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{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, RankNTypes #-}

-- | Planning how to build everything in a project.
module Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning (
    -- * elaborated install plan types

    --TODO: [code cleanup] these types should live with execution, not with
    --      plan definition. Need to better separate InstallPlan definition.

    -- * Producing the elaborated install plan

    -- * Build targets

    -- * Selecting a plan subset

    -- * Utils required for building

    -- * Setup.hs CLI flags for building


    -- TODO: [code cleanup] utils that should live in some shared place?
  ) where

import           Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
import           Distribution.Client.PackageHash
import           Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
import           Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
import           Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanOutput
import           Distribution.Client.Types
                   hiding ( BuildResult, BuildSuccess(..), BuildFailure(..)
                          , DocsResult(..), TestsResult(..) )
import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
import           Distribution.Client.Dependency
import           Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
import qualified Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps as CD
import           Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps (ComponentDeps)
import qualified Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as SourcePackageIndex
import           Distribution.Client.Targets (userToPackageConstraint)
import           Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
import           Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
import           Distribution.Client.JobControl
import           Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
import           Distribution.Client.PkgConfigDb
import           Distribution.Client.Setup hiding (packageName, cabalVersion)
import           Distribution.Utils.NubList
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import           Distribution.Package hiding
  (InstalledPackageId, installedPackageId)
import           Distribution.System
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration as PD
import           Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
import           Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC   as GHC   --TODO: [code cleanup] eliminate
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS --TODO: [code cleanup] eliminate
import           Distribution.Simple.Program
import           Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
import           Distribution.Simple.Program.Find
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Setup as Cabal
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import           Distribution.Simple.Setup
  (Flag, toFlag, flagToMaybe, flagToList, fromFlagOrDefault)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as Cabal
import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as Cabal
import           Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (ComponentName(..))
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Register as Cabal
import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
import qualified Distribution.Simple.BuildTarget as Cabal

import           Distribution.Simple.Utils hiding (matchFileGlob)
import           Distribution.Version
import           Distribution.Verbosity
import           Distribution.Text

import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Tree  as Tree
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.State as State
import           Control.Exception
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Function
import           System.FilePath

-- * Elaborated install plan

-- "Elaborated" -- worked out with great care and nicety of detail;
--                 executed with great minuteness: elaborate preparations;
--                 elaborate care.
-- So here's the idea:
-- Rather than a miscellaneous collection of 'ConfigFlags', 'InstallFlags' etc
-- all passed in as separate args and which are then further selected,
-- transformed etc during the execution of the build. Instead we construct
-- an elaborated install plan that includes everything we will need, and then
-- during the execution of the plan we do as little transformation of this
-- info as possible.
-- So we're trying to split the work into two phases: construction of the
-- elaborated install plan (which as far as possible should be pure) and
-- then simple execution of that plan without any smarts, just doing what the
-- plan says to do.
-- So that means we need a representation of this fully elaborated install
-- plan. The representation consists of two parts:
-- * A 'ElaboratedInstallPlan'. This is a 'GenericInstallPlan' with a
--   representation of source packages that includes a lot more detail about
--   that package's individual configuration
-- * A 'ElaboratedSharedConfig'. Some package configuration is the same for
--   every package in a plan. Rather than duplicate that info every entry in
--   the 'GenericInstallPlan' we keep that separately.
-- The division between the shared and per-package config is /not set in stone
-- for all time/. For example if we wanted to generalise the install plan to
-- describe a situation where we want to build some packages with GHC and some
-- with GHCJS then the platform and compiler would no longer be shared between
-- all packages but would have to be per-package (probably with some sanity
-- condition on the graph structure).

-- Refer to ProjectPlanning.Types for details of these important types:
-- type ElaboratedInstallPlan = ...
-- type ElaboratedPlanPackage = ...
-- data ElaboratedSharedConfig = ...
-- data ElaboratedConfiguredPackage = ...
-- data BuildStyle =

sanityCheckElaboratedConfiguredPackage :: ElaboratedSharedConfig
                                       -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
                                       -> Bool
sanityCheckElaboratedConfiguredPackage sharedConfig
                                       pkg@ElaboratedConfiguredPackage{..} =

    pkgStanzasEnabled `Set.isSubsetOf` pkgStanzasAvailable

    -- the stanzas explicitly enabled should be available and enabled
 && Map.keysSet (Map.filter id pkgStanzasRequested)
      `Set.isSubsetOf` pkgStanzasEnabled

    -- the stanzas explicitly disabled should not be available
 && Set.null (Map.keysSet (Map.filter not pkgStanzasRequested)
                `Set.intersection` pkgStanzasAvailable)

 && (pkgBuildStyle == BuildInplaceOnly ||
     installedPackageId pkg == hashedInstalledPackageId
                                 (packageHashInputs sharedConfig pkg))

 && (pkgBuildStyle == BuildInplaceOnly ||
     Set.null pkgStanzasAvailable)

-- * Deciding what to do: making an 'ElaboratedInstallPlan'

rebuildInstallPlan :: Verbosity
                   -> FilePath -> DistDirLayout -> CabalDirLayout
                   -> ProjectConfig
                   -> IO ( ElaboratedInstallPlan
                         , ElaboratedSharedConfig
                         , ProjectConfig )
rebuildInstallPlan verbosity
                   distDirLayout@DistDirLayout {
                   cabalDirLayout@CabalDirLayout {
                   cliConfig =
    runRebuild $ do
    progsearchpath <- liftIO $ getSystemSearchPath
    let cliConfigPersistent = cliConfig { projectConfigBuildOnly = mempty }

    -- The overall improved plan is cached
    rerunIfChanged verbosity projectRootDir fileMonitorImprovedPlan
                   -- react to changes in command line args and the path
                   (cliConfigPersistent, progsearchpath) $ do

      -- And so is the elaborated plan that the improved plan based on
      (elaboratedPlan, elaboratedShared,
       projectConfig) <-
        rerunIfChanged verbosity projectRootDir fileMonitorElaboratedPlan
                       (cliConfigPersistent, progsearchpath) $ do

          (projectConfig, projectConfigTransient) <- phaseReadProjectConfig
          localPackages <- phaseReadLocalPackages projectConfig
          compilerEtc   <- phaseConfigureCompiler projectConfig
          _             <- phaseConfigurePrograms projectConfig compilerEtc
          solverPlan    <- phaseRunSolver         projectConfigTransient
                                                  compilerEtc localPackages
           elaboratedShared) <- phaseElaboratePlan projectConfigTransient
                                                   solverPlan localPackages
          phaseMaintainPlanOutputs elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared

          return (elaboratedPlan, elaboratedShared,

      -- The improved plan changes each time we install something, whereas
      -- the underlying elaborated plan only changes when input config
      -- changes, so it's worth caching them separately.
      improvedPlan <- phaseImprovePlan elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared
      return (improvedPlan, elaboratedShared, projectConfig)

    fileMonitorCompiler       = newFileMonitorInCacheDir "compiler"
    fileMonitorSolverPlan     = newFileMonitorInCacheDir "solver-plan"
    fileMonitorSourceHashes   = newFileMonitorInCacheDir "source-hashes"
    fileMonitorElaboratedPlan = newFileMonitorInCacheDir "elaborated-plan"
    fileMonitorImprovedPlan   = newFileMonitorInCacheDir "improved-plan"

    newFileMonitorInCacheDir :: Eq a => FilePath -> FileMonitor a b
    newFileMonitorInCacheDir  = newFileMonitor . distProjectCacheFile

    -- Read the cabal.project (or implicit config) and combine it with
    -- arguments from the command line
    phaseReadProjectConfig :: Rebuild (ProjectConfig, ProjectConfig)
    phaseReadProjectConfig = do
      liftIO $ do
        info verbosity "Project settings changed, reconfiguring..."
        createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity False distDirectory
        createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity False distProjectCacheDirectory

      projectConfig <- readProjectConfig verbosity projectRootDir

      -- The project config comming from the command line includes "build only"
      -- flags that we don't cache persistently (because like all "build only"
      -- flags they do not affect the value of the outcome) but that we do
      -- sometimes using during planning (in particular the http transport)
      let projectConfigTransient  = projectConfig <> cliConfig
          projectConfigPersistent = projectConfig
                                 <> cliConfig {
                                      projectConfigBuildOnly = mempty
      liftIO $ writeProjectConfigFile (distProjectCacheFile "config")
      return (projectConfigPersistent, projectConfigTransient)

    -- Look for all the cabal packages in the project
    -- some of which may be local src dirs, tarballs etc
    phaseReadLocalPackages :: ProjectConfig
                           -> Rebuild [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
    phaseReadLocalPackages projectConfig = do

      localCabalFiles <- findProjectPackages projectRootDir projectConfig
      mapM (readSourcePackage verbosity) localCabalFiles

    -- Configure the compiler we're using.
    -- This is moderately expensive and doesn't change that often so we cache
    -- it independently.
    phaseConfigureCompiler :: ProjectConfig
                           -> Rebuild (Compiler, Platform, ProgramDb)
    phaseConfigureCompiler ProjectConfig {
                             projectConfigShared = ProjectConfigShared {
                             projectConfigLocalPackages = PackageConfig {
                           } = do
        progsearchpath <- liftIO $ getSystemSearchPath
        rerunIfChanged verbosity projectRootDir fileMonitorCompiler
                       (hcFlavor, hcPath, hcPkg, progsearchpath,
                        packageConfigProgramPathExtra) $ do

          liftIO $ info verbosity "Compiler settings changed, reconfiguring..."
          result@(_, _, progdb') <- liftIO $
              hcFlavor hcPath hcPkg
              progdb verbosity
        -- Note that we added the user-supplied program locations and args
        -- for /all/ programs, not just those for the compiler prog and
        -- compiler-related utils. In principle we don't know which programs
        -- the compiler will configure (and it does vary between compilers).
        -- We do know however that the compiler will only configure the
        -- programs it cares about, and those are the ones we monitor here.
          monitorFiles (programsMonitorFiles progdb')

          return result
        hcFlavor = flagToMaybe projectConfigHcFlavor
        hcPath   = flagToMaybe projectConfigHcPath
        hcPkg    = flagToMaybe projectConfigHcPkg
        progdb   =
            userSpecifyPaths (Map.toList (getMapLast packageConfigProgramPaths))
          . userSpecifyArgss (Map.toList (getMapMappend packageConfigProgramArgs))
          . modifyProgramSearchPath
              (++ [ ProgramSearchPathDir dir
                  | dir <- fromNubList packageConfigProgramPathExtra ])
          $ defaultProgramDb
    -- Configuring other programs.
    -- Having configred the compiler, now we configure all the remaining
    -- programs. This is to check we can find them, and to monitor them for
    -- changes.
    -- TODO: [required eventually] we don't actually do this yet.
    -- We rely on the fact that the previous phase added the program config for
    -- all local packages, but that all the programs configured so far are the
    -- compiler program or related util programs.
    phaseConfigurePrograms :: ProjectConfig
                           -> (Compiler, Platform, ProgramDb)
                           -> Rebuild ()
    phaseConfigurePrograms projectConfig (_, _, compilerprogdb) = do
        -- Users are allowed to specify program locations independently for
        -- each package (e.g. to use a particular version of a pre-processor
        -- for some packages). However they cannot do this for the compiler
        -- itself as that's just not going to work. So we check for this.
        liftIO $ checkBadPerPackageCompilerPaths
          (configuredPrograms compilerprogdb)
          (getMapMappend (projectConfigSpecificPackage projectConfig))

        --TODO: [required eventually] find/configure other programs that the
        -- user specifies.

        --TODO: [required eventually] find/configure all build-tools
        -- but note that some of them may be built as part of the plan.

    -- Run the solver to get the initial install plan.
    -- This is expensive so we cache it independently.
    phaseRunSolver :: ProjectConfig
                   -> (Compiler, Platform, ProgramDb)
                   -> [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
                   -> Rebuild (SolverInstallPlan, PackagesImplicitSetupDeps)
    phaseRunSolver projectConfig@ProjectConfig {
                   (compiler, platform, progdb)
                   localPackages =
        rerunIfChanged verbosity projectRootDir fileMonitorSolverPlan
                       (solverSettings, cabalPackageCacheDirectory,
                        localPackages, localPackagesEnabledStanzas,
                        compiler, platform, programsDbSignature progdb) $ do

          installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity
                                                    compiler progdb platform
          sourcePkgDb       <- getSourcePackages    verbosity withRepoCtx
          pkgConfigDB       <- liftIO $
                               readPkgConfigDb      verbosity progdb

          --TODO: [code cleanup] it'd be better if the Compiler contained the
          -- ConfiguredPrograms that it needs, rather than relying on the progdb
          -- since we don't need to depend on all the programs here, just the
          -- ones relevant for the compiler.

          liftIO $ do
            solver <- chooseSolver verbosity
                                   (solverSettingSolver solverSettings)
                                   (compilerInfo compiler)

            notice verbosity "Resolving dependencies..."
            foldProgress logMsg die return $
              planPackages compiler platform solver solverSettings
                           installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb pkgConfigDB
                           localPackages localPackagesEnabledStanzas
        corePackageDbs = [GlobalPackageDB]
        withRepoCtx    = projectConfigWithSolverRepoContext verbosity
        solverSettings = resolveSolverSettings projectConfig
        logMsg message rest = debugNoWrap verbosity message >> rest

        localPackagesEnabledStanzas =
            [ (pkgname, stanzas)
            | pkg <- localPackages
            , let pkgname            = packageName pkg
                  testsEnabled       = lookupLocalPackageConfig
                                         projectConfig pkgname
                  benchmarksEnabled  = lookupLocalPackageConfig
                                         projectConfig pkgname
                  stanzas =
                    Map.fromList $
                      [ (TestStanzas, enabled)
                      | enabled <- flagToList testsEnabled ]
                   ++ [ (BenchStanzas , enabled)
                      | enabled <- flagToList benchmarksEnabled ]

    -- Elaborate the solver's install plan to get a fully detailed plan. This
    -- version of the plan has the final nix-style hashed ids.
    phaseElaboratePlan :: ProjectConfig
                       -> (Compiler, Platform, ProgramDb)
                       -> (SolverInstallPlan, PackagesImplicitSetupDeps)
                       -> [SourcePackage loc]
                       -> Rebuild ( ElaboratedInstallPlan
                                  , ElaboratedSharedConfig )
    phaseElaboratePlan ProjectConfig {
                       (compiler, platform, progdb)
                       (solverPlan, pkgsImplicitSetupDeps)
                       localPackages = do

        liftIO $ debug verbosity "Elaborating the install plan..."

        sourcePackageHashes <-
          rerunIfChanged verbosity projectRootDir fileMonitorSourceHashes
                         (map packageId $ InstallPlan.toList solverPlan) $
            getPackageSourceHashes verbosity withRepoCtx solverPlan

        defaultInstallDirs <- liftIO $ userInstallDirTemplates compiler
        return $
            platform compiler progdb
            (getMapMappend projectConfigSpecificPackage)
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        withRepoCtx = projectConfigWithSolverRepoContext verbosity

    -- Update the files we maintain that reflect our current build environment.
    -- In particular we maintain a JSON representation of the elaborated
    -- install plan.
    -- TODO: [required eventually] maintain the ghc environment file reflecting
    -- the libs available. This will need to be after plan improvement phase.
    phaseMaintainPlanOutputs :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
                             -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
                             -> Rebuild ()
    phaseMaintainPlanOutputs elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared = do
        liftIO $ debug verbosity "Updating plan.json"
        liftIO $ writePlanExternalRepresentation

    -- Improve the elaborated install plan. The elaborated plan consists
    -- mostly of source packages (with full nix-style hashed ids). Where
    -- corresponding installed packages already exist in the store, replace
    -- them in the plan.
    -- Note that we do monitor the store's package db here, so we will redo
    -- this improvement phase when the db changes -- including as a result of
    -- executing a plan and installing things.
    phaseImprovePlan :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
                     -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
                     -> Rebuild ElaboratedInstallPlan
    phaseImprovePlan elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared = do

        liftIO $ debug verbosity "Improving the install plan..."
        recreateDirectory verbosity True storeDirectory
        storePkgIndex <- getPackageDBContents verbosity
                                              compiler progdb platform
        let improvedPlan = improveInstallPlanWithPreExistingPackages
        return improvedPlan

        storeDirectory  = cabalStoreDirectory (compilerId compiler)
        storePackageDb  = cabalStorePackageDB (compilerId compiler)
        ElaboratedSharedConfig {
          pkgConfigPlatform      = platform,
          pkgConfigCompiler      = compiler,
          pkgConfigCompilerProgs = progdb
        } = elaboratedShared

programsMonitorFiles :: ProgramDb -> [MonitorFilePath]
programsMonitorFiles progdb =
    [ monitor
    | prog    <- configuredPrograms progdb
    , monitor <- monitorFileSearchPath (programMonitorFiles prog)
                                       (programPath prog)

-- | Select the bits of a 'ProgramDb' to monitor for value changes.
-- Use 'programsMonitorFiles' for the files to monitor.
programsDbSignature :: ProgramDb -> [ConfiguredProgram]
programsDbSignature progdb =
    [ prog { programMonitorFiles = []
           , programOverrideEnv  = filter ((/="PATH") . fst)
                                          (programOverrideEnv prog) }
    | prog <- configuredPrograms progdb ]

getInstalledPackages :: Verbosity
                     -> Compiler -> ProgramDb -> Platform
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                     -> PackageDBStack
                     -> Rebuild InstalledPackageIndex
getInstalledPackages verbosity compiler progdb platform packagedbs = do
    monitorFiles . map monitorFileOrDirectory
      =<< liftIO (IndexUtils.getInstalledPackagesMonitorFiles
                    verbosity compiler
                    packagedbs progdb platform)
    liftIO $ IndexUtils.getInstalledPackages
               verbosity compiler
               packagedbs progdb

getPackageDBContents :: Verbosity
                     -> Compiler -> ProgramDb -> Platform
                     -> PackageDB
                     -> Rebuild InstalledPackageIndex
getPackageDBContents verbosity compiler progdb platform packagedb = do
    monitorFiles . map monitorFileOrDirectory
      =<< liftIO (IndexUtils.getInstalledPackagesMonitorFiles
                    verbosity compiler
                    [packagedb] progdb platform)
    liftIO $ do
      createPackageDBIfMissing verbosity compiler
                               progdb [packagedb]
      Cabal.getPackageDBContents verbosity compiler
                                 packagedb progdb

getSourcePackages :: Verbosity -> (forall a. (RepoContext -> IO a) -> IO a)
                  -> Rebuild SourcePackageDb
getSourcePackages verbosity withRepoCtx = do
    (sourcePkgDb, repos) <-
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      liftIO $
        withRepoCtx $ \repoctx -> do
          sourcePkgDb <- IndexUtils.getSourcePackages verbosity repoctx
          return (sourcePkgDb, repoContextRepos repoctx)

    monitorFiles . map monitorFile
                 . IndexUtils.getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles
                 $ repos
    return sourcePkgDb

createPackageDBIfMissing :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> ProgramDb
                         -> PackageDBStack -> IO ()
createPackageDBIfMissing verbosity compiler progdb packageDbs =
  case reverse packageDbs of
    SpecificPackageDB dbPath : _ -> do
      exists <- liftIO $ Cabal.doesPackageDBExist dbPath
      unless exists $ do
        createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity False (takeDirectory dbPath)
        Cabal.createPackageDB verbosity compiler progdb False dbPath
    _ -> return ()

recreateDirectory :: Verbosity -> Bool -> FilePath -> Rebuild ()
recreateDirectory verbosity createParents dir = do
    liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity createParents dir
    monitorFiles [monitorDirectoryExistence dir]

-- | Get the 'HashValue' for all the source packages where we use hashes,
-- and download any packages required to do so.
-- Note that we don't get hashes for local unpacked packages.
getPackageSourceHashes :: Verbosity
                       -> (forall a. (RepoContext -> IO a) -> IO a)
                       -> SolverInstallPlan
                       -> Rebuild (Map PackageId PackageSourceHash)
getPackageSourceHashes verbosity withRepoCtx installPlan = do

    -- Determine which packages need fetching, and which are present already
    pkgslocs <- liftIO $ sequence
      [ do let locm = packageSource pkg
           mloc <- checkFetched locm
           return (pkg, locm, mloc)
      | InstallPlan.Configured
          SolverPackage { solverPkgSource = pkg } <- InstallPlan.toList installPlan ]

    let requireDownloading = [ (pkg, locm) | (pkg, locm, Nothing) <- pkgslocs ]
        alreadyDownloaded  = [ (pkg, loc)  | (pkg, _, Just loc)   <- pkgslocs ]

    -- Download the ones we need
    newlyDownloaded <-
      if null requireDownloading
        then return []
        else liftIO $
              withRepoCtx $ \repoctx ->
                  [ do loc <- fetchPackage verbosity repoctx locm
                       return (pkg, loc)
                  | (pkg, locm) <- requireDownloading ]

    -- Get the hashes of all the tarball packages (i.e. not local dir pkgs)
    let pkgsTarballs =
          [ (packageId pkg, tarball)
          | (pkg, srcloc) <- newlyDownloaded ++ alreadyDownloaded
          , tarball <- maybeToList (tarballFileLocation srcloc) ]

    monitorFiles [ monitorFile tarball | (_pkgid, tarball) <- pkgsTarballs ]

    liftM Map.fromList $ liftIO $
        [ do srchash <- readFileHashValue tarball
             return (pkgid, srchash)
        | (pkgid, tarball) <- pkgsTarballs ]
    tarballFileLocation (LocalUnpackedPackage _dir)      = Nothing
    tarballFileLocation (LocalTarballPackage    tarball) = Just tarball
    tarballFileLocation (RemoteTarballPackage _ tarball) = Just tarball
    tarballFileLocation (RepoTarballPackage _ _ tarball) = Just tarball

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Installation planning
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

planPackages :: Compiler
             -> Platform
             -> Solver -> SolverSettings
             -> InstalledPackageIndex
             -> SourcePackageDb
             -> PkgConfigDb
             -> [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
             -> Map PackageName (Map OptionalStanza Bool)
             -> Progress String String
                         (SolverInstallPlan, PackagesImplicitSetupDeps)
planPackages comp platform solver SolverSettings{..}
             installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb pkgConfigDB
             localPackages pkgStanzasEnable =

    rememberImplicitSetupDeps (depResolverSourcePkgIndex stdResolverParams) <$>

      platform (compilerInfo comp)
      pkgConfigDB solver


    --TODO: [nice to have] disable multiple instances restriction in the solver, but then
    -- make sure we can cope with that in the output.
    resolverParams =

        setMaxBackjumps solverSettingMaxBackjumps

        --TODO: [required eventually] should only be configurable for custom installs
   -- . setIndependentGoals solverSettingIndependentGoals

      . setReorderGoals solverSettingReorderGoals

        --TODO: [required eventually] should only be configurable for custom installs
   -- . setAvoidReinstalls solverSettingAvoidReinstalls

        --TODO: [required eventually] should only be configurable for custom installs
   -- . setShadowPkgs solverSettingShadowPkgs

      . setStrongFlags solverSettingStrongFlags

        --TODO: [required eventually] decide if we need to prefer installed for
        -- global packages, or prefer latest even for global packages. Perhaps
        -- should be configurable but with a different name than "upgrade-dependencies".
      . setPreferenceDefault PreferLatestForSelected
                           {-(if solverSettingUpgradeDeps
                                then PreferAllLatest
                                else PreferLatestForSelected)-}

      . removeUpperBounds solverSettingAllowNewer

      . addDefaultSetupDependencies (defaultSetupDeps platform
                                   . PD.packageDescription
                                   . packageDescription)

      . addPreferences
          -- preferences from the config file or command line
          [ PackageVersionPreference name ver
          | Dependency name ver <- solverSettingPreferences ]

      . addConstraints
          -- version constraints from the config file or command line
            [ LabeledPackageConstraint (userToPackageConstraint pc) src
            | (pc, src) <- solverSettingConstraints ]

      . addPreferences
          -- enable stanza preference where the user did not specify
          [ PackageStanzasPreference pkgname stanzas
          | pkg <- localPackages
          , let pkgname = packageName pkg
                stanzaM = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty pkgname pkgStanzasEnable
                stanzas = [ stanza | stanza <- [minBound..maxBound]
                          , Map.lookup stanza stanzaM == Nothing ]
          , not (null stanzas)

      . addConstraints
          -- enable stanza constraints where the user asked to enable
          [ LabeledPackageConstraint
              (PackageConstraintStanzas pkgname stanzas)
          | pkg <- localPackages
          , let pkgname = packageName pkg
                stanzaM = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty pkgname pkgStanzasEnable
                stanzas = [ stanza | stanza <- [minBound..maxBound]
                          , Map.lookup stanza stanzaM == Just True ]
          , not (null stanzas)

      . addConstraints
          --TODO: [nice to have] should have checked at some point that the
          -- package in question actually has these flags.
          [ LabeledPackageConstraint
              (PackageConstraintFlags pkgname flags)
          | (pkgname, flags) <- Map.toList solverSettingFlagAssignments ]

      . addConstraints
          --TODO: [nice to have] we have user-supplied flags for unspecified
          -- local packages (as well as specific per-package flags). For the
          -- former we just apply all these flags to all local targets which
          -- is silly. We should check if the flags are appropriate.
          [ LabeledPackageConstraint
              (PackageConstraintFlags pkgname flags)
          | let flags = solverSettingFlagAssignment
          , not (null flags)
          , pkg <- localPackages
          , let pkgname = packageName pkg ]

      $ stdResolverParams

    stdResolverParams =
        installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb
        (map SpecificSourcePackage localPackages)

-- * Install plan post-processing

-- This phase goes from the InstallPlan we get from the solver and has to
-- make an elaborated install plan.
-- We go in two steps:
--  1. elaborate all the source packages that the solver has chosen.
--  2. swap source packages for pre-existing installed packages wherever
--     possible.
-- We do it in this order, elaborating and then replacing, because the easiest
-- way to calculate the installed package ids used for the replacement step is
-- from the elaborated configuration for each package.

-- * Install plan elaboration

-- | Produce an elaborated install plan using the policy for local builds with
-- a nix-style shared store.
-- In theory should be able to make an elaborated install plan with a policy
-- matching that of the classic @cabal install --user@ or @--global@
  :: Platform -> Compiler -> ProgramDb
  -> DistDirLayout
  -> CabalDirLayout
  -> SolverInstallPlan
  -> PackagesImplicitSetupDeps
  -> [SourcePackage loc]
  -> Map PackageId PackageSourceHash
  -> InstallDirs.InstallDirTemplates
  -> ProjectConfigShared
  -> PackageConfig
  -> Map PackageName PackageConfig
  -> (ElaboratedInstallPlan, ElaboratedSharedConfig)
elaborateInstallPlan platform compiler compilerprogdb
                     solverPlan pkgsImplicitSetupDeps localPackages
                     perPackageConfig =
    (elaboratedInstallPlan, elaboratedSharedConfig)
    elaboratedSharedConfig =
      ElaboratedSharedConfig {
        pkgConfigPlatform      = platform,
        pkgConfigCompiler      = compiler,
        pkgConfigCompilerProgs = compilerprogdb

    elaboratedInstallPlan =
      flip InstallPlan.mapPreservingGraph solverPlan $ \mapDep planpkg ->
        case planpkg of
          InstallPlan.PreExisting pkg ->
            InstallPlan.PreExisting pkg

          InstallPlan.Configured  pkg ->
              (elaborateSolverPackage mapDep pkg)

          _ -> error "elaborateInstallPlan: unexpected package state"

    elaborateSolverPackage :: (UnitId -> UnitId)
                           -> SolverPackage UnresolvedPkgLoc
                           -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
        pkg@(SolverPackage (SourcePackage pkgid gdesc srcloc descOverride)
                           flags stanzas deps0) =
        -- Knot tying: the final elaboratedPackage includes the
        -- pkgInstalledId, which is calculated by hashing many
        -- of the other fields of the elaboratedPackage.
        elaboratedPackage = ElaboratedConfiguredPackage {..}

        deps = fmap (map elaborateSolverId) deps0

        elaborateSolverId sid =
            ConfiguredId {
                confSrcId  = packageId sid,
                -- Update the 'UnitId' to the final nix-style hashed ID
                confInstId = mapDep (installedPackageId sid)

          | shouldBuildInplaceOnly pkg
          = mkUnitId (display pkgid ++ "-inplace")
Mikhail Glushenkov's avatar
Mikhail Glushenkov committed

          | otherwise
          = assert (isJust pkgSourceHash) $
                elaboratedPackage)  -- recursive use of elaboratedPackage

          | otherwise
          = error $ "elaborateInstallPlan: non-inplace package "
                 ++ " is missing a source hash: " ++ display pkgid

        -- All the other fields of the ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
        pkgSourceId         = pkgid
        pkgDescription      = let Right (desc, _) =
                                    flags (const True)
                                    platform (compilerInfo compiler)
                                    [] gdesc
                               in desc
        pkgFlagAssignment   = flags
        pkgFlagDefaults     = [ (Cabal.flagName flag, Cabal.flagDefault flag)
                              | flag <- PD.genPackageFlags gdesc ]
        pkgDependencies     = deps
        pkgStanzasAvailable = Set.fromList stanzas
        pkgStanzasRequested =
            Map.fromList $ [ (TestStanzas,  v) | v <- maybeToList tests ]
                        ++ [ (BenchStanzas, v) | v <- maybeToList benchmarks ]
            tests, benchmarks :: Maybe Bool
            tests      = perPkgOptionMaybe pkgid packageConfigTests
            benchmarks = perPkgOptionMaybe pkgid packageConfigBenchmarks

        -- These sometimes get adjusted later
        pkgStanzasEnabled   = Set.empty
        pkgBuildTargets     = []
        pkgReplTarget       = Nothing
        pkgBuildHaddocks    = False

        pkgSourceLocation   = srcloc
        pkgSourceHash       = Map.lookup pkgid sourcePackageHashes
        pkgBuildStyle       = if shouldBuildInplaceOnly pkg
                                then BuildInplaceOnly else BuildAndInstall
        pkgBuildPackageDBStack    = buildAndRegisterDbs
        pkgRegisterPackageDBStack = buildAndRegisterDbs
        pkgRequiresRegistration   = PD.hasPublicLib (PD.packageDescription gdesc)

        pkgSetupScriptStyle       = packageSetupScriptStylePostSolver
                                      pkgsImplicitSetupDeps pkg pkgDescription
        pkgSetupScriptCliVersion  = packageSetupScriptSpecVersion
                                      pkgSetupScriptStyle pkgDescription deps
        pkgSetupPackageDBStack    = buildAndRegisterDbs

          | shouldBuildInplaceOnly pkg = inplacePackageDbs
          | otherwise                  = storePackageDbs

        pkgDescriptionOverride    = descOverride

        pkgVanillaLib    = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid True packageConfigVanillaLib --TODO: [required feature]: also needs to be handled recursively
        pkgSharedLib     = pkgid `Set.member` pkgsUseSharedLibrary
        pkgDynExe        = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigDynExe
        pkgGHCiLib       = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigGHCiLib --TODO: [required feature] needs to default to enabled on windows still

        pkgProfExe       = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigProf
        pkgProfLib       = pkgid `Set.member` pkgsUseProfilingLibrary

         pkgProfLibDetail) = perPkgOptionLibExeFlag pkgid ProfDetailDefault
        pkgCoverage      = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigCoverage

        pkgOptimization  = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid NormalOptimisation packageConfigOptimization
        pkgSplitObjs     = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigSplitObjs
        pkgStripLibs     = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigStripLibs
        pkgStripExes     = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid False packageConfigStripExes
        pkgDebugInfo     = perPkgOptionFlag pkgid NoDebugInfo packageConfigDebugInfo

        -- Combine the configured compiler prog settings with the user-supplied
        -- config. For the compiler progs any user-supplied config was taken
        -- into account earlier when configuring the compiler so its ok that