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  • Adam Gundry's avatar
    Use configured compiler for cabal sandbox hc-pkg · a25c1669
    Adam Gundry authored
    For most commands (e.g. `cabal install`), the `package-db` field in
    `cabal.sandbox.config` is ignored, and the path is reconstructed
    from the `prefix` and current compiler instead.  This is arguably
    the right behaviour, because the right package DB depends on the
    arch/compiler, so it doesn't make sense to specify only one.  This
    commit makes `cabal sandbox hc-pkg` behave similarly, to avoid
    invoking ghc-pkg on an incompatible package DB (fixes #1935).
    Moreover, the compiler version to use is now picked up from the
    most recently configured compiler, if any.  Otherwise, the global
    default compiler is used, as before.