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Forked from Ben Gamari / ghc-utils
325 commits behind, 1 commit ahead of the upstream repository.
Zubin Duggal's avatar
Zubin authored


There are utilities that I find useful while working on GHC. It's quite a mixed bag; a few are for performance analysis, some for general development, and others for release management. Some are useful; all are hacky.


You can build the scripts using nix-build . and enter into a shell where the scripts are available using nix-shell.

Day-to-day maintenance

  • push: A script which I use to look over and push upstream my local branches
  • review-submodules: A script for reviewing and optionally reverting submodule changes in a commit
  • A script which adds git remotes (named upstream) to all submodules pointing to the upstream repository.

Development tools

  • run-until-crash: A tool to run a process until it crashes; useful for reproducing and collecting core dumps from hard-to-trigger crashers.
  • A script for generating emacs TAGS files for a GHC tree (e.g. ghc-utils/
  • debug-ghc: A script for running an in-place installation of GHC (e.g. inplace/bin/ghc-stage2) in gdb
  • validate-all: A script for validating a range of GHC commits.
  • ghc-docker: A convenient script for bringing up a Docker image from the Docker registry with configured GHC tree.

Understanding performance

  • A handy utility for collecting runtime and perf statistics from programs compiled by GHC (with the -rtsopts flag).
  • A handy utility for comparing statistics from the GHC runtime's +RTS -t --machine-readable output (which requires that the program have been built with GHC's -rtsopts flag)
  • An extremely useful script for splitting up the output of GHC's -dverbose-core2core dump option, placing the output of each pass in a separate file (e.g. ghc-utils/ my-program.verbose-core2core)
  • compare-ticks/: A hack for comparing reports from GHC's ticky-ticky profiler.
  • eventlog-sort: A hack to dump the events from a GHC eventlog with relative timestamps (in milliseconds).
  • A small hack to turn -ddump-timings output into a Markdown table.

Release engineering

  • rel-eng:
    • The script that I use to build source distribution tarballs.
    • The script that I use to build binary distributions.
    • The script that I use to collect, hash, sign, and upload documentation and distribution tarballs.
    • A script for preparing clean Debian container environments for GHC building with systemd-nspawn.
    • download
      • The script that I use to generate GHC download pages
    • Update the autoconf sources in the GHC source tree
  • library-versions: A set of scripts used to generate the Commentary/Libraries/VersionHistory page on the GHC Wiki. See library-versions/README.mkd.


  • new-contribs.hs: A tool I use to generate new-contributor statistics for GHC community status updates.