feature (#715).

 * re-engineer the lexer to avoid needless string conversions. By going
    directly through GHC's `P` monad and taking bytestring slices, we
    avoid a ton of allocation and have better handling of position
    pragmas and CPP.

In terms of performance, the Haddock side of things has gotten _much_
more efficient. Unfortunately, much of this is cancelled out by the
increased GHC workload for generating `.hie` files. For the full set of
boot libs (including `ghc`-the-library)

  * the sum of total time went down by 9-10% overall
  * the sum of total allocations went down by 6-7%

# Motivation

Haddock is moving towards working entirely over `.hi` and `.hie` files.
This change means we no longer need the `RenamedSource` from
`TypecheckedModule` (something which is _not_ in `.hi` files).

# Details

Along the way a bunch of things were fixed:

 * Cross package (and other) links are now more reliable (#496)
 * The lexer tries to recover from errors on every line (instead of at CPP
 * `LINE`/`COLUMN` pragmas are taken into account
 * filter out zero length tokens before rendering
 * avoid recomputing the `ModuleName`-based `SrcMap`
 * remove the last use of `Documentation.Haddock.Utf8` (see  #998)
 * restructure temporary folder logic for `.hi`/`.hie` model
parent bcdc0461
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 3044 additions and 1823 deletions
......@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
* Support inline markup in markdown-style links (#875)
* The hyperlinker backend has been re-engineered to use HIE files
and display type annotations on expressions (#977)
* The hyperlinker backend lexer is now more incremental, faster, and
more memory efficient (#977)
## Changes in version 2.22.0
* Make `--package-version` optional for `--hoogle` (#899)
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ library
, directory
, filepath
, ghc-boot
, ghc-boot-th
, transformers
hs-source-dirs: src
......@@ -97,7 +98,6 @@ library
......@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ test-suite spec
......@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@ test-suite spec
, directory
, filepath
, ghc-boot
, ghc-boot-th
, transformers
......@@ -53,3 +53,45 @@ a:link, a:visited {
a:hover, a.hover-highlight {
background-color: #eee8d5;
span.annot:hover{z-index:25; background-color:#ff0}
span.annot span.annottext{
display: none;
border-radius: 5px 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
position: absolute;
left: 1em; top: 2em;
z-index: 99;
margin-left: 5;
background: #FFFFAA;
border: 2px solid #FFAD33;
padding: 0.8em 1em;
span.annot:hover span.annottext{
/* This bridges the gap so you can mouse into the tooltip without it disappearing */
span.annot span.annottext:before{
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: -1em; top: -1em;
background: #FFFFFF00;
padding: 2em 2em;
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Haddock.Version
import Haddock.InterfaceFile
import Haddock.Options
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.GhcUtils (modifySessionDynFlags, setOutputDir)
import Control.Monad hiding (forM_)
import Data.Foldable (forM_, foldl')
......@@ -66,6 +67,8 @@ import qualified GHC.Paths as GhcPaths
import Paths_haddock_api (getDataDir)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
import GHC hiding (verbosity)
......@@ -164,6 +167,15 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
-- bypass the interface version check
let noChecks = Flag_BypassInterfaceVersonCheck `elem` flags
-- Create a temporary directory and redirect GHC output there (unless user
-- requested otherwise).
-- Output dir needs to be set before calling 'depanal' since 'depanal' uses it
-- to compute output file names that are stored in the 'DynFlags' of the
-- resulting 'ModSummary's.
let withDir | Flag_NoTmpCompDir `elem` flags = id
| otherwise = withTempOutputDir
unless (Flag_NoWarnings `elem` flags) $ do
hypSrcWarnings flags
forM_ (warnings args) $ \warning -> do
......@@ -171,7 +183,7 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
when noChecks $
hPutStrLn stderr noCheckWarning
ghc flags' $ do
ghc flags' $ withDir $ do
dflags <- getDynFlags
forM_ (optShowInterfaceFile flags) $ \path -> liftIO $ do
......@@ -202,6 +214,15 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
-- Render even though there are no input files (usually contents/index).
liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags sinceQual qual packages []
-- | Run the GHC action using a temporary output directory
withTempOutputDir :: Ghc a -> Ghc a
withTempOutputDir action = do
tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
x <- liftIO getProcessID
let dir = tmp </> ".haddock-" ++ show x
modifySessionDynFlags (setOutputDir dir)
withTempDir dir action
-- | Create warnings about potential misuse of -optghc
warnings :: [String] -> [String]
warnings = map format . filter (isPrefixOf "-optghc")
......@@ -221,8 +242,9 @@ withGhc flags action = do
let handleSrcErrors action' = flip handleSourceError action' $ \err -> do
printException err
liftIO exitFailure
needHieFiles = Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags
withGhc' libDir (ghcFlags flags) (\_ -> handleSrcErrors action)
withGhc' libDir needHieFiles (ghcFlags flags) (\_ -> handleSrcErrors action)
readPackagesAndProcessModules :: [Flag] -> [String]
......@@ -444,14 +466,10 @@ readInterfaceFiles name_cache_accessor pairs bypass_version_check = do
-- | Start a GHC session with the -haddock flag set. Also turn off
-- compilation and linking. Then run the given 'Ghc' action.
withGhc' :: String -> [String] -> (DynFlags -> Ghc a) -> IO a
withGhc' libDir flags ghcActs = runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
dynflags <- getSessionDynFlags
dynflags' <- parseGhcFlags (gopt_set dynflags Opt_Haddock) {
hscTarget = HscNothing,
ghcMode = CompManager,
ghcLink = NoLink
withGhc' :: String -> Bool -> [String] -> (DynFlags -> Ghc a) -> IO a
withGhc' libDir needHieFiles flags ghcActs = runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
dynflags' <- parseGhcFlags =<< getSessionDynFlags
-- We disable pattern match warnings because than can be very
-- expensive to check
let dynflags'' = unsetPatternMatchWarnings $
......@@ -482,11 +500,19 @@ withGhc' libDir flags ghcActs = runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
parseGhcFlags dynflags = do
-- TODO: handle warnings?
let flags' = filterRtsFlags flags
(dynflags', rest, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags (map noLoc flags')
let extra_opts | needHieFiles = [Opt_WriteHie, Opt_Haddock]
| otherwise = [Opt_Haddock]
dynflags' = (foldl' gopt_set dynflags extra_opts)
{ hscTarget = HscNothing
, ghcMode = CompManager
, ghcLink = NoLink
flags' = filterRtsFlags flags
(dynflags'', rest, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags' (map noLoc flags')
if not (null rest)
then throwE ("Couldn't parse GHC options: " ++ unwords flags')
else return dynflags'
else return dynflags''
unsetPatternMatchWarnings :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
unsetPatternMatchWarnings dflags =
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker
( ppHyperlinkedSource
, module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
......@@ -8,15 +9,24 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils (writeUtf8File)
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils
import Text.XHtml hiding ((</>))
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils ( renderToString )
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import HieTypes ( HieFile(..), HieASTs(..) )
import HieBin ( readHieFile )
import Data.Map as M
import FastString ( mkFastString )
import Module ( Module, moduleName )
import NameCache ( initNameCache )
import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
import SysTools.Info ( getCompilerInfo' )
-- | Generate hyperlinked source for given interfaces.
......@@ -27,10 +37,10 @@ ppHyperlinkedSource :: FilePath -- ^ Output directory
-> FilePath -- ^ Resource directory
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Custom CSS file path
-> Bool -- ^ Flag indicating whether to pretty-print HTML
-> SrcMap -- ^ Paths to sources
-> M.Map Module SrcPath -- ^ Paths to sources
-> [Interface] -- ^ Interfaces for which we create source
-> IO ()
ppHyperlinkedSource outdir libdir mstyle pretty srcs ifaces = do
ppHyperlinkedSource outdir libdir mstyle pretty srcs' ifaces = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True srcdir
let cssFile = fromMaybe (defaultCssFile libdir) mstyle
copyFile cssFile $ srcdir </> srcCssFile
......@@ -39,17 +49,39 @@ ppHyperlinkedSource outdir libdir mstyle pretty srcs ifaces = do
mapM_ (ppHyperlinkedModuleSource srcdir pretty srcs) ifaces
srcdir = outdir </> hypSrcDir
srcs = (srcs', M.mapKeys moduleName srcs')
-- | Generate hyperlinked source for particular interface.
ppHyperlinkedModuleSource :: FilePath -> Bool -> SrcMap -> Interface
-> IO ()
ppHyperlinkedModuleSource srcdir pretty srcs iface =
case ifaceTokenizedSrc iface of
Just tokens -> writeUtf8File path . html . render' $ tokens
Nothing -> return ()
ppHyperlinkedModuleSource :: FilePath -> Bool -> SrcMaps -> Interface -> IO ()
ppHyperlinkedModuleSource srcdir pretty srcs iface = case ifaceHieFile iface of
Just hfp -> do
-- Parse the GHC-produced HIE file
u <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'a'
HieFile { hie_hs_file = file
, hie_asts = HieASTs asts
, hie_types = types
, hie_hs_src = rawSrc
} <- fmap fst (readHieFile (initNameCache u []) hfp)
comp <- getCompilerInfo' df
-- Get the AST and tokens corresponding to the source file we want
let mast | M.size asts == 1 = snd <$> M.lookupMin asts
| otherwise = M.lookup (mkFastString file) asts
tokens = parse comp df file rawSrc
-- Produce and write out the hyperlinked sources
case mast of
Just ast ->
let fullAst = recoverFullIfaceTypes df types ast
in writeUtf8File path . renderToString pretty . render' fullAst $ tokens
| M.size asts == 0 -> return ()
| otherwise -> error $ unwords [ "couldn't find ast for"
, file, show (M.keys asts) ]
Nothing -> return ()
df = ifaceDynFlags iface
render' = render (Just srcCssFile) (Just highlightScript) srcs
html = if pretty then renderHtml else showHtml
path = srcdir </> hypSrcModuleFile (ifaceMod iface)
-- | Name of CSS file in output directory.
......@@ -63,3 +95,4 @@ highlightScript = "highlight.js"
-- | Path to default CSS file.
defaultCssFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
defaultCssFile libdir = libdir </> "html" </> "solarized.css"
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast (enrich) where
import qualified Haddock.Syb as Syb
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
import qualified GHC
import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified Outputable as GHC
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (span)
everythingInRenamedSource :: (Alternative f, Data x)
=> (forall a. Data a => a -> f r) -> x -> f r
everythingInRenamedSource f = Syb.everythingButType @GHC.Name (<|>) f
-- | Add more detailed information to token stream using GHC API.
enrich :: GHC.RenamedSource -> [Token] -> [RichToken]
enrich src =
map $ \token -> RichToken
{ rtkToken = token
, rtkDetails = enrichToken token detailsMap
detailsMap =
mkDetailsMap (concatMap ($ src)
[ variables
, types
, decls
, binds
, imports
type LTokenDetails = [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)]
-- | A map containing association between source locations and "details" of
-- this location.
type DetailsMap = Map.Map Position (Span, TokenDetails)
mkDetailsMap :: [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)] -> DetailsMap
mkDetailsMap xs =
Map.fromListWith select_details [ (start, (span, token_details))
| (ghc_span, token_details) <- xs
, GHC.RealSrcSpan span <- [ghc_span]
, let start = SrcLoc.realSrcSpanStart span
-- favour token details which appear earlier in the list
select_details _new old = old
lookupBySpan :: Span -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails
lookupBySpan span details = do
let pos = SrcLoc.realSrcSpanStart span
(_, (tok_span, tok_details)) <- Map.lookupLE pos details
guard (tok_span `SrcLoc.containsSpan` span)
return tok_details
enrichToken :: Token -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails
enrichToken (Token typ _ spn) dm
| typ `elem` [TkIdentifier, TkOperator] = lookupBySpan spn dm
enrichToken _ _ = Nothing
-- | Obtain details map for variables ("normally" used identifiers).
variables :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
variables =
everythingInRenamedSource (var `Syb.combine` rec)
var term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsVar _ name))
:: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkVar (GHC.unLoc name))
(Just (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.RecordCon _
(GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
_ -> empty
rec term = case cast term of
Just (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name)
(_ :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcRn) _) ->
pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
_ -> empty
-- | Obtain details map for types.
types :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
types = everythingInRenamedSource ty
ty :: forall a. Data a => a -> [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)]
ty term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsTyVar _ _ name))
:: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name))
(Just ((GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsOpTy _ l name r))
:: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
(sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name)):(ty l ++ ty r)
_ -> empty
-- | Obtain details map for identifier bindings.
-- That includes both identifiers bound by pattern matching or declared using
-- ordinary assignment (in top-level declarations, let-expressions and where
-- clauses).
binds :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
binds = everythingInRenamedSource
(fun `Syb.combine` pat `Syb.combine` tvar)
fun term = case cast term of
(Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _
:: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
(Just (GHC.PatSynBind _
(GHC.PSB _ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) args _ _))) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
++ everythingInRenamedSource patsyn_binds args
_ -> empty
patsyn_binds term = case cast term of
(Just (GHC.L sspan (name :: GHC.Name))) ->
pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
_ -> empty
pat term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan (GHC.VarPat _ name))
:: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name))
(Just (GHC.dL->GHC.L _
(GHC.ConPatIn (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) recs))) ->
[(sspan, RtkVar name)] ++ everythingInRenamedSource rec recs
(Just (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.AsPat _ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
_ -> empty
rec term = case cast term of
(Just (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name)
(_ :: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn) _)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
_ -> empty
tvar term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan (GHC.UserTyVar _ name))
:: GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name))
(Just (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.KindedTyVar _ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
_ -> empty
-- | Obtain details map for top-level declarations.
decls :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
[ concat . map typ . concat . map GHC.group_tyclds . GHC.hs_tyclds
, everythingInRenamedSource fun . GHC.hs_valds
, everythingInRenamedSource fix . GHC.hs_fixds
, everythingInRenamedSource (con `Syb.combine` ins)
typ (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ t) = case t of
GHC.DataDecl { tcdLName = name } -> pure . decl $ name
GHC.SynDecl _ name _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name
GHC.FamDecl _ fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam
GHC.ClassDecl{..} ->
[decl tcdLName]
++ concatMap sig tcdSigs
++ concatMap tyfam tcdATs
GHC.XTyClDecl {} -> GHC.panic "haddock:decls"
fun term = case cast term of
(Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _
:: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn))
| GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
(Just (GHC.PatSynBind _ (GHC.PSB _ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _)))
| GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
_ -> empty
con term = case cast term of
(Just (cdcl :: GHC.ConDecl GHC.GhcRn)) ->
map decl (GHC.getConNames cdcl)
++ everythingInRenamedSource fld cdcl
Nothing -> empty
ins term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.DataFamInstD _ (GHC.DataFamInstDecl eqn))
:: GHC.InstDecl GHC.GhcRn))
-> pure . tyref $ GHC.feqn_tycon $ GHC.hsib_body eqn
(Just (GHC.TyFamInstD _ (GHC.TyFamInstDecl eqn))) ->
pure . tyref $ GHC.feqn_tycon $ GHC.hsib_body eqn
_ -> empty
fld term = case cast term of
Just (field :: GHC.ConDeclField GHC.GhcRn)
-> map (decl . fmap GHC.extFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field
Nothing -> empty
fix term = case cast term of
Just ((GHC.FixitySig _ names _) :: GHC.FixitySig GHC.GhcRn)
-> map (\(GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan x) -> (sspan, RtkVar x)) names
Just ((GHC.XFixitySig {}) :: GHC.FixitySig GHC.GhcRn)
-> GHC.panic "haddock:decls"
Nothing -> empty
tyfam (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.FamilyDecl{..})) = [decl fdLName]
tyfam (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.XFamilyDecl {})) = GHC.panic "haddock:dels"
tyfam _ = GHC.panic "tyfam: Impossible Match"
sig (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig _ names _)) = map decl names
sig (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.PatSynSig _ names _)) = map decl names
sig (GHC.dL->GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassOpSig _ _ names _)) = map decl names
sig _ = []
decl (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkDecl name)
tyref (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
-- | Obtain details map for import declarations.
-- This map also includes type and variable details for items in export and
-- import lists.
imports :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
imports src@(_, imps, _, _) =
everythingInRenamedSource ie src ++ mapMaybe (imp . GHC.unLoc) imps
ie term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.IEVar _ v) :: GHC.IE GHC.GhcRn)) -> pure $ var
$ GHC.ieLWrappedName v
(Just (GHC.IEThingAbs _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
(Just (GHC.IEThingAll _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
(Just (GHC.IEThingWith _ t _ vs _fls)) ->
[typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t] ++ map (var . GHC.ieLWrappedName) vs
(Just (GHC.IEModuleContents _ m)) -> pure $ modu m
_ -> empty
typ (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
var (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkVar name)
modu (GHC.dL->GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkModule name)
imp idecl
| not . GHC.ideclImplicit $ idecl = Just (modu (GHC.ideclName idecl))
| otherwise = Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser (parse) where
import Data.Either ( isRight, isLeft )
import Data.List ( foldl', isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList )
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import qualified Text.Read as R
import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
import GHC ( DynFlags, addSourceToTokens )
import SrcLoc
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
import BasicTypes ( IntegralLit(..) )
import DynFlags
import qualified EnumSet as E
import ErrUtils ( emptyMessages )
import FastString ( mkFastString )
import StringBuffer ( stringToStringBuffer )
import Lexer ( Token(..) )
import qualified Lexer as L
import Lexer ( P(..), ParseResult(..), PState(..), Token(..)
, mkPStatePure, lexer, mkParserFlags' )
import Outputable ( showSDoc, panic )
import SrcLoc
import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer, atEnd )
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types as T
import Haddock.GhcUtils
-- | Turn source code string into a stream of more descriptive tokens.
-- Result should retain original file layout (including comments, whitespace,
-- etc.), i.e. the following "law" should hold:
-- prop> concat . map tkValue . parse = id
-- (In reality, this only holds for input not containing '\r', '\t', '\f', '\v',
-- characters, since GHC transforms those into ' ' and '\n')
parse :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> [T.Token]
parse dflags fp = ghcToks . processCPP dflags fp . filterCRLF
-- Result should retain original file layout (including comments,
-- whitespace, and CPP).
:: CompilerInfo -- ^ Underlying CC compiler (whatever expanded CPP)
-> DynFlags -- ^ Flags for this module
-> FilePath -- ^ Path to the source of this module
-> BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw UTF-8 encoded source of this module
-> [T.Token]
parse comp dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of
POk _ toks -> reverse toks
PFailed _ ss errMsg -> panic $ "Hyperlinker parse error at " ++ show ss ++
": " ++ showSDoc dflags errMsg
-- Remove CRLFs from source
filterCRLF :: String -> String
filterCRLF ('\r':'\n':cs) = '\n' : filterCRLF cs
filterCRLF (c:cs) = c : filterCRLF cs
filterCRLF [] = []
-- | Parse the source into tokens using the GHC lexer.
initState = mkPStatePure pflags buf start
buf = stringBufferFromByteString bs
start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString fpath) 1 1
needPragHack' = needPragHack comp dflags
pflags = mkParserFlags' (warningFlags dflags)
(extensionFlags dflags)
(thisPackage dflags)
(safeImportsOn dflags)
False -- lex Haddocks as comment tokens
True -- produce comment tokens
False -- produce position pragmas tokens
go :: Bool -- ^ are we currently in a pragma?
-> [T.Token] -- ^ tokens accumulated so far (in reverse)
-> P [T.Token]
go inPrag toks = do
(b, _) <- getInput
if not (atEnd b)
then do
(newToks, inPrag') <- parseCppLine <|> parsePlainTok inPrag <|> unknownLine
go inPrag' (newToks ++ toks)
pure toks
-- | Like 'Lexer.lexer', but slower, with a better API, and filtering out empty tokens
wrappedLexer :: P (RealLocated Lexer.Token)
wrappedLexer = Lexer.lexer False andThen
where andThen (L (RealSrcSpan s) t)
| srcSpanStartLine s /= srcSpanEndLine s ||
srcSpanStartCol s /= srcSpanEndCol s
= pure (L s t)
andThen (L (RealSrcSpan s) ITeof) = pure (L s ITeof)
andThen _ = wrappedLexer
-- | Try to parse a CPP line (can fail)
parseCppLine :: P ([T.Token], Bool)
parseCppLine = do
(b, l) <- getInput
case tryCppLine l b of
Just (cppBStr, l', b')
-> let cppTok = T.Token { tkType = TkCpp
, tkValue = cppBStr
, tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan l l' }
in setInput (b', l') *> pure ([cppTok], False)
_ -> empty
-- | Try to parse a regular old token (can fail)
parsePlainTok :: Bool -> P ([T.Token], Bool) -- return list is only ever 0-2 elements
parsePlainTok inPrag = do
(bInit, lInit) <- getInput
L sp tok <- Lexer.lexer False return
(bEnd, _) <- getInput
case sp of
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure ([], False) -- pretend the token never existed
RealSrcSpan rsp -> do
let typ = if inPrag then TkPragma else classify tok
RealSrcLoc lStart = srcSpanStart sp -- safe since @sp@ is real
(spaceBStr, bStart) = spanPosition lInit lStart bInit
inPragDef = inPragma inPrag tok
(bEnd', inPrag') <- case tok of
-- Update internal line + file position if this is a LINE pragma
ITline_prag _ -> tryOrElse (bEnd, inPragDef) $ do
L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = line })) <- wrappedLexer
L _ (ITstring _ file) <- wrappedLexer
L spF ITclose_prag <- wrappedLexer
let newLoc = mkRealSrcLoc file (fromIntegral line - 1) (srcSpanEndCol spF)
(bEnd'', _) <- getInput
setInput (bEnd'', newLoc)
pure (bEnd'', False)
-- Update internal column position if this is a COLUMN pragma
ITcolumn_prag _ -> tryOrElse (bEnd, inPragDef) $ do
L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = col })) <- wrappedLexer
L spF ITclose_prag <- wrappedLexer
let newLoc = mkRealSrcLoc (srcSpanFile spF) (srcSpanEndLine spF) (fromIntegral col)
(bEnd'', _) <- getInput
setInput (bEnd'', newLoc)
pure (bEnd'', False)
-- See 'needPragHack'
| needPragHack'
, '\n' `BSC.elem` spaceBStr
-> getInput >>= \(b,p) -> setInput (b,advanceSrcLoc p '\n') >> pure (bEnd, False)
_ -> pure (bEnd, inPragDef)
let tokBStr = splitStringBuffer bStart bEnd'
plainTok = T.Token { tkType = typ
, tkValue = tokBStr
, tkSpan = rsp }
spaceTok = T.Token { tkType = TkSpace
, tkValue = spaceBStr
, tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan lInit lStart }
pure (plainTok : [ spaceTok | not (BS.null spaceBStr) ], inPrag')
-- | Parse whatever remains of the line as an unknown token (can't fail)
unknownLine :: P ([T.Token], Bool)
unknownLine = do
(b, l) <- getInput
let (unkBStr, l', b') = spanLine l b
unkTok = T.Token { tkType = TkUnknown
, tkValue = unkBStr
, tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan l l' }
setInput (b', l')
pure ([unkTok], False)
-- | This is really, really, /really/ gross. Problem: consider a Haskell
-- file that looks like:
-- * CPP lines are removed and reinserted as line-comments
-- * top-level file pragmas are parsed as block comments (see the
-- 'ITblockComment' case of 'classify' for more details)
-- @
-- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
-- module SomeMod where
processCPP :: DynFlags -- ^ GHC's flags
-> FilePath -- ^ source file name (for position information)
-> String -- ^ source file contents
-> [(Located L.Token, String)]
processCPP dflags fpath s = addSrc . go start . splitCPP $ s
start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString fpath) 1 1
addSrc = addSourceToTokens start (stringToStringBuffer s)
-- Transform a list of Haskell/CPP lines into a list of tokens
go :: RealSrcLoc -> [Either String String] -> [Located L.Token]
go _ [] = []
go pos ls =
let (hLinesRight, ls') = span isRight ls
(cppLinesLeft, rest) = span isLeft ls'
hSrc = concat [ hLine | Right hLine <- hLinesRight ]
cppSrc = concat [ cppLine | Left cppLine <- cppLinesLeft ]
in case L.lexTokenStream (stringToStringBuffer hSrc) pos dflags of
-- Stuff that fails to lex gets turned into comments
L.PFailed _ _ss _msg ->
let (src_pos, failed) = mkToken ITunknown pos hSrc
(new_pos, cpp) = mkToken ITlineComment src_pos cppSrc
in failed : cpp : go new_pos rest
-- Successfully lexed
L.POk ss toks ->
let (new_pos, cpp) = mkToken ITlineComment (L.loc ss) cppSrc
in toks ++ [cpp] ++ go new_pos rest
-- Manually make a token from a 'String', advancing the cursor position
mkToken tok start' str =
let end = foldl' advanceSrcLoc start' str
in (end, L (RealSrcSpan $ mkRealSrcSpan start' end) (tok str))
-- | Split apart the initial file into Haskell source lines ('Left' entries) and
-- CPP lines ('Right' entries).
-- #define SIX 6
-- {-# INLINE foo
-- #-}
-- foo = 1
-- @
-- All characters in the input are present in the output:
-- Clang's CPP replaces the @#define SIX 6@ line with an empty line (as it
-- should), but get confused about @#-}@. I'm guessing it /starts/ by
-- parsing that as a pre-processor directive and, when it fails to, it just
-- leaves the line alone. HOWEVER, it still adds an extra newline. =.=
-- prop> concat . map (either id id) . splitCPP = id
splitCPP :: String -> [Either String String]
splitCPP "" = []
splitCPP s | isCPPline s = Left l : splitCPP rest
| otherwise = Right l : splitCPP rest
-- This function makes sure that the Hyperlinker backend also adds that
-- extra newline (or else our spans won't line up with GHC's anymore).
needPragHack :: CompilerInfo -> DynFlags -> Bool
needPragHack comp dflags = isCcClang && E.member Cpp (extensionFlags dflags)
~(l, rest) = spanToNewline 0 s
isCcClang = case comp of
GCC -> False
Clang -> True
AppleClang -> True
AppleClang51 -> True
UnknownCC -> False
-- | Get the input
getInput :: P (StringBuffer, RealSrcLoc)
getInput = P $ \p @ PState { buffer = buf, loc = srcLoc } -> POk p (buf, srcLoc)
-- | Heuristic to decide if a line is going to be a CPP line. This should be a
-- cheap operation since it is going to be run on every line being processed.
-- Right now it just checks if the first non-whitespace character in the first
-- five characters of the line is a '#':
-- >>> isCPPline "#define FOO 1"
-- True
-- >>> isCPPline "\t\t #ifdef GHC"
-- True
-- >>> isCPPline " #endif"
-- False
isCPPline :: String -> Bool
isCPPline = isPrefixOf "#" . dropWhile (`elem` " \t") . take 5
-- | Set the input
setInput :: (StringBuffer, RealSrcLoc) -> P ()
setInput (buf, srcLoc) = P $ \p -> POk (p { buffer = buf, loc = srcLoc }) ()
-- | Split a "line" off the front of a string, hopefully without cutting tokens
-- in half. I say "hopefully" because knowing what a token is requires lexing,
-- yet lexing depends on this function.
-- All characters in the input are present in the output:
-- prop> curry (++) . spanToNewLine 0 = id
spanToNewline :: Int -- ^ open '{-'
-> String -- ^ input
-> (String, String)
-- Base case and space characters
spanToNewline _ "" = ("", "")
spanToNewline n ('\n':str) | n <= 0 = ("\n", str)
spanToNewline n ('\n':str) | n <= 0 = ("\n", str)
spanToNewline n ('\\':'\n':str) =
let (str', rest) = spanToNewline n str
in ('\\':'\n':str', rest)
-- Block comments
spanToNewline n ('{':'-':str) =
let (str', rest) = spanToNewline (n+1) str
in ('{':'-':str', rest)
spanToNewline n ('-':'}':str) =
let (str', rest) = spanToNewline (n-1) str
in ('-':'}':str', rest)
-- When not in a block comment, try to lex a Haskell token
spanToNewline 0 str@(c:_) | ((lexed, str') : _) <- R.lex str, not (isSpace c) =
if all (== '-') lexed && length lexed >= 2
-- A Haskell line comment
then case span (/= '\n') str' of
(str'', '\n':rest) -> (lexed ++ str'' ++ "\n", rest)
(_, _) -> (str, "")
-- An actual Haskell token
else let (str'', rest) = spanToNewline 0 str'
in (lexed ++ str'', rest)
-- In all other cases, advance one character at a time
spanToNewline n (c:str) =
let (str', rest) = spanToNewline n str
in (c:str', rest)
-- | Turn a list of GHC's 'L.Token' (and their source 'String') into a list of
-- Haddock's 'T.Token'.
ghcToks :: [(Located L.Token, String)] -> [T.Token]
ghcToks = reverse . (\(_,ts,_) -> ts) . foldl' go (start, [], False)
start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString "lexing") 1 1
go :: (RealSrcLoc, [T.Token], Bool)
-- ^ current position, tokens accumulated, currently in pragma (or not)
-> (Located L.Token, String)
-- ^ next token, its content
-> (RealSrcLoc, [T.Token], Bool)
-- ^ new position, new tokens accumulated, currently in pragma (or not)
go (pos, toks, in_prag) (L l tok, raw) =
( next_pos
, classifiedTok ++ maybeToList white ++ toks
, inPragma in_prag tok
(next_pos, white) = mkWhitespace pos l
classifiedTok = [ Token (classify' tok) raw rss
| RealSrcSpan rss <- [l]
, not (null raw)
classify' | in_prag = const TkPragma
| otherwise = classify
-- | Find the correct amount of whitespace between tokens.
mkWhitespace :: RealSrcLoc -> SrcSpan -> (RealSrcLoc, Maybe T.Token)
mkWhitespace prev spn =
case spn of
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> (prev,Nothing)
RealSrcSpan s | null wsstring -> (end, Nothing)
| otherwise -> (end, Just (Token TkSpace wsstring wsspan))
start = realSrcSpanStart s
end = realSrcSpanEnd s
wsspan = mkRealSrcSpan prev start
nls = srcLocLine start - srcLocLine prev
spaces = if nls == 0 then srcLocCol start - srcLocCol prev
else srcLocCol start - 1
wsstring = replicate nls '\n' ++ replicate spaces ' '
-- | Orphan instance that adds backtracking to 'P'
instance Alternative P where
empty = P $ \_ -> PFailed (const emptyMessages) noSrcSpan "Alterative.empty"
P x <|> P y = P $ \s -> case x s of { p@POk{} -> p
; _ -> y s }
-- | Try a parser. If it fails, backtrack and return the pure value.
tryOrElse :: a -> P a -> P a
tryOrElse x p = p <|> pure x
-- | Classify given tokens as appropriate Haskell token type.
classify :: L.Token -> TokenType
classify :: Lexer.Token -> TokenType
classify tok =
case tok of
ITas -> TkKeyword
......@@ -382,12 +381,7 @@ classify tok =
ITunknown {} -> TkUnknown
ITeof -> TkUnknown
-- Line comments are only supposed to start with '--'. Starting with '#'
-- means that this was probably a CPP.
ITlineComment s
| isCPPline s -> TkCpp
| otherwise -> TkComment
ITlineComment {} -> TkComment
ITdocCommentNext {} -> TkComment
ITdocCommentPrev {} -> TkComment
ITdocCommentNamed {} -> TkComment
......@@ -404,9 +398,9 @@ classify tok =
| otherwise -> TkComment
-- | Classify given tokens as beginning pragmas (or not).
inPragma :: Bool -- ^ currently in pragma
-> L.Token -- ^ current token
-> Bool -- ^ new information about whether we are in a pragma
inPragma :: Bool -- ^ currently in pragma
-> Lexer.Token -- ^ current token
-> Bool -- ^ new information about whether we are in a pragma
inPragma _ ITclose_prag = False
inPragma True _ = True
inPragma False tok =
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer (render) where
......@@ -6,15 +10,19 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer (render) where
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils
import qualified GHC
import qualified Name as GHC
import qualified Unique as GHC
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import HieTypes
import Module ( ModuleName, moduleNameString )
import Name ( getOccString, isInternalName, Name, nameModule, nameUnique )
import SrcLoc
import Unique ( getKey )
import Encoding ( utf8DecodeByteString )
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.XHtml (Html, HtmlAttr, (!))
import qualified Text.XHtml as Html
......@@ -22,22 +30,24 @@ import qualified Text.XHtml as Html
type StyleClass = String
-- | Produce the HTML corresponding to a hyperlinked Haskell source
:: Maybe FilePath -- ^ path to the CSS file
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ path to the JS file
-> SrcMaps -- ^ Paths to sources
-> HieAST PrintedType -- ^ ASTs from @.hie@ files
-> [Token] -- ^ tokens to render
-> Html
render mcss mjs srcs ast tokens = header mcss mjs <> body srcs ast tokens
render :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> SrcMap -> [RichToken]
-> Html
render mcss mjs srcs tokens = header mcss mjs <> body srcs tokens
body :: SrcMap -> [RichToken] -> Html
body srcs tokens = Html.body . Html.pre $ hypsrc
body :: SrcMaps -> HieAST PrintedType -> [Token] -> Html
body srcs ast tokens = Html.body . Html.pre $ hypsrc
hypsrc = mconcat . map (richToken srcs) $ tokens
hypsrc = renderWithAst srcs ast tokens
header :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Html
header mcss mjs
| isNothing mcss && isNothing mjs = Html.noHtml
header mcss mjs =
Html.header $ css mcss <> js mjs
header Nothing Nothing = Html.noHtml
header mcss mjs = Html.header $ css mcss <> js mjs
css Nothing = Html.noHtml
css (Just cssFile) = Html.thelink Html.noHtml !
......@@ -51,25 +61,132 @@ header mcss mjs =
, Html.src scriptFile
splitTokens :: HieAST PrintedType -> [Token] -> ([Token],[Token],[Token])
splitTokens ast toks = (before,during,after)
(before,rest) = span leftOf toks
(during,after) = span inAst rest
leftOf t = realSrcSpanEnd (tkSpan t) <= realSrcSpanStart nodeSp
inAst t = nodeSp `containsSpan` tkSpan t
nodeSp = nodeSpan ast
-- | Turn a list of tokens into hyperlinked sources, threading in relevant link
-- information from the 'HieAST'.
renderWithAst :: SrcMaps -> HieAST PrintedType -> [Token] -> Html
renderWithAst srcs Node{..} toks = anchored $ case toks of
[tok] | nodeSpan == tkSpan tok -> richToken srcs nodeInfo tok
-- NB: the GHC lexer lexes backquoted identifiers and parenthesized operators
-- as multiple tokens.
-- * @a `elem` b@ turns into @[a, `, elem, `, b]@ (excluding space tokens)
-- * @(+) 1 2@ turns into @[(, +, ), 1, 2]@ (excluding space tokens)
-- However, the HIE ast considers @`elem`@ and @(+)@ to be single nodes. In
-- order to make sure these get hyperlinked properly, we intercept these
-- special sequences of tokens and merge them into just one identifier or
-- operator token.
[BacktickTok s1, tok @ Token{ tkType = TkIdentifier }, BacktickTok s2]
| realSrcSpanStart s1 == realSrcSpanStart nodeSpan
, realSrcSpanEnd s2 == realSrcSpanEnd nodeSpan
-> richToken srcs nodeInfo
(Token{ tkValue = "`" <> tkValue tok <> "`"
, tkType = TkOperator
, tkSpan = nodeSpan })
[OpenParenTok s1, tok @ Token{ tkType = TkOperator }, CloseParenTok s2]
| realSrcSpanStart s1 == realSrcSpanStart nodeSpan
, realSrcSpanEnd s2 == realSrcSpanEnd nodeSpan
-> richToken srcs nodeInfo
(Token{ tkValue = "(" <> tkValue tok <> ")"
, tkType = TkOperator
, tkSpan = nodeSpan })
_ -> go nodeChildren toks
go _ [] = mempty
go [] xs = foldMap renderToken xs
go (cur:rest) xs =
foldMap renderToken before <> renderWithAst srcs cur during <> go rest after
(before,during,after) = splitTokens cur xs
anchored c = Map.foldrWithKey anchorOne c (nodeIdentifiers nodeInfo)
anchorOne n dets c = externalAnchor n d $ internalAnchor n d c
where d = identInfo dets
renderToken :: Token -> Html
renderToken Token{..}
| BS.null tkValue = mempty
| tkType == TkSpace = renderSpace (srcSpanStartLine tkSpan) tkValue'
| otherwise = tokenSpan ! [ multiclass style ]
tkValue' = filterCRLF $ utf8DecodeByteString tkValue
style = tokenStyle tkType
tokenSpan = Html.thespan (Html.toHtml tkValue')
-- | Given information about the source position of definitions, render a token
richToken :: SrcMap -> RichToken -> Html
richToken srcs (RichToken Token{..} details)
| tkType == TkSpace = renderSpace (GHC.srcSpanStartLine tkSpan) tkValue
| otherwise = linked content
richToken :: SrcMaps -> NodeInfo PrintedType -> Token -> Html
richToken srcs details Token{..}
| tkType == TkSpace = renderSpace (srcSpanStartLine tkSpan) tkValue'
| otherwise = annotate details $ linked content
tkValue' = filterCRLF $ utf8DecodeByteString tkValue
content = tokenSpan ! [ multiclass style ]
tokenSpan = Html.thespan (Html.toHtml tkValue)
style = tokenStyle tkType ++ maybe [] richTokenStyle details
tokenSpan = Html.thespan (Html.toHtml tkValue')
style = tokenStyle tkType ++ concatMap (richTokenStyle (null (nodeType details))) contexts
contexts = concatMap (Set.elems . identInfo) . Map.elems . nodeIdentifiers $ details
-- pick an arbitary identifier to hyperlink with
identDet = Map.lookupMin . nodeIdentifiers $ details
-- If we have name information, we can make links
linked = case details of
Just d -> externalAnchor d . internalAnchor d . hyperlink srcs d
linked = case identDet of
Just (n,_) -> hyperlink srcs n
Nothing -> id
richTokenStyle :: TokenDetails -> [StyleClass]
richTokenStyle (RtkVar _) = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle (RtkType _) = ["hs-type"]
richTokenStyle _ = []
-- | Remove CRLFs from source
filterCRLF :: String -> String
filterCRLF ('\r':'\n':cs) = '\n' : filterCRLF cs
filterCRLF (c:cs) = c : filterCRLF cs
filterCRLF [] = []
annotate :: NodeInfo PrintedType -> Html -> Html
annotate ni content =
Html.thespan (annot <> content) ! [ Html.theclass "annot" ]
| not (null annotation) =
Html.thespan (Html.toHtml annotation) ! [ Html.theclass "annottext" ]
| otherwise = mempty
annotation = typ ++ identTyps
typ = unlines (nodeType ni)
typedIdents = [ (n,t) | (n, identType -> Just t) <- Map.toList $ nodeIdentifiers ni ]
| length typedIdents > 1 || null (nodeType ni)
= concatMap (\(n,t) -> printName n ++ " :: " ++ t ++ "\n") typedIdents
| otherwise = ""
printName :: Either ModuleName Name -> String
printName = either moduleNameString getOccString
:: Bool -- ^ are we lacking a type annotation?
-> ContextInfo -- ^ in what context did this token show up?
-> [StyleClass]
richTokenStyle True Use = ["hs-type"]
richTokenStyle False Use = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle _ RecField{} = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle _ PatternBind{} = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle _ MatchBind{} = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle _ TyVarBind{} = ["hs-type"]
richTokenStyle _ ValBind{} = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle _ TyDecl = ["hs-type"]
richTokenStyle _ ClassTyDecl{} = ["hs-type"]
richTokenStyle _ Decl{} = ["hs-var"]
richTokenStyle _ IEThing{} = [] -- could be either a value or type
tokenStyle :: TokenType -> [StyleClass]
tokenStyle TkIdentifier = ["hs-identifier"]
......@@ -87,61 +204,70 @@ tokenStyle TkPragma = ["hs-pragma"]
tokenStyle TkUnknown = []
multiclass :: [StyleClass] -> HtmlAttr
multiclass = Html.theclass . intercalate " "
multiclass = Html.theclass . unwords
externalAnchor :: Identifier -> Set.Set ContextInfo -> Html -> Html
externalAnchor (Right name) contexts content
| not (isInternalName name)
, any isBinding contexts
= Html.thespan content ! [ Html.identifier $ externalAnchorIdent name ]
externalAnchor _ _ content = content
externalAnchor :: TokenDetails -> Html -> Html
externalAnchor (RtkDecl name) content =
Html.anchor content ! [ $ externalAnchorIdent name ]
externalAnchor _ content = content
isBinding :: ContextInfo -> Bool
isBinding (ValBind RegularBind _ _) = True
isBinding PatternBind{} = True
isBinding Decl{} = True
isBinding (RecField RecFieldDecl _) = True
isBinding TyVarBind{} = True
isBinding ClassTyDecl{} = True
isBinding _ = False
internalAnchor :: TokenDetails -> Html -> Html
internalAnchor (RtkBind name) content =
Html.anchor content ! [ $ internalAnchorIdent name ]
internalAnchor _ content = content
internalAnchor :: Identifier -> Set.Set ContextInfo -> Html -> Html
internalAnchor (Right name) contexts content
| isInternalName name
, any isBinding contexts
= Html.thespan content ! [ Html.identifier $ internalAnchorIdent name ]
internalAnchor _ _ content = content
externalAnchorIdent :: GHC.Name -> String
externalAnchorIdent :: Name -> String
externalAnchorIdent = hypSrcNameUrl
internalAnchorIdent :: GHC.Name -> String
internalAnchorIdent = ("local-" ++) . show . GHC.getKey . GHC.nameUnique
hyperlink :: SrcMap -> TokenDetails -> Html -> Html
hyperlink srcs details = case rtkName details of
Left name ->
if GHC.isInternalName name
then internalHyperlink name
else externalNameHyperlink srcs name
Right name -> externalModHyperlink srcs name
internalHyperlink :: GHC.Name -> Html -> Html
internalHyperlink name content =
Html.anchor content ! [ Html.href $ "#" ++ internalAnchorIdent name ]
externalNameHyperlink :: SrcMap -> GHC.Name -> Html -> Html
externalNameHyperlink srcs name content = case Map.lookup mdl srcs of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name ]
Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ path </> hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name ]
Nothing -> content
internalAnchorIdent :: Name -> String
internalAnchorIdent = ("local-" ++) . show . getKey . nameUnique
-- | Generate the HTML hyperlink for an identifier
hyperlink :: SrcMaps -> Identifier -> Html -> Html
hyperlink (srcs, srcs') ident = case ident of
Right name | isInternalName name -> internalHyperlink name
| otherwise -> externalNameHyperlink name
Left name -> externalModHyperlink name
mdl = GHC.nameModule name
internalHyperlink name content =
Html.anchor content ! [ Html.href $ "#" ++ internalAnchorIdent name ]
externalNameHyperlink name content = case Map.lookup mdl srcs of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name ]
Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ spliceURL Nothing (Just mdl) (Just name) Nothing (".." </> path) ]
Nothing -> content
mdl = nameModule name
externalModHyperlink :: SrcMap -> GHC.ModuleName -> Html -> Html
externalModHyperlink srcs name content =
let srcs' = Map.mapKeys GHC.moduleName srcs in
case Map.lookup name srcs' of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleUrl' name ]
Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ path </> hypSrcModuleUrl' name ]
Nothing -> content
externalModHyperlink moduleName content =
case Map.lookup moduleName srcs' of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleUrl' moduleName ]
Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ spliceURL' Nothing (Just moduleName) Nothing Nothing (".." </> path) ]
Nothing -> content
renderSpace :: Int -> String -> Html
renderSpace _ [] = Html.noHtml
renderSpace line ('\n':rest) = mconcat
[ Html.thespan . Html.toHtml $ "\n"
renderSpace !_ "" = Html.noHtml
renderSpace !line ('\n':rest) = mconcat
[ Html.thespan (Html.toHtml '\n')
, lineAnchor (line + 1)
, renderSpace (line + 1) rest
......@@ -151,4 +277,4 @@ renderSpace line space =
lineAnchor :: Int -> Html
lineAnchor line = Html.anchor Html.noHtml ! [ $ hypSrcLineUrl line ]
lineAnchor line = Html.thespan Html.noHtml ! [ Html.identifier $ hypSrcLineUrl line ]
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types where
import qualified GHC
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.Map (Map)
data Token = Token
{ tkType :: TokenType
, tkValue :: String
, tkValue :: ByteString -- ^ UTF-8 encoded
, tkSpan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Span
deriving (Show)
pattern BacktickTok, OpenParenTok, CloseParenTok :: Span -> Token
pattern BacktickTok sp = Token TkSpecial "`" sp
pattern OpenParenTok sp = Token TkSpecial "(" sp
pattern CloseParenTok sp = Token TkSpecial ")" sp
type Position = GHC.RealSrcLoc
type Span = GHC.RealSrcSpan
......@@ -31,29 +38,6 @@ data TokenType
| TkUnknown
deriving (Show, Eq)
data RichToken = RichToken
{ rtkToken :: Token
, rtkDetails :: Maybe TokenDetails
data TokenDetails
= RtkVar GHC.Name
| RtkType GHC.Name
| RtkBind GHC.Name
| RtkDecl GHC.Name
| RtkModule GHC.ModuleName
deriving (Eq)
rtkName :: TokenDetails -> Either GHC.Name GHC.ModuleName
rtkName (RtkVar name) = Left name
rtkName (RtkType name) = Left name
rtkName (RtkBind name) = Left name
rtkName (RtkDecl name) = Left name
rtkName (RtkModule name) = Right name
-- | Path for making cross-package hyperlinks in generated sources.
-- Used in 'SrcMap' to determine whether module originates in current package
......@@ -63,5 +47,5 @@ data SrcPath
| SrcLocal
-- | Mapping from modules to cross-package source paths.
type SrcMap = Map GHC.Module SrcPath
type SrcMaps = (Map GHC.Module SrcPath, Map GHC.ModuleName SrcPath)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils
( hypSrcDir, hypSrcModuleFile, hypSrcModuleFile'
, hypSrcModuleUrl, hypSrcModuleUrl'
......@@ -6,21 +7,35 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils
, hypSrcModuleNameUrl, hypSrcModuleLineUrl
, hypSrcModuleUrlFormat
, hypSrcModuleNameUrlFormat, hypSrcModuleLineUrlFormat
) where
, spliceURL, spliceURL'
-- * HIE file processing
, PrintedType
, recoverFullIfaceTypes
) where
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
import GHC
import FastString
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import HieTypes ( HieAST(..), HieType(..), HieArgs(..), TypeIndex, HieTypeFlat )
import IfaceType
import Name ( getOccFS, getOccString )
import Outputable ( showSDoc )
import Var ( VarBndr(..) )
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), (<.>))
import qualified Data.Array as A
{-# INLINE hypSrcDir #-}
hypSrcDir :: FilePath
hypSrcDir = "src"
{-# INLINE hypSrcModuleFile #-}
hypSrcModuleFile :: Module -> FilePath
hypSrcModuleFile = hypSrcModuleFile' . moduleName
hypSrcModuleFile m = moduleNameString (moduleName m) <.> "html"
hypSrcModuleFile' :: ModuleName -> FilePath
hypSrcModuleFile' mdl = spliceURL'
......@@ -32,20 +47,19 @@ hypSrcModuleUrl = hypSrcModuleFile
hypSrcModuleUrl' :: ModuleName -> String
hypSrcModuleUrl' = hypSrcModuleFile'
{-# INLINE hypSrcNameUrl #-}
hypSrcNameUrl :: Name -> String
hypSrcNameUrl name = spliceURL
Nothing Nothing (Just name) Nothing nameFormat
hypSrcNameUrl = escapeStr . getOccString
{-# INLINE hypSrcLineUrl #-}
hypSrcLineUrl :: Int -> String
hypSrcLineUrl line = spliceURL
Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just spn) lineFormat
loc = mkSrcLoc nilFS line 1
spn = mkSrcSpan loc loc
hypSrcLineUrl line = "line-" ++ show line
{-# INLINE hypSrcModuleNameUrl #-}
hypSrcModuleNameUrl :: Module -> Name -> String
hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name = hypSrcModuleUrl mdl ++ "#" ++ hypSrcNameUrl name
{-# INLINE hypSrcModuleLineUrl #-}
hypSrcModuleLineUrl :: Module -> Int -> String
hypSrcModuleLineUrl mdl line = hypSrcModuleUrl mdl ++ "#" ++ hypSrcLineUrl line
......@@ -66,3 +80,65 @@ nameFormat = "%{NAME}"
lineFormat :: String
lineFormat = "line-%{LINE}"
-- * HIE file procesddsing
-- This belongs in GHC's HieUtils...
-- | Pretty-printed type, ready to be turned into HTML by @xhtml@
type PrintedType = String
-- | Expand the flattened HIE AST into one where the types printed out and
-- ready for end-users to look at.
-- Using just primitives found in GHC's HIE utilities, we could write this as
-- follows:
-- > 'recoverFullIfaceTypes' dflags hieTypes hieAst
-- > = 'fmap' (\ti -> 'showSDoc' df .
-- > 'pprIfaceType' $
-- > 'recoverFullType' ti hieTypes)
-- > hieAst
-- However, this is very inefficient (both in time and space) because the
-- mutliple calls to 'recoverFullType' don't share intermediate results. This
-- function fixes that.
:: DynFlags
-> A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat -- ^ flat types
-> HieAST TypeIndex -- ^ flattened AST
-> HieAST PrintedType -- ^ full AST
recoverFullIfaceTypes df flattened ast = fmap (printed A.!) ast
-- Splitting this out into its own array is also important: we don't want
-- to pretty print the same type many times
printed :: A.Array TypeIndex PrintedType
printed = fmap (showSDoc df . pprIfaceType) unflattened
-- The recursion in 'unflattened' is crucial - it's what gives us sharing
-- between the IfaceType's produced
unflattened :: A.Array TypeIndex IfaceType
unflattened = fmap (\flatTy -> go (fmap (unflattened A.!) flatTy)) flattened
-- Unfold an 'HieType' whose subterms have already been unfolded
go :: HieType IfaceType -> IfaceType
go (HTyVarTy n) = IfaceTyVar (getOccFS n)
go (HAppTy a b) = IfaceAppTy a (hieToIfaceArgs b)
go (HLitTy l) = IfaceLitTy l
go (HForAllTy ((n,k),af) t) = let b = (getOccFS n, k)
in IfaceForAllTy (Bndr (IfaceTvBndr b) af) t
go (HFunTy a b) = IfaceFunTy a b
go (HQualTy con b) = IfaceDFunTy con b
go (HCastTy a) = a
go HCoercionTy = IfaceTyVar "<coercion type>"
go (HTyConApp a xs) = IfaceTyConApp a (hieToIfaceArgs xs)
-- This isn't fully faithful - we can't produce the 'Inferred' case
hieToIfaceArgs :: HieArgs IfaceType -> IfaceAppArgs
hieToIfaceArgs (HieArgs args) = go' args
go' [] = IA_Nil
go' ((True ,x):xs) = IA_Arg x Required $ go' xs
go' ((False,x):xs) = IA_Arg x Specified $ go' xs
......@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ module Haddock.GhcUtils where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Haddock.Types( DocNameI )
import Exception
import Outputable
import Outputable ( Outputable, panic, showPpr )
import Name
import NameSet
import Module
......@@ -30,6 +32,14 @@ import HscTypes
import GHC
import Class
import DynFlags
import SrcLoc ( advanceSrcLoc )
import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer )
import qualified StringBuffer as S
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
moduleString :: Module -> String
......@@ -413,11 +423,129 @@ minimalDef n = do
setObjectDir, setHiDir, setStubDir, setOutputDir :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
setObjectDir, setHiDir, setHieDir, setStubDir, setOutputDir :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
setObjectDir f d = d{ objectDir = Just f}
setHiDir f d = d{ hiDir = Just f}
setHieDir f d = d{ hieDir = Just f}
setStubDir f d = d{ stubDir = Just f
, includePaths = addGlobalInclude (includePaths d) [f] }
-- -stubdir D adds an implicit -I D, so that gcc can find the _stub.h file
-- \#included from the .hc file when compiling with -fvia-C.
setOutputDir f = setObjectDir f . setHiDir f . setStubDir f
setOutputDir f = setObjectDir f . setHiDir f . setHieDir f . setStubDir f
-- * 'StringBuffer' and 'ByteString'
-- We get away with a bunch of these functions because 'StringBuffer' and
-- 'ByteString' have almost exactly the same structure.
-- | Convert a UTF-8 encoded 'ByteString' into a 'StringBuffer. This really
-- relies on the internals of both 'ByteString' and 'StringBuffer'.
-- /O(n)/ (but optimized into a @memcpy@ by @bytestring@ under the hood)
stringBufferFromByteString :: ByteString -> StringBuffer
stringBufferFromByteString bs =
let BS.PS fp off len = bs <> BS.pack [0,0,0]
in S.StringBuffer { S.buf = fp, S.len = len - 3, S.cur = off }
-- | Take the first @n@ /bytes/ of the 'StringBuffer' and put them in a
-- 'ByteString'.
-- /O(1)/
takeStringBuffer :: Int -> StringBuffer -> ByteString
takeStringBuffer !n !(S.StringBuffer fp _ cur) = BS.PS fp cur n
-- | Return the prefix of the first 'StringBuffer' that /isn't/ in the second
-- 'StringBuffer'. **The behavior is undefined if the 'StringBuffers' use
-- separate buffers.**
-- /O(1)/
splitStringBuffer :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer -> ByteString
splitStringBuffer buf1 buf2 = takeStringBuffer n buf1
where n = S.byteDiff buf1 buf2
-- | Split the 'StringBuffer' at the next newline (or the end of the buffer).
-- Also: initial position is passed in and the updated position is returned.
-- /O(n)/ (but /O(1)/ space)
spanLine :: RealSrcLoc -> StringBuffer -> (ByteString, RealSrcLoc, StringBuffer)
spanLine !loc !buf = go loc buf
go !l !b
| not (S.atEnd b)
= case S.nextChar b of
('\n', b') -> (splitStringBuffer buf b', advanceSrcLoc l '\n', b')
(c, b') -> go (advanceSrcLoc l c) b'
| otherwise
= (splitStringBuffer buf b, advanceSrcLoc l '\n', b)
-- | Given a start position and a buffer with that start position, split the
-- buffer at an end position.
-- /O(n)/ (but /O(1)/ space)
spanPosition :: RealSrcLoc -- ^ start of buffeer
-> RealSrcLoc -- ^ position until which to take
-> StringBuffer -- ^ buffer from which to take
-> (ByteString, StringBuffer)
spanPosition !start !end !buf = go start buf
go !l !b
| l < end
, not (S.atEnd b)
, (c, b') <- S.nextChar b
= go (advanceSrcLoc l c) b'
| otherwise
= (splitStringBuffer buf b, b)
-- | Try to parse a line of CPP from the from of the buffer. A \"line\" of CPP
-- consists of
-- * at most 10 whitespace characters, including at least one newline
-- * a @#@ character
-- * keep parsing lines until you find a line not ending in @\\@.
-- This is chock full of heuristics about what a line of CPP is.
-- /O(n)/ (but /O(1)/ space)
tryCppLine :: RealSrcLoc -> StringBuffer -> Maybe (ByteString, RealSrcLoc, StringBuffer)
tryCppLine !loc !buf = spanSpace (S.prevChar buf '\n' == '\n') loc buf
-- Keep consuming space characters until we hit either a @#@ or something
-- else. If we hit a @#@, start parsing CPP
spanSpace !seenNl !l !b
| S.atEnd b
= Nothing
| otherwise
= case S.nextChar b of
('#' , b') | not (S.atEnd b')
, ('-', b'') <- S.nextChar b'
, ('}', _) <- S.nextChar b''
-> Nothing -- Edge case exception for @#-}@
| seenNl
-> Just (spanCppLine (advanceSrcLoc l '#') b') -- parse CPP
| otherwise
-> Nothing -- We didn't see a newline, so this can't be CPP!
(c , b') | isSpace c -> spanSpace (seenNl || c == '\n')
(advanceSrcLoc l c) b'
| otherwise -> Nothing
-- Consume a CPP line to its "end" (basically the first line that ends not
-- with a @\@ character)
spanCppLine !l !b
| S.atEnd b
= (splitStringBuffer buf b, l, b)
| otherwise
= case S.nextChar b of
('\\', b') | not (S.atEnd b')
, ('\n', b'') <- S.nextChar b'
-> spanCppLine (advanceSrcLoc (advanceSrcLoc l '\\') '\n') b''
('\n', b') -> (splitStringBuffer buf b', advanceSrcLoc l '\n', b')
(c , b') -> spanCppLine (advanceSrcLoc l c) b'
......@@ -43,18 +43,16 @@ import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.Verbosity
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Printf
import Module (mkModuleSet, emptyModuleSet, unionModuleSet, ModuleSet)
import Digraph
import DynFlags hiding (verbosity)
import Exception
import GHC hiding (verbosity)
import HscTypes
import FastString (unpackFS)
......@@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ processModules verbosity modules flags extIfaces = do
out verbosity verbose "Creating interfaces..."
let instIfaceMap = Map.fromList [ (instMod iface, iface) | ext <- extIfaces
, iface <- ifInstalledIfaces ext ]
(interfaces, ms) <- createIfaces0 verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap
(interfaces, ms) <- createIfaces verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap
let exportedNames =
Set.unions $ map (Set.fromList . ifaceExports) $
......@@ -123,39 +121,15 @@ processModules verbosity modules flags extIfaces = do
createIfaces0 :: Verbosity -> [String] -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc ([Interface], ModuleSet)
createIfaces0 verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap =
-- Output dir needs to be set before calling depanal since depanal uses it to
-- compute output file names that are stored in the DynFlags of the
-- resulting ModSummaries.
(if useTempDir then withTempOutputDir else id) $ do
modGraph <- depAnalysis
createIfaces verbosity flags instIfaceMap modGraph
createIfaces :: Verbosity -> [String] -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc ([Interface], ModuleSet)
createIfaces verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap = do
-- Ask GHC to tell us what the module graph is
targets <- mapM (\filePath -> guessTarget filePath Nothing) modules
setTargets targets
modGraph <- depanal [] False
useTempDir :: Bool
useTempDir = Flag_NoTmpCompDir `notElem` flags
withTempOutputDir :: Ghc a -> Ghc a
withTempOutputDir action = do
tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
x <- liftIO getProcessID
let dir = tmp </> ".haddock-" ++ show x
modifySessionDynFlags (setOutputDir dir)
withTempDir dir action
depAnalysis :: Ghc ModuleGraph
depAnalysis = do
targets <- mapM (\f -> guessTarget f Nothing) modules
setTargets targets
depanal [] False
createIfaces :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> ModuleGraph -> Ghc ([Interface], ModuleSet)
createIfaces verbosity flags instIfaceMap mods = do
let sortedMods = flattenSCCs $ topSortModuleGraph False mods Nothing
-- Visit modules in that order
let sortedMods = flattenSCCs $ topSortModuleGraph False modGraph Nothing
out verbosity normal "Haddock coverage:"
(ifaces, _, !ms) <- foldM f ([], Map.empty, emptyModuleSet) sortedMods
return (reverse ifaces, ms)
......@@ -263,12 +237,3 @@ buildHomeLinks ifaces = foldl upd Map.empty (reverse ifaces)
keep_old env n = Map.insertWith (\_ old -> old) n mdl env
keep_new env n = Map.insert n mdl env
-- * Utils
withTempDir :: (ExceptionMonad m) => FilePath -> m a -> m a
withTempDir dir = gbracket_ (liftIO $ createDirectory dir)
(liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir)
......@@ -20,27 +20,21 @@
module Haddock.Interface.Create (createInterface) where
import Documentation.Haddock.Doc (metaDocAppend)
import Documentation.Haddock.Utf8 as Utf8
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Options
import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.Convert
import Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast as Hyperlinker
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser as Hyperlinker
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Traversable
......@@ -169,8 +163,6 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
modWarn <- liftErrMsg (moduleWarning dflags gre warnings)
tokenizedSrc <- mkMaybeTokenizedSrc dflags flags tm
return $! Interface {
ifaceMod = mdl
, ifaceIsSig = is_sig
......@@ -196,7 +188,8 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
, ifaceRnOrphanInstances = [] -- Filled in `renameInterface`
, ifaceHaddockCoverage = coverage
, ifaceWarningMap = warningMap
, ifaceTokenizedSrc = tokenizedSrc
, ifaceHieFile = Just $ ml_hie_file $ ms_location ms
, ifaceDynFlags = dflags
......@@ -1200,34 +1193,6 @@ seqList :: [a] -> ()
seqList [] = ()
seqList (x : xs) = x `seq` seqList xs
mkMaybeTokenizedSrc :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> TypecheckedModule
-> ErrMsgGhc (Maybe [RichToken])
mkMaybeTokenizedSrc dflags flags tm
| Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags = case renamedSource tm of
Just src -> do
tokens <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc (liftIO (mkTokenizedSrc dflags summary src))
return $ Just tokens
Nothing -> do
liftErrMsg . tell . pure $ concat
[ "Warning: Cannot hyperlink module \""
, moduleNameString . ms_mod_name $ summary
, "\" because renamed source is not available"
return Nothing
| otherwise = return Nothing
summary = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module $ tm
mkTokenizedSrc :: DynFlags -> ModSummary -> RenamedSource -> IO [RichToken]
mkTokenizedSrc dflags ms src = do
-- make sure to read the whole file at once otherwise
-- we run out of file descriptors (see #495)
rawSrc <- BS.readFile (msHsFilePath ms) >>= evaluate
let tokens = Hyperlinker.parse dflags filepath (Utf8.decodeUtf8 rawSrc)
return $ Hyperlinker.enrich src tokens
filepath = msHsFilePath ms
-- | Find a stand-alone documentation comment by its name.
findNamedDoc :: String -> [HsDecl GhcRn] -> ErrMsgM (Maybe HsDocString)
findNamedDoc name = search
......@@ -30,22 +30,19 @@ module Haddock.Types (
import Control.Exception
import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Data (Data)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Documentation.Haddock.Types
import BasicTypes (Fixity(..), PromotionFlag(..))
import GHC hiding (NoLink)
import GHC
import DynFlags (Language)
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import OccName
import Outputable
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
-- * Convenient synonyms
......@@ -144,7 +141,8 @@ data Interface = Interface
-- | Tokenized source code of module (avaliable if Haddock is invoked with
-- source generation flag).
, ifaceTokenizedSrc :: !(Maybe [RichToken])
, ifaceHieFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
, ifaceDynFlags :: !DynFlags
type WarningMap = Map Name (Doc Name)
......@@ -275,7 +273,7 @@ type DocForDecl name = (Documentation name, FnArgsDoc name)
noDocForDecl :: DocForDecl name
noDocForDecl = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, Map.empty)
noDocForDecl = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, mempty)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Haddock.Utils (
-- * Miscellaneous utilities
getProgramName, bye, die, dieMsg, noDieMsg, mapSnd, mapMaybeM, escapeStr,
writeUtf8File, withTempDir,
-- * HTML cross reference mapping
html_xrefs_ref, html_xrefs_ref',
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.GhcUtils
import BasicTypes ( PromotionFlag(..) )
import Exception (ExceptionMonad)
import GHC
import Name
import Outputable ( panic )
......@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ import Data.List ( isSuffixOf )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import System.Environment ( getProgName )
import System.Exit
import System.Directory ( createDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive )
import System.IO ( hPutStr, hSetEncoding, IOMode(..), stderr, utf8, withFile )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as HtmlPath
......@@ -406,6 +408,10 @@ writeUtf8File filepath contents = withFile filepath WriteMode $ \h -> do
hSetEncoding h utf8
hPutStr h contents
withTempDir :: (ExceptionMonad m) => FilePath -> m a -> m a
withTempDir dir = gbracket_ (liftIO $ createDirectory dir)
(liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir)
-- * HTML cross references
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ executable haddock
xhtml >= 3000.2 && < 3000.3,
Cabal >= 1.10,
ghc == 8.7.*,
......@@ -119,7 +120,6 @@ executable haddock
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
><a name="line-2"
><span id="line-2"
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -23,45 +23,48 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
><a name="line-3"
><a name="line-4"
><span class="hs-cpp"
>#define SOMETHING1
#define SOMETHING1
><a name="line-6"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-6"
><span class="annot"
><a href="CPP.html#foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-7"
><a name="foo"
><a href="CPP.html#foo"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-7"
><span id="foo"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>foo :: String
><a href="CPP.html#foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
......@@ -74,142 +77,150 @@
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-string"
><a name="line-10"
><a name="line-11"
><span class="hs-cpp"
>#define SOMETHING2
#define SOMETHING2
><a name="line-13"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-13"
><span class="annot"
><a href="CPP.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-14"
><a name="bar"
><a href="CPP.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-14"
><span id="bar"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>bar :: String
><a href="CPP.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-string"
>&quot;block comment in a string is not a comment {- &quot;</span
><a name="line-15"
><a name="line-16"
>&quot;block comment in a string is not a comment {- &quot;</span
><span class="hs-cpp"
>#define SOMETHING3
#define SOMETHING3
><a name="line-18"
><span id="line-18"
><span class="hs-comment"
>-- &quot; single quotes are fine in line comments</span
><a name="line-19"
><span id="line-19"
><span class="hs-comment"
>-- {- unclosed block comments are fine in line comments</span
><a name="line-20"
><span id="line-20"
><a name="line-21"
><span id="line-21"
><span class="hs-comment"
>-- Multiline CPP is also fine</span
><a name="line-22"
><span class="hs-cpp"
>#define FOO\
#define FOO\
><a name="line-25"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-25"
><span class="annot"
><a href="CPP.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-26"
><a name="baz"
><a href="CPP.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-26"
><span id="baz"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>baz :: String
><a href="CPP.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-string"
>&quot;line comment in a string is not a comment --&quot;</span
>&quot;line comment in a string is not a comment --&quot;</span
><a name="line-27"
><span id="line-27"
<html xmlns=""
><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"
/><script type="text/javascript" src="highlight.js"
><span class="hs-pragma"
>{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}</span
><span id="line-2"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
><span id="line-3"
><span id="line-4"
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span id="line-5"
><span id="foo"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>foo :: Int
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
><span id="line-6"
><span id="line-7"
><span class="hs-comment"
>-- Clang doesn't mind these:</span
><span class="hs-cpp"
#define BAX 2
><span class="hs-pragma"
>{-# INLINE</span
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#bar"
><span class="hs-pragma hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-pragma"
><span id="line-10"
><span id="line-11"
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span id="line-12"
><span id="bar"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>bar :: Int
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
><span id="line-13"
><span id="line-14"
><span class="hs-comment"
>-- But it doesn't like this:</span
><span id="line-15"
><span class="hs-pragma"
>{-# RULES</span
><span id="line-16"
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-pragma"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#bar"
><span class="hs-pragma hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-pragma"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#qux"
><span class="hs-pragma hs-type"
><span id="line-17"
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-pragma"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#qux"
><span class="hs-pragma hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-pragma"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#foo"
><span class="hs-pragma hs-type"
><span id="line-18"
> </span
><span class="hs-pragma"
><span id="line-20"
><span id="line-21"
><span class="annot"
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#qux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span id="line-22"
><span id="qux"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>qux :: Int
><a href="ClangCppBug.html#qux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
><span id="line-23"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,36 +19,40 @@
><a name="line-2"
><span id="line-2"
><a name="line-3"
><span id="line-3"
><a name="line-4"
><span id="line-4"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a name="Foo"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Foo"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043524"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -56,55 +60,65 @@
><a name="line-5"
><span id="line-5"
> </span
><a name="bar"
><a href="Classes.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="bar"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-6"
><span id="line-6"
> </span
><a name="baz"
><a href="Classes.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="baz"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
......@@ -113,42 +127,50 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-7"
><span id="line-7"
><a name="line-8"
><span id="line-8"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -156,45 +178,66 @@
><a name="line-9"
><span id="line-9"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043488"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>bar :: Int -&gt; Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int
forall a. a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-10"
><span id="line-10"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043486"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>baz :: Int -&gt; (Int, Int)
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043485"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>x :: Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
......@@ -203,161 +246,201 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-11"
><span id="line-11"
><a name="line-12"
><span id="line-12"
><span id="local-6989586621679043484"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
><a name="line-13"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span id="line-13"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043481"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>bar :: [a] -&gt; Int
><a name="line-14"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#baz"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[a] -&gt; Int
forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. Foldable t =&gt; t a -&gt; Int
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span id="line-14"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043479"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>baz :: Int -&gt; ([a], [a])
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-15"
><span id="line-15"
><a name="line-16"
><span id="line-16"
><a name="line-17"
><span id="line-17"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a name="Foo%27"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Foo%27"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043519"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -365,16 +448,18 @@
><a name="line-18"
><span id="line-18"
> </span
><a name="quux"
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="quux"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
......@@ -383,18 +468,22 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -403,91 +492,123 @@
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-19"
><span id="line-19"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
><span id="local-6989586621679043477"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span id="local-6989586621679043476"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>x :: a
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043475"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>y :: a
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[a] -&gt; a
forall a. Foo' a =&gt; [a] -&gt; a
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-20"
><span id="line-20"
><a name="line-21"
><span id="line-21"
> </span
><a name="norf"
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="norf"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
......@@ -496,10 +617,12 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -508,87 +631,145 @@
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-22"
><span id="line-22"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span id="local-6989586621679043473"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(a, a) -&gt; a
forall a. Foo' a =&gt; (a, a) -&gt; a
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>((a, a) -&gt; a) -&gt; ([a] -&gt; (a, a)) -&gt; [a] -&gt; a
forall b c a. (b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; c
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; (a, a)
forall a. Foo a =&gt; Int -&gt; (a, a)
><a href="Classes.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(Int -&gt; (a, a)) -&gt; ([a] -&gt; Int) -&gt; [a] -&gt; (a, a)
forall b c a. (b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; c
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[Int] -&gt; Int
forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) =&gt; t a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>([Int] -&gt; Int) -&gt; ([a] -&gt; [Int]) -&gt; [a] -&gt; Int
forall b c a. (b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; c
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(a -&gt; Int) -&gt; [a] -&gt; [Int]
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; [a] -&gt; [b]
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>a -&gt; Int
forall a. Foo a =&gt; a -&gt; Int
><a href="Classes.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-23"
><span id="line-23"
><a name="line-24"
><span id="line-24"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span id="local-6989586621679043468"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -596,118 +777,154 @@
><a name="line-25"
><span id="line-25"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#norf"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043465"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>norf :: [Int] -&gt; Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[Int] -&gt; Int
forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) =&gt; t a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-26"
><span id="line-26"
><a name="line-27"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span id="line-27"
><span id="local-6989586621679043464"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043460"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
><a name="line-28"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
><span id="line-28"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043459"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>quux :: ([a], [a]) -&gt; [a]
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>([a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]) -&gt; ([a], [a]) -&gt; [a]
forall a b c. (a -&gt; b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a, b) -&gt; c
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
forall a. [a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><a name="line-29"
><span id="line-29"
><a name="line-30"
><span id="line-30"
><a name="line-31"
><span id="line-31"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a name="Plugh"
><a href="Classes.html#Plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Plugh"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043503"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -715,132 +932,164 @@
><a name="line-32"
><span id="line-32"
> </span
><a name="plugh"
><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><span id="local-6989586621679043505"
><span id="local-6989586621679043506"
><span id="plugh"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-33"
><span id="line-33"
><a name="line-34"
><span id="line-34"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#Plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -848,30 +1097,42 @@
><a name="line-35"
><span id="line-35"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043454"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>plugh :: Either a a -&gt; Either b b -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043453"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>a :: a
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -884,45 +1145,80 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(b -&gt; a) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. b -&gt; Either a b
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>((b -&gt; a) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a))
-&gt; (b -&gt; a) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; b
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>a -&gt; b -&gt; a
forall a b. a -&gt; b -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-36"
><span id="line-36"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043451"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>a :: a
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -935,31 +1231,59 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(b -&gt; a) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. b -&gt; Either a b
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>((b -&gt; a) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a))
-&gt; (b -&gt; a) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; b
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>a -&gt; b -&gt; a
forall a b. a -&gt; b -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-37"
><span id="line-37"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
......@@ -968,16 +1292,23 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043450"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>b :: b
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -986,31 +1317,59 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(a -&gt; b) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. a -&gt; Either a b
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>((a -&gt; b) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a))
-&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; b
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>b -&gt; a -&gt; b
forall a b. a -&gt; b -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-38"
><span id="line-38"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
......@@ -1019,16 +1378,23 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043449"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>b :: b
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -1037,27 +1403,51 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(a -&gt; b) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. a -&gt; Either a b
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>((a -&gt; b) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a))
-&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; Either (a -&gt; b) (b -&gt; a)
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; b
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>b -&gt; a -&gt; b
forall a b. a -&gt; b -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-39"
><span id="line-39"
......@@ -19,375 +19,489 @@
><a name="line-2"
><span id="line-2"
><a name="line-3"
><span id="line-3"
><a name="line-4"
><span id="line-4"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a name="Foo"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Foo"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-5"
><span id="line-5"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a name="Bar"
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Bar"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-6"
><span id="line-6"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a name="Baz"
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Baz"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-7"
><span id="line-7"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a name="Quux"
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Quux"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-8"
><span id="line-8"
><a name="line-9"
><span id="line-9"
><span class="hs-keyword"
> </span
><a name="Norf"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Norf"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a name="Norf"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="Norf"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-10"
><span id="line-10"
><a name="line-11"
><span id="line-11"
><a name="line-12"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-12"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-13"
><a name="bar"
><a href="Constructors.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-13"
><span id="bar"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>bar :: Foo
><a href="Constructors.html#bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-14"
><a name="baz"
><a href="Constructors.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-14"
><span id="baz"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>baz :: Foo
><a href="Constructors.html#baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-15"
><a name="quux"
><a href="Constructors.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-15"
><span id="quux"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>quux :: Foo
><a href="Constructors.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int -&gt; Foo
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="Constructors.html#quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
><a name="line-16"
><span id="line-16"
><a name="line-17"
><span id="line-17"
><a name="line-18"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-18"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-19"
><a name="unfoo"
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-19"
><span id="unfoo"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>unfoo :: Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
><a name="line-20"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-20"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
><a name="line-21"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-21"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043545"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>foo :: Foo
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043544"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>n :: Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -396,61 +510,96 @@
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-number"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-22"
><span id="line-22"
><a name="line-23"
><span id="line-23"
><a name="line-24"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-24"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
......@@ -459,57 +608,75 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Foo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><a name="line-25"
><a name="unnorf"
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-25"
><span id="unnorf"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>unnorf :: Norf -&gt; [Foo]
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043540"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>xs :: [Foo]
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Bar"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -520,51 +687,71 @@
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-26"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-26"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043539"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>xs :: [Foo]
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Baz"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -575,21 +762,36 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[Foo] -&gt; [Foo]
forall a. [a] -&gt; [a]
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-27"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-27"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
......@@ -600,100 +802,138 @@
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
forall a. HasCallStack =&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-28"
><span id="line-28"
><a name="line-29"
><span id="line-29"
><a name="line-30"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-30"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="annot"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
><a name="line-31"
><a name="unnorf%27"
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf%27"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="line-31"
><span id="unnorf%27"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>unnorf' :: Norf -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf%27"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043535"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>x :: Norf
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-glyph"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Norf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-special"
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043534"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>f1 :: Foo
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-glyph"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043533"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>n :: Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="hs-special"
......@@ -706,28 +946,40 @@
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043532"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>f2 :: Foo
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-glyph"
><span class="hs-special"
><span class="annot"
><a href="Constructors.html#Quux"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043531"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>f3 :: Foo
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier"
......@@ -745,61 +997,109 @@
><a name="line-32"
><span id="line-32"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-33"
><span id="line-33"
> </span
><span class="hs-keyword"
......@@ -807,132 +1107,234 @@
><a name="line-34"
><span id="line-34"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043529"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>aux :: Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span id="local-6989586621679043528"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>fx :: Foo
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Int
forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-35"
><span id="line-35"
> </span
><a name=""
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier"
><span id="local-6989586621679043530"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>x' :: Int
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-glyph"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>[Int] -&gt; Int
forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) =&gt; t a -&gt; a
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>([Int] -&gt; Int) -&gt; (Norf -&gt; [Int]) -&gt; Norf -&gt; Int
forall b c a. (b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; c
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(Foo -&gt; Int) -&gt; [Foo] -&gt; [Int]
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; [a] -&gt; [b]
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Foo -&gt; Int
><a href="Constructors.html#unfoo"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>([Foo] -&gt; [Int]) -&gt; (Norf -&gt; [Foo]) -&gt; Norf -&gt; [Int]
forall b c a. (b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; c
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>Norf -&gt; [Foo]
><a href="Constructors.html#unnorf"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
> </span
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
>(Norf -&gt; Int) -&gt; Norf -&gt; Int
forall a b. (a -&gt; b) -&gt; a -&gt; b
><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
> </span
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><span class="annot"
><span class="annottext"
><a href="#"
><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
><a name="line-36"
><span id="line-36"
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