Commits on Source (13)
Ben Gamari authored7faa4509
Ben Gamari authored
The latter is apparently not supported by busybox.
20616959 -
This is the first step towards implementation of the linear types proposal ( It features * A language extension -XLinearTypes * Syntax for linear functions in the surface language * Linearity checking in Core Lint, enabled with -dlinear-core-lint * Core-to-core passes are mostly compatible with linearity * Fields in a data type can be linear or unrestricted; linear fields have multiplicity-polymorphic constructors. If -XLinearTypes is disabled, the GADT syntax defaults to linear fields The following items are not yet supported: * a # m -> b syntax (only prefix FUN is supported for now) * Full multiplicity inference (multiplicities are really only checked) * Decent linearity error messages * Linear let, where, and case expressions in the surface language (each of these currently introduce the unrestricted variant) * Multiplicity-parametric fields * Syntax for annotating lambda-bound or let-bound with a multiplicity * Syntax for non-linear/multiple-field-multiplicity records * Linear projections for records with a single linear field * Linear pattern synonyms * Multiplicity coercions (test LinearPolyType) A high-level description can be found at Following the link above you will find a description of the changes made to Core. This commit has been authored by * Richard Eisenberg * Krzysztof Gogolewski * Matthew Pickering * Arnaud Spiwack With contributions from: * Mark Barbone * Alexander Vershilov Updates haddock submodule.
40fa237e -
This implements several general performance improvements to GHC, to offset the effect of the linear types change. General optimisations: - Add a `coreFullView` function which iterates `coreView` on the head. This avoids making function recursive solely because the iterate `coreView` themselves. As a consequence, this functions can be inlined, and trigger case-of-known constructor (_e.g._ `kindRep_maybe`, `isLiftedRuntimeRep`, `isMultiplicityTy`, `getTyVar_maybe`, `splitAppTy_maybe`, `splitFunType_maybe`, `tyConAppTyCon_maybe`). The common pattern about all these functions is that they are almost always used as views, and immediately consumed by a case expression. This commit also mark them asx `INLINE`. - In `subst_ty` add a special case for nullary `TyConApp`, which avoid allocations altogether. - Use `mkTyConApp` in `subst_ty` for the general `TyConApp`. This required quite a bit of module shuffling. case. `myTyConApp` enforces crucial sharing, which was lost during substitution. See also !2952 . - Make `subst_ty` stricter. - In `eqType` (specifically, in `nonDetCmpType`), add a special case, tested first, for the very common case of nullary `TyConApp`. `nonDetCmpType` has been made `INLINE` otherwise it is actually a regression. This is similar to the optimisations in !2952. Linear-type specific optimisations: - Use `tyConAppTyCon_maybe` instead of the more complex `eqType` in the definition of the pattern synonyms `One` and `Many`. - Break the `hs-boot` cycles between `Multiplicity.hs` and `Type.hs`: `Multiplicity` now import `Type` normally, rather than from the `hs-boot`. This way `tyConAppTyCon_maybe` can inline properly in the `One` and `Many` pattern synonyms. - Make `updateIdTypeAndMult` strict in its type and multiplicity - The `scaleIdBy` gets a specialised definition rather than being an alias to `scaleVarBy` - `splitFunTy_maybe` is given the type `Type -> Maybe (Mult, Type, Type)` instead of `Type -> Maybe (Scaled Type, Type)` - Remove the `MultMul` pattern synonym in favour of a view `isMultMul` because pattern synonyms appear not to inline well. - in `eqType`, in a `FunTy`, compare multiplicities last: they are almost always both `Many`, so it helps failing faster. - Cache `manyDataConTy` in `mkTyConApp`, to make sure that all the instances of `TyConApp ManyDataConTy []` are physically the same. This commit has been authored by * Richard Eisenberg * Krzysztof Gogolewski * Arnaud Spiwack Metric Decrease: haddock.base T12227 T12545 T12990 T1969 T3064 T5030 T9872b Metric Increase: haddock.base haddock.Cabal haddock.compiler T12150 T12234 T12425 T12707 T13035 T13056 T15164 T16190 T18304 T1969 T3064 T3294 T5631 T5642 T5837 T6048 T9020 T9233 T9675 T9872a T9961 WWRec
6cb84c46 -
Sylvain Henry authored
integer-simple uses lists of words (`[Word]`) to represent big numbers instead of ByteArray#: * it is less efficient than the newer ghc-bignum native backend * it isn't compatible with the big number representation that is now shared by all the ghc-bignum backends (based on the one that was used only in integer-gmp before). As a consequence, we simply drop integer-simple
57db91d8 -
Sylvain Henry authored
ghc-bignum is a newer package that aims to replace the legacy integer-simple and integer-gmp packages. * it supports several backends. In particular GMP is still supported and most of the code from integer-gmp has been merged in the "gmp" backend. * the pure Haskell "native" backend is new and is much faster than the previous pure Haskell implementation provided by integer-simple * new backends are easier to write because they only have to provide a few well defined functions. All the other code is common to all backends. In particular they all share the efficient small/big number distinction previously used only in integer-gmp. * backends can all be tested against the "native" backend with a simple Cabal flag. Backends are only allowed to differ in performance, their results should be the same. * Add `integer-gmp` compat package: provide some pattern synonyms and function aliases for those in `ghc-bignum`. It is intended to avoid breaking packages that depend on `integer-gmp` internals. Update submodules: text, bytestring Metric Decrease: Conversions ManyAlternatives ManyConstructors Naperian T10359 T10547 T10678 T12150 T12227 T12234 T12425 T13035 T13719 T14936 T1969 T4801 T4830 T5237 T5549 T5837 T8766 T9020 parsing001 space_leak_001 T16190 haddock.base On ARM and i386, T17499 regresses (+6% > 5%). On x86_64 unregistered, T13701 sometimes regresses (+2.2% > 2%). Metric Increase: T17499 T13701
9f96bc12 -
Sylvain Henry authored
Thanks to ghc-bignum, the compiler can be simplified: * Types and constructors of Integer and Natural can be wired-in. It means that we don't have to query them from interfaces. It also means that numeric literals don't have to carry their type with them. * The same code is used whatever ghc-bignum backend is enabled. In particular, conversion of bignum literals into final Core expressions is now much more straightforward. Bignum closure inspection too. * GHC itself doesn't depend on any integer-* package anymore * The `integerLibrary` setting is gone.
96aa5787 -
Sylvain Henry authored
* GHC.Natural isn't implemented in `base` anymore. It is provided by ghc-bignum in GHC.Num.Natural. It means that we can safely use Natural primitives in `base` without fearing issues with built-in rewrite rules (cf #15286) * `base` doesn't conditionally depend on an integer-* package anymore, it depends on ghc-bignum * Some duplicated code in integer-* can now be factored in GHC.Float * ghc-bignum tries to use a uniform naming convention so most of the other changes are renaming
0f67e344 -
Sylvain Henry authored
* replace integer-* package selection with ghc-bignum backend selection
aa9e7b71 -
Sylvain Henry authored
* support detection of slow ghc-bignum backend (to replace the detection of integer-simple use). There are still some test cases that the native backend doesn't handle efficiently enough. * remove tests for GMP only functions that have been removed from ghc-bignum * fix test results showing dependent packages (e.g. integer-gmp) or showing suggested instances * fix test using Integer/Natural API or showing internal names
f817d816 -
Sylvain Henry authored
* support ghc-bignum backend selection in flavours and command-line * support ghc-bignum "--check" flag (compare results of selected backend against results of the native one) in flavours and command-line (e.g. pass --bignum=check-gmp" to check the "gmp" backend) * remove the hack to workaround #15286 * build GMP only when the gmp backend is used * remove hacks to workaround `text` package flags about integer-*. We fix `text` to use ghc-bignum unconditionally in another patch
dceecb09 -
Sylvain Henry authoredfa4281d6
Simon Peyton Jones authored
These tweaks affect the inner loop of simplifyArgsWorker, which in turn is called from the flattener in Flatten.hs. This is a key perf bottleneck to T9872{a,b,c,d}. These two small changes have a modest but useful benefit. No change in functionality whatsoever. Relates to #18354
- .gitmodules 1 addition, 1 deletion.gitmodules
- aclocal.m4 1 addition, 1 deletionaclocal.m4
- compiler/GHC.hs 1 addition, 1 deletioncompiler/GHC.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs 328 additions, 196 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs 8 additions, 3 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs 5 additions, 5 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs 209 additions, 11 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs-boot 11 additions, 0 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Prim.hs 26 additions, 8 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Prim.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp 6 additions, 8 deletionscompiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs 1 addition, 1 deletioncompiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/InfoTable.hs 2 additions, 1 deletioncompiler/GHC/ByteCode/InfoTable.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core.hs 8 additions, 3 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs 59 additions, 43 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot 1 addition, 1 deletioncompiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs 9 additions, 1 deletioncompiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs 7 additions, 6 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/ConLike.hs 4 additions, 3 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/ConLike.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs 91 additions, 29 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs-boot 3 additions, 3 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs-boot