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This project is mirrored from Pull mirroring updated .
  1. Jul 16, 2017
  2. Jul 15, 2017
  3. Jul 10, 2017
    • Mikhail Glushenkov's avatar
      Merge pull request #4599 from grayjay/conflict-counting-bug · f303d018
      Mikhail Glushenkov authored
      Fix bug in conflict counting.
    • Francesco Gazzetta's avatar
      Fix now incorrect new-test example · 880cc56a
      Francesco Gazzetta authored
      [ci skip]
      `new-test` _is_ implemented now. `new-install` isn't.
    • Mikhail Glushenkov's avatar
      Merge pull request #4598 from duog/master · 1cdc546b
      Mikhail Glushenkov authored
      Refine "doingTH" check to include checking for QuasiQuotes
    • kristenk's avatar
      Cleanup. · 3e0732ca
      kristenk authored
    • kristenk's avatar
      Refactor handling of conflict set representing option to not choose a goal. · 2237136a
      kristenk authored
      The conflict set that represents the option to not choose a value for a goal,
      'initial', has two purposes:
      1. 'initial' contributes to a node's conflict set, because it is unioned with
         the other conflict sets under the same choice node, if the current variable
         is contained in all of them.
      2. 'initial' contributes to the conflict count.  When it is unioned with the
         other conflict sets, it is also added to the ConflictMap.
      Previously, 'initial' was treated as the first of a node's children for (1) and
      the last of the children for (2).  This refactoring treats 'initial' as the last
      child in both cases, to make the code clearer, and renames it to 'lastCS'.
      There should be no change in behavior.
    • kristenk's avatar
      Fix bug in conflict counting. · 22d44325
      kristenk authored
      In Explore.hs, the solver calculates a conflict set corresponding to the option
      to not choose a value for each goal, called 'initial'.  That conflict set should
      be added to the ConflictMap when the current goal causes a conflict.  However,
      there was a bug, and the solver added 'initial' to the ConflictMap at every
      The bug meant that the solver preferred all goals that it had already chosen.
      If a new goal started to cause conflicts, it would take a while for the solver
      to start preferring the new goal over the ones that it had previously seen.
      See #4595 for an example where this problem caused longer backjumps and slowed
      down the solver.
      I ran "cabal install --dry-run" for all packages on Hackage with master and the branch with a 90 second timeout, GHC 8.0.1, and index state 2017-07-08T04:20:18Z. Then I filtered out all packages where both runs had the same result (success or failure) and the times were within 10%. I repeated that process three times to eliminate packages that had different run times due to noise. Then I ran "cabal install --dry-run --max-backjumps=-1" on the remaining packages and averaged three runs.
      Since this branch changes a goal-ordering heuristic, I expected a lot of changes in run time in either direction. Out of 105 changes, 83 were faster, 20 were slower, and 2 involved a timeout on both branches. (The two that timed out had different run times before I removed the backjump limit.)
      package                          master result   master time (seconds)   branch result   branch time (seconds)   speedup
      AesonBson                        solution         3.06                   solution         2.59                    1.18
      DisTract                         no solution      1.48                   no solution      1.34                    1.1
      GPipe-Examples                   timeout         90.01                   no solution      2.11                    -
      GuiTV                            solution         2.54                   solution        16.05                    0.16
      Phsu                             solution         3.49                   solution         1.83                    1.9
      Ranka                            no solution      2.05                   no solution      1.65                    1.25
      Rlang-QQ                         no solution      2.97                   no solution      1.89                    1.57
      SourceGraph                      timeout         90.04                   no solution     11.53                    -
      Validation                       no solution      2.1                    no solution      6.59                    0.32
      WebCont                          no solution      2.04                   no solution      1.6                     1.28
      acme-everything                  timeout         90.02                   timeout         90                       -
      aeson-t                          solution         2.04                   solution         1.81                    1.13
      alsa-gui                         no solution      1.62                   no solution      1.86                    0.87
      aviation-cessna172-diagrams      no solution      2.56                   no solution      2.29                    1.12
      aws-dynamodb-conduit             no solution      2.22                   no solution      1.83                    1.22
      azure-servicebus                 no solution      5.18                   no solution      2.87                    1.8
      bamboo-theme-mini-html5          no solution      2.51                   no solution      2                       1.26
      bitcoin-payment-channel          solution         3.42                   solution         2.73                    1.25
      bittorrent                       no solution      2.75                   no solution      2.4                     1.15
      blaze-builder-enumerator         no solution      1.62                   no solution      1.88                    0.86
      blunt                            solution         2.99                   solution         2.5                     1.19
      cash                             no solution      1.33                   no solution      1.53                    0.87
      cheapskate-terminal              no solution      2.04                   no solution      1.62                    1.26
      clckwrks-plugin-bugs             no solution      3.85                   no solution      5.78                    0.67
      cmdtheline                       no solution      1.96                   no solution      1.63                    1.2
      colchis                          no solution      1.99                   no solution      2.23                    0.89
      collada-types                    no solution      1.86                   no solution      1.66                    1.12
      convertible-text                 solution         1.61                   solution         1.83                    0.88
      cqrs-example                     no solution      2.64                   no solution      2.32                    1.14
      dixi                             solution         4.44                   solution         4.03                    1.1
      ethereum-client-haskell          no solution      1.84                   no solution      2.45                    0.75
      flowdock                         no solution      2.46                   no solution      3.19                    0.77
      geniserver                       no solution      5.34                   no solution      4.84                    1.1
      ghc-imported-from                solution         4.59                   solution         2.9                     1.58
      gps2htmlReport                   solution         3.08                   solution         5.58                    0.55
      guarded-rewriting                solution         1.54                   solution         1.34                    1.14
      hack2-handler-happstack-server   no solution      1.76                   no solution      2                       0.88
      halma-telegram-bot               solution         4.27                   solution         3.37                    1.27
      happs-tutorial                   no solution      2.08                   no solution      1.86                    1.12
      happstack                        no solution      3.08                   no solution      5.86                    0.53
      happstack-facebook               timeout         90.01                   timeout         90.03                    -
      haskelldb-hsql-mysql             no solution      1.73                   no solution      1.5                     1.16
      hdbi                             no solution      1.92                   no solution      1.66                    1.15
      hdbi-postgresql                  no solution      3.05                   no solution      1.95                    1.56
      hdbi-sqlite                      no solution      1.91                   no solution      1.69                    1.13
      hexpat-iteratee                  no solution      2.61                   no solution      1.84                    1.42
      hist-pl                          no solution      2.69                   no solution      2.36                    1.14
      hscd                             no solution      2.53                   no solution      1.59                    1.59
      http-client-lens                 no solution      3.63                   no solution      1.96                    1.85
      hubris                           no solution      3.62                   no solution      1.63                    2.22
      infinity                         no solution      1.34                   no solution      1.5                     0.89
      iteratee-parsec                  no solution      2.01                   no solution      1.74                    1.16
      json-togo                        no solution      1.86                   no solution      1.65                    1.13
      lat                              no solution      2.87                   no solution      1.86                    1.55
      liquidhaskell                    solution         3.34                   solution         2.25                    1.48
      manatee-core                     no solution      1.79                   no solution      1.6                     1.12
      manatee-curl                     no solution      8.44                   no solution      2.73                    3.09
      manatee-editor                   no solution      5.05                   no solution      2.81                    1.8
      manatee-filemanager              no solution     29.09                   no solution      2.96                    9.82
      manatee-imageviewer              no solution      1.78                   no solution      1.57                    1.13
      manatee-mplayer                  no solution      8.98                   no solution      4.05                    2.22
      manatee-terminal                 no solution      3.19                   no solution      2.41                    1.32
      minimung                         no solution      1.86                   no solution      1.57                    1.19
      monoids                          no solution      3.02                   no solution      2.68                    1.13
      mprover                          no solution      1.89                   no solution      1.54                    1.23
      ms                               no solution      8.04                   no solution      4.35                    1.85
      music-sibelius                   solution         3.1                    solution         2.5                     1.24
      nerf                             solution        22.54                   solution         3.09                    7.29
      nomyx-api                        solution         5.46                   solution         4.39                    1.24
      nomyx-library                    solution         2.08                   solution         1.86                    1.11
      nomyx-server                     no solution      4.83                   no solution      3.92                    1.23
      opaleye-classy                   no solution      2.07                   no solution      3.58                    0.58
      openflow                         no solution      1.95                   no solution      1.66                    1.18
      ot                               no solution      3.37                   no solution      1.95                    1.73
      paypal-api                       no solution      1.89                   no solution      1.64                    1.15
      pdf-slave-server                 no solution      3.21                   no solution      2.15                    1.49
      phooey                           solution         2.55                   solution        16.24                    0.16
      pipes-cereal-plus                solution         1.85                   solution         1.65                    1.12
      pocket-dns                       no solution      2.71                   no solution      2.08                    1.3
      pontarius-mediaserver            no solution      2.29                   no solution      2.7                     0.85
      precis                           no solution      2.53                   no solution      3.23                    0.78
      prove-everywhere-server          no solution      2.19                   no solution      1.92                    1.14
      quickbooks                       no solution      5.86                   no solution      5.17                    1.13
      rbpcp-api                        solution         2.35                   solution         2.13                    1.11
      react-haskell                    timeout         90.02                   no solution     71.21                    -
      regex-xmlschema                  no solution      1.34                   no solution      1.51                    0.89
      remote-json-server               solution         2.1                    solution         1.8                     1.16
      scholdoc-citeproc                no solution      3                      no solution      1.92                    1.57
      scion-browser                    no solution      5.21                   no solution      4.65                    1.12
      semdoc                           no solution      4.21                   no solution      3.04                    1.39
      servant-auth-token-rocksdb       no solution      4.68                   no solution      2.32                    2.02
      snaplet-auth-acid                no solution      2.25                   no solution      1.99                    1.13
      snaplet-stripe                   no solution      3.46                   no solution      2.97                    1.16
      sssp                             no solution      3.3                    no solution      2.79                    1.18
      target                           solution         2.8                    solution         2.11                    1.32
      tls-extra                        no solution      2.74                   no solution      2.36                    1.16
      twentefp-rosetree                no solution      1.69                   no solution      1.97                    0.86
      twitter-enumerator               no solution     28.39                   no solution      2.16                   13.15
      wai-middleware-cache             no solution      1.95                   no solution      1.56                    1.25
      wai-middleware-catch             no solution      1.9                    no solution      1.54                    1.24
      wai-middleware-route             solution        11.9                    solution         1.62                    7.34
      xml2json                         no solution      2.27                   no solution      1.68                    1.35
      yesod-auth-account-fork          solution         3.33                   solution         2.87                    1.16
      yesod-comments                   no solution     25.6                    no solution     14.44                    1.77
      yesod-pure                       solution         7.99                   solution         4.45                    1.79
    • Douglas Wilson's avatar
      Add tests for checking for QuasiQuotes in doingTH · 11e70568
      Douglas Wilson authored
      These tests are copied from cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell with
      only minor changes.
    • Douglas Wilson's avatar
      Refine "doingTH" check to include checking for QuasiQuotes · a0a506dd
      Douglas Wilson authored
      In several places we need to know whether any modules in the component being
      built use template haskell, because if they do we need to make sure the object
      files that will be needed are built.
      Previously, we checked whether TemplateHaskell was present in the extensions
      declared in the cabal file. Now we also check for QuasiQuotes.
      This patch adds usesTemplateHaskellOrQQ to Distribution.Types.BuildInfo and
      Distribution.PackageDescription. The checks "doingTH" checks in
      Distribuion.Simple.GHC, Distribution.Simple.GHCJS, and Distribution.Simple.LHC
      now delegate to usesTemplateHaskellOrQQ rather than each having identical checks
  4. Jul 08, 2017
  5. Jul 07, 2017
  6. Jul 06, 2017
  7. Jul 05, 2017
  8. Jul 04, 2017
  9. Jul 03, 2017
  10. Jun 21, 2017
  11. Jun 20, 2017
    • bardur.arantsson's avatar
      Create separate compat-prelude for solver · 34233d76
      bardur.arantsson authored
      The idea here is to break the dependency that has crept in from the
      "Solver" into the "Client". (If there's ever going to be a separate
      solver then the dependency would become a big problem.)