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EPA: DotFieldOcc does not have exact print annotations

Alan Zimmerman requested to merge wip/az/ghc-9.4-epa-backports-2 into ghc-9.4

This is a backport to ghc-9.4.1 of !8562 (closed), the original version prior to a) updating to make FieldLabelString a newtype rather than a type b) rebasing on master after @alt-romes landed his branch to further separate out the haskell syntax for GHC

My version of a) had some bad parts related to re-exporting Uniquable from Name.hs-boot, which is not required after the rebase, but would be required for a backport to ghc-9.4.1 (or some decent alternative).

I have tested this branch in ghc-exactprint, and used it to process 160k haskell files downloaded from hackage. It works as I intend it to, so I think it is safe.

Merge request reports