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Commit b01ae32e authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
Browse files

[project @ 1999-06-28 16:35:56 by simonpj]

Fix SetLevels so that it does not clone top-level bindings, but it
*does* clone bindings that are destined for the top level.

The global invariant is that the top level bindings are always
unique, and never cloned.
parent 4bb6e490
No related merge requests found
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
NOTE: Very tiresomely, we must apply this substitution to
the rules stored inside a variable too.
We do *not* clone top-level bindings, because some of them must not change,
but we *do* clone bindings that are heading for the top level
......@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ import VarEnv
import Subst
import VarSet
import Type ( isUnLiftedType, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, Type )
import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..) )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import UniqSupply
......@@ -174,11 +178,11 @@ setLevels binds us
returnLvl (lvld_bind ++ lvld_binds)
lvlTopBind (NonRec binder rhs)
= lvlBind Top initialEnv (AnnNonRec binder (freeVars rhs))
= lvlBind TopLevel Top initialEnv (AnnNonRec binder (freeVars rhs))
-- Rhs can have no free vars!
lvlTopBind (Rec pairs)
= lvlBind Top initialEnv (AnnRec [(b,freeVars rhs) | (b,rhs) <- pairs])
= lvlBind TopLevel Top initialEnv (AnnRec [(b,freeVars rhs) | (b,rhs) <- pairs])
......@@ -190,20 +194,22 @@ lvlTopBind (Rec pairs)
The binding stuff works for top level too.
lvlBind :: Level
lvlBind :: TopLevelFlag -- Used solely to decide whether to clone
-> Level -- Context level; might be Top even for bindings nested in the RHS
-- of a top level binding
-> LevelEnv
-> CoreBindWithFVs
-> LvlM ([LevelledBind], LevelEnv)
lvlBind ctxt_lvl env (AnnNonRec bndr rhs)
lvlBind top_lvl ctxt_lvl env (AnnNonRec bndr rhs)
= setFloatLevel (Just bndr) ctxt_lvl env rhs ty `thenLvl` \ (final_lvl, rhs') ->
cloneVar ctxt_lvl env bndr final_lvl `thenLvl` \ (new_env, new_bndr) ->
cloneVar top_lvl env bndr final_lvl `thenLvl` \ (new_env, new_bndr) ->
returnLvl ([NonRec (new_bndr, final_lvl) rhs'], new_env)
ty = idType bndr
lvlBind ctxt_lvl env (AnnRec pairs) = lvlRecBind ctxt_lvl env pairs
lvlBind top_lvl ctxt_lvl env (AnnRec pairs) = lvlRecBind top_lvl ctxt_lvl env pairs
......@@ -283,8 +289,8 @@ lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env (_, AnnLam bndr rhs)
go body = ([], body)
lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env (_, AnnLet bind body)
= lvlBind ctxt_lvl env bind `thenLvl` \ (binds', new_env) ->
lvlExpr ctxt_lvl new_env body `thenLvl` \ body' ->
= lvlBind NotTopLevel ctxt_lvl env bind `thenLvl` \ (binds', new_env) ->
lvlExpr ctxt_lvl new_env body `thenLvl` \ body' ->
returnLvl (mkLets binds' body')
lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env (_, AnnCase expr case_bndr alts)
......@@ -518,7 +524,7 @@ but differ in their level numbers; here the ab are the newly-introduced
type lambdas.
lvlRecBind ctxt_lvl env pairs
lvlRecBind top_lvl ctxt_lvl env pairs
| ids_only_lvl `ltLvl` tyvars_only_lvl
= -- Abstract wrt tyvars;
-- offending_tyvars is definitely non-empty
......@@ -531,7 +537,7 @@ lvlRecBind ctxt_lvl env pairs
mapLvl (lvlExpr incd_lvl rhs_env) rhss `thenLvl` \ rhss' ->
mapLvl newLvlVar poly_tys `thenLvl` \ poly_vars ->
cloneVars ctxt_lvl env bndrs ctxt_lvl `thenLvl` \ (new_env, new_bndrs) ->
cloneVars top_lvl env bndrs ctxt_lvl `thenLvl` \ (new_env, new_bndrs) ->
-- The "d_rhss" are the right-hand sides of "D" and "D'"
-- in the documentation above
......@@ -558,7 +564,7 @@ lvlRecBind ctxt_lvl env pairs
| otherwise
= -- Let it float freely
cloneVars ctxt_lvl env bndrs expr_lvl `thenLvl` \ (new_env, new_bndrs) ->
cloneVars top_lvl env bndrs expr_lvl `thenLvl` \ (new_env, new_bndrs) ->
bndrs_w_lvls = new_bndrs `zip` repeat expr_lvl
......@@ -649,10 +655,10 @@ newLvlVar ty = getUniqueUs `thenLvl` \ uniq ->
-- The deeply tiresome thing is that we have to apply the substitution
-- to the rules inside each Id. Grr. But it matters.
cloneVar :: Level -> LevelEnv -> Id -> Level -> LvlM (LevelEnv, Id)
cloneVar Top env v lvl
cloneVar :: TopLevelFlag -> LevelEnv -> Id -> Level -> LvlM (LevelEnv, Id)
cloneVar TopLevel env v lvl
= returnUs (env, v) -- Don't clone top level things
cloneVar _ (lvl_env, subst_env) v lvl
cloneVar NotTopLevel (lvl_env, subst_env) v lvl
= getUniqueUs `thenLvl` \ uniq ->
subst = mkSubst emptyVarSet subst_env
......@@ -663,10 +669,10 @@ cloneVar _ (lvl_env, subst_env) v lvl
returnUs ((lvl_env', subst_env'), v'')
cloneVars :: Level -> LevelEnv -> [Id] -> Level -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [Id])
cloneVars Top env vs lvl
cloneVars :: TopLevelFlag -> LevelEnv -> [Id] -> Level -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [Id])
cloneVars TopLevel env vs lvl
= returnUs (env, vs) -- Don't clone top level things
cloneVars _ (lvl_env, subst_env) vs lvl
cloneVars NotTopLevel (lvl_env, subst_env) vs lvl
= getUniquesUs (length vs) `thenLvl` \ uniqs ->
subst = mkSubst emptyVarSet subst_env'
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