old tickets we need to triage and/or are not sure yet about
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- Add Type Directed Name Resolution
- QualifiedOperators
- Instances of Read on bounded integral types should fail on overflow
- Rename interact to iofilter
- Do not import the Prelude by default for proper modules
- Fix Ord so Ord Double and Ord Float make sense
- clarify literate script syntax
- ExitCode consistency
- Should sum and product be strict? Or have strict variants?
- splitAt should be strict in its first argument
- Remove libraries from the report (to the greatest extent possible)
- Allow unnamed record fields
- Read Char instance, for [Char], and ['a', 'b'] syntax
- Complex arithmetic misbehaves in boundary cases
- introduce lambda-match (explicit match failure and fall-through)
- Break unnecessary dependencies between Haskell numeric classes
- remove local fixity declarations
- Generalize types of IO actions
- split Enum into two typeclasses
- make toEnum and fromEnum take and return Integers
- Add assertions
- Disambiguate MonadPlus
- Add Time Library
- Make pattern bindings monomorphic
- add Liberal Type Synonyms
- Class Aliases
- Replace named fields with an extensible record system
- Move existing named field (record) system to an addendum.
- Restricted Data Types Now
- Collection library interface
- Replace the array indexing operator, '!'
- improve module interfaces
- Syntax for specifing language extensions
- add First Class Labels
- Unify various annotation proposals
- solve the MultiParamTypeClassDilemma
- standardize the System.FilePath module for Haskell'
- unified and extensible annotations
- add dictionary definitions to wiki
- add PartialTypeAnnotations?
- more liberal kind inference
- Kind Annotations
- Allow import declarations anywhere at the top level
- scoping of type variables in class instances
- Reform the monomorphism restriction
- Add infix type constructors
- add some kind of concurrency
- add views
- Make underscore 'caseless'
- Allow Undecidable Instances
- allow TypeSynonymInstances
- add Scoped Type Variables
- make sure removal candidates are added as proposals
- add recursive do syntax
- "Informal Semantics of Pattern Matching", is a bit vague on matching record patterns.
- allow data consructors to be exported and imported readonly
- replace the Read class
- add RankNTypes or Rank2Types
- Fix the lexical syntax for qualified identifiers
- prelude re-organisation proposal
- add polymorphic components
- add Parallel List comprehensions
- add overlapping or incoherent instances
- Nondecreasing Indentation
- Generalised deriving for newtype
- add new pragmas
- get rid of unary '-' operator
- add multi parameter type classes
- clarify module system proposals
- make sure all minor library changes are added as proposals?
- double check that all MinorFixes are listed as proposals, and minor
- add Linear implicit params
- add ImpreciseExceptions
- add implicit parameters
- add GADTs
- add FunctionalDependencies
- add ForeignData
- add Blockable
- add FlexibleInstances
- add Flexible Contexts
- add ExtensibleExceptions
- Require explicit quantification on all expression bound type sigatures
- create proposal(s): tweak the existing records system
- add ExistentialQuantification
- create DerivedInstances proposal
- improve defaulting rules
- Eliminate . as an operator
- control export and import of class instances
- add closed classes
- relax restriction on signatures of class methods
- Create unicode proposal
- add a binary IO interface
- add Associated Types
- add Arrows
Completed Issues (closed)