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Propose Oversight Committee

Richard Eisenberg requested to merge oversight-committee into main

This MR adds a new standing committee to help promote communication between the Board and the Executive Director. It is also a first run of the process outlined in !14 (merged) for forming Committees.

The desire for this committee came out of the executive session of the Board meeting on 6 May, where we realized that there was not a good way of the Board expressing its thoughts on the direction of the HF to the ED. The goal is that the members of the Oversight Committee will communicate proactively with the Board, distill the Board's preferences, and work with the ED to keep everyone on the same page.

There are a few open questions about the best design here -- I will highlight these in line comments, below.

Once this general plan is accepted (and merged), we will have to nominate and appoint two members of the Board to join the Oversight Committee.

Merge request reports