- Feb 27, 2024
Ever since the removal of the make build system, the in tree lndir hasn't been actually built, so this patch removes it.
- Feb 08, 2024
Per #23966, I want the top-level configure to only generate configuration data for Hadrian, not do any "real" tasks on its own. This is part of that effort --- one less file generated by it. (It is still done with a `.in` file, so in a future world non-Hadrian also can easily create this file.) Split modules: - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Config - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Version - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Version.Bounds - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Version.Type This also means we can get rid of the silly `unused.h` introduced in !6803 / 7dfcab2f as temporary kludge. Part of #23966
Here we move a good deal of the implementation of `base` into a new package, `ghc-internal` such that it can be evolved independently from the user-visible interfaces of `base`. While we want to isolate implementation from interfaces, naturally, we would like to avoid turning `base` into a mere set of module re-exports. However, this is a non-trivial undertaking for a variety of reasons: * `base` contains numerous known-key and wired-in things, requiring corresponding changes in the compiler * `base` contains a significant amount of C code and corresponding autoconf logic, which is very fragile and difficult to break apart * `base` has numerous import cycles, which are currently dealt with via carefully balanced `hs-boot` files * We must not break existing users To accomplish this migration, I tried the following approaches: * [Split-GHC.Base]: Break apart the GHC.Base knot to allow incremental migration of modules into ghc-internal: this knot is simply too intertwined to be easily pulled apart, especially given the rather tricky import cycles that it contains) * [Move-Core]: Moving the "core" connected component of base (roughly 150 modules) into ghc-internal. While the Haskell side of this seems tractable, the C dependencies are very subtle to break apart. * [Move-Incrementally]: 1. Move all of base into ghc-internal 2. Examine the module structure and begin moving obvious modules (e.g. leaves of the import graph) back into base 3. Examine the modules remaining in ghc-internal, refactor as necessary to facilitate further moves 4. Go to (2) iterate until the cost/benefit of further moves is insufficient to justify continuing 5. Rename the modules moved into ghc-internal to ensure that they don't overlap with those in base 6. For each module moved into ghc-internal, add a shim module to base with the declarations which should be exposed and any requisite Haddocks (thus guaranteeing that base will be insulated from changes in the export lists of modules in ghc-internal Here I am using the [Move-Incrementally] approach, which is empirically the least painful of the unpleasant options above Bumps haddock submodule. Metric Decrease: haddock.Cabal haddock.base Metric Increase: MultiComponentModulesRecomp T16875 size_hello_artifact
- Oct 22, 2023
The RTS configure script is now solely responsible for managing its headers; the top level configure script does not help.
- Oct 13, 2023
`rts` and `ghc-prim` now no longer have a `*.cabal.in` to set Cabal flag defaults; instead manual choices are passed to configure in the usual way. The old way was fundamentally broken, because it meant we were baking these Cabal files for a specific stage. Now we only do stage-agnostic @...@ substitution in cabal files (the GHC version), and so all stage-specific configuration is properly confined to `_build` and the right stage dir. Also `include-ghc-prim` is a flag that no longer exists for `ghc-prim` (it was removed in 835d8ddb) so I got rid of it. Co-Authored-By:
Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering@gmail.com>
- Oct 07, 2023
- Aug 22, 2023
- Remove misleading help text in perf_notes, ways are not metrics - Remove no_print_summary - this was used for Phabricator - In linters tests, run 'git ls-files' just once. Previously, it was called on each has_ls_files() - Add ghc-prim.cabal to gitignore, noticed in #23726 - Remove ghc-prim.cabal, it was accidentally committed in 524c60c8
- Jul 03, 2023
Flakify and document it, making it far less sensitive to the build environment.
- May 24, 2023
- Apr 21, 2023
- Add docs/index.html to .gitignore. It is created by ./hadrian/build docs, and it was the only file in Hadrian's templateRules not present in .gitignore. - Mention that MultiWayIf supports non-boolean guards - Remove documentation of optdll - removed in 2007, 763daed9 - Fix markdown syntax
- Nov 03, 2022
Cleans up git status if one sets -fwrite-ide-info in hadrian/ghci.
- Jul 18, 2022
While GHC's own aclocal.m4 is generated by the aclocal tool, other packages' aclocal.m4 are committed in the repository. Previously `.gitignore` included an entry which covered *any* file named `aclocal.m4`, which lead to quite some confusion (e.g. see #21740). Fix this by modifying GHC's `.gitignore` to only cover GHC's own `aclocal.m4`.
- Jun 20, 2022
Sebastian Graf authored
- May 17, 2022
Here we introduce a new "virtual" package into the initial package database, `system-cxx-std-lib`. This gives users a convenient, platform agnostic way to link against C++ libraries, addressing #20010. Fixes #20010.
- May 11, 2022
In the make bindists we generate documentation in docs/ghc-<VER> but the hadrian bindists generate docs/ghc/ so the path to the GHC API docs was wrong in the index.html file. Rather than make the hadrian and make bindists the same it was easier to assume that if you're using the mkDocs script that you're using hadrian bindists. Fixes #21509
- Apr 06, 2022
Fixes #21335. [ci skip]
- Mar 12, 2022
- Feb 21, 2022
This patch allows ghc and its dependencies to be built using a normal invocation of cabal-install. Each componenent which relied on generated files or additional configuration now has a Setup.hs file. There are also various fixes to the cabal files to satisfy cabal-install. There is a new hadrian command which will build a stage2 compiler and then a stage3 compiler by using cabal. ``` ./hadrian/build build-cabal ``` There is also a new CI job which tests running this command. For the 9.4 release we will upload all the dependent executables to hackage and then end users will be free to build GHC and GHC executables via cabal. There are still some unresolved questions about how to ensure soundness when loading plugins into a reinstalled GHC (#20742) which will be tighted up in due course. Fixes #19896
- Nov 13, 2021
This is, rather unintuitively, part of the goal of making the packages that make of the GHC distribution more freestanding. `ghcversion.h` is very simple, so we easily can move it out of the main build systems (make and Hadrian). By doing so, the RTS becomes less of a special case to those build systems as the header, already existing in the source tree, appears like any other. We could do this with the upcomming RTS configure, but it hardly matters because there is nothing platform-specific here, it is just versioning information like the other files the top-level configure can be responsible for.
- Nov 06, 2021
Primops types were dependent on the target word-size at *compiler* compilation time. It's an issue for multi-target as GHC may not have the correct primops types for the target. This patch fixes some primops types: if they take or return fixed 64-bit values they now always use `Int64#/Word64#`, even on 64-bit architectures (where they used `Int#/Word#` before). Users of these primops may now need to convert from Int64#/Word64# to Int#/Word# (a no-op at runtime). This is a stripped down version of !3658 which goes the all way of changing the underlying primitive types of Word64/Int64. This is left for future work. T12545 allocations increase ~4% on some CI platforms and decrease ~3% on AArch64. Metric Increase: T12545 Metric Decrease: T12545
We should strive to make our includes in terms of the RTS as much as possible. One place there that is not possible, the llvm version, we make a new tiny header Stage numbers are somewhat arbitrary, if we simple need a newer RTS, we should say so.
- Oct 31, 2021
These are best thought of as being part of the RTS. - After !6791, `ghcautoconf.h` won't be used by the compiler inappropriately. - `ghcversion.h` is only used once outside the RTS, which is `compiler/cbits/genSym.c`. Except we *do* mean the RTS GHC is built against there, so it's better if we always get get the installed version. - `ghcplatform.h` alone is used extensively outside the RTS, but since we no longer have a target platform it is perfectly safe/correct to get the info from the previous RTS. All 3 are exported from the RTS currently and in the bootstrap window. This commit just swaps directories around, such that the new headers may continue to be used in stage 0 despite the reasoning above, but the idea is that we can subsequently make more interesting changes doubling down on the reasoning above. In particular, in !6803 we'll start "morally" moving `ghcautonconf.h` over, introducing an RTS configure script and temporary header of its `AC_DEFINE`s until the top-level configure script doesn't define any more. Progress towards #17191
- Oct 29, 2021
This is the following find and replace: - `rts/dist` -> `rts/dist-install` # for paths - `rts_dist` -> `rts_dist-install` # for make rules and vars - `,dist` -> `,dist-install` # for make, just in rts/ghc.mk` Why do this? Does it matter when the RTS is just built once? The answer is, yes, I think it does, because I want the distdir--stage correspondence to be consistent. In particular, for #17191 and continuing from d5de970d I am going to make the headers (`rts/includes`) increasingly the responsibility of the RTS (hence their new location). However, those headers are current made for multiple stages. This will probably become unnecessary as work on #17191 progresses and the compiler proper becomes more of a freestanding cabal package (e.g. a library that can be downloaded from Hackage and built without any autoconf). However, until that is finished, we have will transitional period where the RTS and headers need to agree on dirs for multiple stages. I know the make build system is going away, but it's not going yet, so I need to change it to unblock things :).
- Aug 09, 2021
In order to make the packages in this repo "reinstallable", we need to associate source code with a specific packages. Having a top level `/includes` dir that mixes concerns (which packages' includes?) gets in the way of this. To start, I have moved everything to `rts/`, which is mostly correct. There are a few things however that really don't belong in the rts (like the generated constants haskell type, `CodeGen.Platform.h`). Those needed to be manually adjusted. Things of note: - No symlinking for sake of windows, so we hard-link at configure time. - `CodeGen.Platform.h` no longer as `.hs` extension (in addition to being moved to `compiler/`) so as not to confuse anyone, since it is next to Haskell files. - Blanket `-Iincludes` is gone in both build systems, include paths now more strictly respect per-package dependencies. - `deriveConstants` has been taught to not require a `--target-os` flag when generating the platform-agnostic Haskell type. Make takes advantage of this, but Hadrian has yet to.
- Jul 27, 2021
- May 05, 2021
- Feb 14, 2021
isovector recently noticed that it is broken and regardless it is superceded by `hadrian/ghci`.
- Feb 01, 2021
After commit 55ef3bdc, running `./configure` now generates a `driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal` file from `driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal.in`, which pollutes the `git` tree: ``` $ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) ``` Since `driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal` is autogenerated, the sensible thing to do is to add it to `.gitignore`. While I was in town, I also added the standard `*.in` file disclaimer to `driver/ghci/ghci-wrapper.cabal.in`. [ci skip]
- Jan 30, 2021
This wraps the existing GHCi wrapper script (driver/ghci/ghci.c) in a cabal file and adds the package to Hadrian.
- Jan 24, 2021
[ci skip]
- Sep 10, 2020
Sebastian Graf authored
- Sep 01, 2020
Ignore files from "new style" cabal builds (dist-newstyle folders) and from clangd (C language server).
- Oct 14, 2019
When the users guide fails to build (as in #17346), a `docs/users_guide/.log` file will be generated with contents that look something like this: ``` WARNING: unknown config value 'latex_paper_size' in override, ignoring /home/rgscott/Software/ghc5/docs/users_guide/ghci.rst:3410: WARNING: u'ghc-flag' reference target not found: -pgmo ?option? /home/rgscott/Software/ghc5/docs/users_guide/ghci.rst:3410: WARNING: u'ghc-flag' reference target not found: -pgmo ?port? Encoding error: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u27e8' in position 132: ordinal not in range(128) The full traceback has been saved in /tmp/sphinx-err-rDF2LX.log, if you want to report the issue to the developers. ``` This definitely should not be checked in to version control, so let's add this to `.gitignore`.
- Oct 05, 2019
The generated headers are now generated per stage, which means we can skip hacks like `ghc_boot_platform.h` and just have that be the stage 0 header as proper. In general, stages are to be embraced: freely generate everything in each stage but then just build what you depend on, and everything is symmetrical and efficient. Trying to avoid stages because bootstrapping is a mind bender just creates tons of bespoke mini-mind-benders that add up to something far crazier. Hadrian was pretty close to this "stage-major" approach already, and so was fairly easy to fix. Make needed more work, however: it did know about stages so at least there was a scaffold, but few packages except for the compiler cared, and the compiler used its own counting system. That said, make and Hadrian now work more similarly, which is good for the transition to Hadrian. The merits of embracing stage aside, the change may be worthy for easing that transition alone.
- Aug 04, 2019
Add some files generated by hadrian and some tooling files
- Jul 31, 2019
- Jul 10, 2019
The code, including the generated module with the version, is now in ghc-boot. Config.hs reexports stuff as needed, ghc-pkg doesn't need any tricks at all.
- May 07, 2019
As of commit d37d91e9, the GHC build now autogenerates a `includes/dist/build/settings` file. To avoid dirtying the current `git` status, this adds `includes/dist` to `.gitignore`. [ci skip]
- Mar 22, 2019