- Feb 14, 2024
Leaving a few that are too tricky, maybe some other time. Also - remove some unneeded helpers from Parser.y - reduce allocations with strictness annotations Updates haddock submodule Metric Decrease: parsing001
- Feb 08, 2024
Rewrite the `HasHaddock` instance for `ConDecl GhcPs` to account for infix constructors. This change fixes a Haddock regression (introduced in 19e80b9a) that affected leading comments on infix data constructor declarations: -- | Docs for infix constructor | Int :* Bool The comment should be associated with the data constructor (:*), not with its left-hand side Int.
- Dec 13, 2023
Summary of changes * Remove Language.Haskell.Syntax.Concrete * Move all tokens into GhcPs extension fields (LHsToken -> EpToken) * Create new TTG extension fields as needed * Drop the MultAnn wrapper Updates the haddock submodule. Co-authored-by:
Alan Zimmerman <alan.zimm@gmail.com>
- Nov 27, 2023
Now that we only have a single constructor for EpAnn, And it uses a SrcSpan for its location, we can do away with SrcSpanAnn completely. It only existed to wrap the original SrcSpan in a location, and provide a place for the exact print annotation. For darwin only: Metric Increase: MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot Updates haddock submodule
- Nov 26, 2023
We no longer need the EpAnnNotUsed constructor for EpAnn, as we can represent an unused annotation with an anchor having a EpaDelta of zero, and empty comments and annotations. This simplifies code handling annotations considerably. Updates haddock submodule Metric Increase: parsing001
- Nov 12, 2023
An Anchor has a location and an operation, which is either that it is unchanged or that it has moved with a DeltaPos data Anchor = Anchor { anchor :: RealSrcSpan , anchor_op :: AnchorOperation } An EpaLocation also has either a location or a DeltaPos data EpaLocation = EpaSpan !RealSrcSpan !(Strict.Maybe BufSpan) | EpaDelta !DeltaPos ![LEpaComment] Now that we do not care about always having a location in the anchor, we remove Anchor and replace it with EpaLocation We do this with a type alias initially, to ease the transition. The alias will be removed in time. We also have helpers to reconstruct the AnchorOperation from an EpaLocation. This is also temporary. Updates Haddock submodule
- Nov 02, 2023
This change requires a series of related changes, which must all land at the same time, otherwise all the EPA tests break. * Use the current Anchor end as prior end Use the original anchor location end as the source of truth for calculating print deltas. This allows original spacing to apply in most cases, only changed AST items need initial delta positions. * Add DArrow to TrailingAnn * EPA Introduce HasTrailing in ExactPrint Use [TrailingAnn] in enterAnn and remove it from ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName) * In HsDo, put TrailingAnns at top of LastStmt * EPA: do not convert comments to deltas when balancing. * EPA: deal with fallout from getMonoBind * EPA fix captureLineSpacing * EPA print any comments in the span before exiting it * EPA: Add comments to AnchorOperation * EPA: remove AnnEofComment, it is no longer used Updates Haddock submodule
- Aug 01, 2023
This commit implements the ability to deprecate certain instances, which causes the compiler to emit the desired deprecation message whenever they are instantiated. For example: module A where class C t where instance {-# DEPRECATED "dont use" #-} C Int where module B where import A f :: C t => t f = undefined g :: Int g = f -- "dont use" emitted here The implementation is as follows: - In the parser, we parse deprecations/warnings attached to instances: instance {-# DEPRECATED "msg" #-} Show X deriving instance {-# WARNING "msg2" #-} Eq Y (Note that non-standalone deriving instance declarations do not support this mechanism.) - We store the resulting warning message in `ClsInstDecl` (respectively, `DerivDecl`). In `GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.tcClsInstDecl` (respectively, `GHC.Tc.Deriv.Utils.newDerivClsInst`), we pass on that information to `ClsInst` (and eventually store it in `IfaceClsInst` too). - Finally, when we solve a constraint using such an instance, in `GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.matchInstEnv`, we emit the appropriate warning that was stored in `ClsInst`. Note that we only emit a warning when the instance is used in a different module than it is defined, which keeps the behaviour in line with the deprecation of top-level identifiers. Signed-off-by:
Bartłomiej Cieślar <bcieslar2001@gmail.com>
- Jun 21, 2023
- Do not include `mi_globals` in the `NoBackend` backend. It was only included for Haddock, but Haddock does not actually need it. This causes a 200MB reduction in max residency when generating haddocks on the Agda codebase (roughly 1GB to 800MB). - Make haddock_{parser,renamer}_perf tests more accurate by forcing docs to be written to interface files using `-fwrite-interface` Bumps haddock submodule. Metric Decrease: haddock.base
- Jun 07, 2023
Vladislav Zavialov authored
This patch implements @k-binders introduced in GHC Proposal #425 and guarded behind the TypeAbstractions extension: type D :: forall k j. k -> j -> Type data D @k @j a b = ... ^^ ^^ To represent the new syntax, we modify LHsQTyVars as follows: - hsq_explicit :: [LHsTyVarBndr () pass] + hsq_explicit :: [LHsTyVarBndr (HsBndrVis pass) pass] HsBndrVis is a new data type that records the distinction between type variable binders written with and without the @ sign: data HsBndrVis pass = HsBndrRequired | HsBndrInvisible (LHsToken "@" pass) The rest of the patch updates GHC, template-haskell, and haddock to handle the new syntax. Parser: The PsErrUnexpectedTypeAppInDecl error message is removed. The syntax it used to reject is now permitted. Renamer: The @ sign does not affect the scope of a binder, so the changes to the renamer are minimal. See rnLHsTyVarBndrVisFlag. Type checker: There are three code paths that were updated to deal with the newly introduced invisible type variable binders: 1. checking SAKS: see kcCheckDeclHeader_sig, matchUpSigWithDecl 2. checking CUSK: see kcCheckDeclHeader_cusk 3. inference: see kcInferDeclHeader, rejectInvisibleBinders Helper functions bindExplicitTKBndrs_Q_Skol and bindExplicitTKBndrs_Q_Tv are generalized to work with HsBndrVis. Updates the haddock submodule. Metric Increase: MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot Co-authored-by:
Simon Peyton Jones <simon.peytonjones@gmail.com>
- Apr 26, 2023
!9018 brought in exact print annotations in LayoutInfo for open and close braces at the top level. But it retained them in the HsModule annotations too. Remove the originals, so exact printing uses LayoutInfo
- Apr 20, 2023
Recent egrep displays the following message, breaking golden tests: egrep: warning: egrep is obsolescent; using grep -E Switch to using "grep -E" instead
- Dec 23, 2022
Closes #20951 Closes #19697
- Dec 09, 2022
- Nov 29, 2022
Sylvain Henry authored
Add JS backend adapted from the GHCJS project by Luite Stegeman. Some features haven't been ported or implemented yet. Tests for these features have been disabled with an associated gitlab ticket. Bump array submodule Work funded by IOG. Co-authored-by:
Jeffrey Young <jeffrey.young@iohk.io> Co-authored-by:
Luite Stegeman <stegeman@gmail.com> Co-authored-by:
Josh Meredith <joshmeredith2008@gmail.com>
- Oct 22, 2022
Vladislav Zavialov authored
Updates the haddock submodule.
- Sep 27, 2022
includes corresponding changes to haddock submodule
- Sep 19, 2022
Rather than a list of constructors and a `NewOrData` flag, we define `data DataDefnCons a = NewTypeCon a | DataTypeCons [a]`, which enforces a newtype to have exactly one constructor. Closes #22070. Bump haddock submodule.
- Sep 13, 2022
- Jul 03, 2022
Move the GHC-independent definitions from GHC.Hs.ImpExp to Language.Haskell.Syntax.ImpExp with the required TTG extension fields such as to keep the AST independent from GHC. This is progress towards having the haskell-syntax package, as described in #21592 Bumps haddock submodule
- May 24, 2022
Using regexp pattern requires `egrep` and straight up `+`. The haddock_parser_perf and haddock_renamer_perf tests now pass on OpenBSD. They previously incorrectly parsed the files and awk complained about invalid syntax.
- Apr 08, 2022
One more step towards the new design of EPA. Updates the haddock submodule.
- Mar 23, 2022
Names appearing in Haddock docstrings are lexed and renamed like any other names appearing in the AST. We currently rename names irrespective of the namespace, so both type and constructor names corresponding to an identifier will appear in the docstring. Haddock will select a given name as the link destination based on its own heuristics. This patch also restricts the limitation of `-haddock` being incompatible with `Opt_KeepRawTokenStream`. The export and documenation structure is now computed in GHC and serialised in .hi files. This can be used by haddock to directly generate doc pages without reparsing or renaming the source. At the moment the operation of haddock is not modified, that's left to a future patch. Updates the haddock submodule with the minimum changes needed.
- Dec 01, 2021
This fixes the ./validate script on my machine. I also took the step to add some linters which would catch problems like these in future. Fixes #20506
- Nov 02, 2021
Alan Zimmerman authored
The ghc-exactPrint library has had to re-introduce the relatavise phase. This is needed if you change the length of an identifier and want the layout to be preserved afterwards. It is not possible to relatavise a bare SrcSpan, so introduce `SrcAnn NoEpAnns` for them instead. Updates haddock submodule.
- Oct 24, 2021
This allows us to use an Anchor with a DeltaPos in it when exact printing.
- Oct 13, 2021
Zubin authored
- Oct 05, 2021
The EpaAnnCO we were using contained an Anchor instead of EpaLocation, making it harder to work with. At the same time, using EpaLocation by itself isn't possible either, as we may have tokens without location information. Hence the new data type: data TokenLocation = NoTokenLoc | TokenLoc !EpaLocation
- Aug 05, 2021
The function ppr_arrow_chain was not printing multiplicities. Also remove the Outputable instance: no longer used, and could cover bugs like those.
- Jun 17, 2021
Another step towards a simpler design for exact printing. Updates the haddock submodule.
- May 20, 2021
They are repeated in the surrounding DataDecl and FamEqn. Updates haddock submodule Closes #19834
- Apr 19, 2021
Remove EpaAnn type synonym, rename EpaAnn' to EpaAnn. Closes #19705 Updates haddock submodule -- Change data EpaAnchor = AR RealSrcSpan | AD DeltaPos To instead be data EpaAnchor = AnchorReal RealSrcSpan | AnchorDelta DeltaPos Closes #19699 -- Change data DeltaPos = DP { deltaLine :: !Int, deltaColumn :: !Int } To instead be data DeltaPos = SameLine { deltaColumn :: !Int } | DifferentLine { deltaLine :: !Int, startColumn :: !Int } Closes #19698 -- Also some clean-ups of unused parts of check-exact.
- Mar 31, 2021
- Mar 20, 2021
Metric Increase: T10370 parsing001 Updates haddock submodule
- Mar 01, 2021
If the context is missing it is captured as Nothing, rather than putting a noLoc in the ParsedSource. Updates haddock submodule
- Nov 06, 2020
This refactors the GHC AST to remove `HsImplicitBndrs` and replace it with `HsOuterTyVarBndrs`, a type which records whether the outermost quantification in a type is explicit (i.e., with an outermost, invisible `forall`) or implicit. As a result of this refactoring, it is now evident in the AST where the `forall`-or-nothing rule applies: it's all the places that use `HsOuterTyVarBndrs`. See the revamped `Note [forall-or-nothing rule]` in `GHC.Hs.Type` (previously in `GHC.Rename.HsType`). Moreover, the places where `ScopedTypeVariables` brings lexically scoped type variables into scope are a subset of the places that adhere to the `forall`-or-nothing rule, so this also makes places that interact with `ScopedTypeVariables` easier to find. See the revamped `Note [Lexically scoped type variables]` in `GHC.Hs.Type` (previously in `GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig`). `HsOuterTyVarBndrs` are used in type signatures (see `HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs`) and type family equations (see `HsOuterFamEqnTyVarBndrs`). The main difference between the former and the latter is that the former cares about specificity but the latter does not. There are a number of knock-on consequences: * There is now a dedicated `HsSigType` type, which is the combination of `HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs` and `HsType`. `LHsSigType` is now an alias for an `XRec` of `HsSigType`. * Working out the details led us to a substantial refactoring of the handling of explicit (user-written) and implicit type-variable bindings in `GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType`. Instead of a confusing family of higher order functions, we now have a local data type, `SkolemInfo`, that controls how these binders are kind-checked. It remains very fiddly, not fully satisfying. But it's better than it was. Fixes #16762. Bumps the Haddock submodule. Co-authored-by:
Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by:
Richard Eisenberg <rae@richarde.dev> Co-authored-by:
Zubin Duggal <zubin@cmi.ac.in>
- Oct 30, 2020
Haskell98 and GADT constructors both use `HsConDeclDetails`, which includes `InfixCon`. But `InfixCon` is never used for GADT constructors, which results in an awkward unrepresentable state. This removes the unrepresentable state by: * Renaming the existing `HsConDeclDetails` synonym to `HsConDeclH98Details`, which emphasizes the fact that it is now only used for Haskell98-style data constructors, and * Creating a new `HsConDeclGADTDetails` data type with `PrefixConGADT` and `RecConGADT` constructors that closely resemble `PrefixCon` and `InfixCon` in `HsConDeclH98Details`. The key difference is that `HsConDeclGADTDetails` lacks any way to represent infix constructors. The rest of the patch is refactoring to accommodate the new structure of `HsConDecl{H98,GADT}Details`. Some highlights: * The `getConArgs` and `hsConDeclArgTys` functions have been removed, as there is no way to implement these functions uniformly for all `ConDecl`s. For the most part, their previous call sites now pattern match on the `ConDecl`s directly and do different things for `ConDeclH98`s and `ConDeclGADT`s. I did introduce one new function to make the transition easier: `getRecConArgs_maybe`, which extracts the arguments from a `RecCon(GADT)`. This is still possible since `RecCon(GADT)`s still use the same representation in both `HsConDeclH98Details` and `HsConDeclGADTDetails`, and since the pattern that `getRecConArgs_maybe` implements is used in several places, I thought it worthwhile to factor it out into its own function. * Previously, the `con_args` fields in `ConDeclH98` and `ConDeclGADT` were both of type `HsConDeclDetails`. Now, the former is of type `HsConDeclH98Details`, and the latter is of type `HsConDeclGADTDetails`, which are distinct types. As a result, I had to rename the `con_args` field in `ConDeclGADT` to `con_g_args` to make it typecheck. A consequence of all this is that the `con_args` field is now partial, so using `con_args` as a top-level field selector is dangerous. (Indeed, Haddock was using `con_args` at the top-level, which caused it to crash at runtime before I noticed what was wrong!) I decided to add a disclaimer in the 9.2.1 release notes to advertise this pitfall. Fixes #18844. Bumps the `haddock` submodule.
- Oct 20, 2020
Alan Zimmerman authored
The linear arrow can be parsed as `%1 ->` or a direct single token unicode equivalent. Make sure that this distinction is captured in the parsed AST by using IsUnicodeSyntax where it appears, and introduce a new API Annotation, AnnMult to represent its location when unicode is not used. Updated haddock submodule