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  1. Sep 11, 2016
  2. Sep 05, 2016
    • Facundo Domínguez's avatar
      Don't ignore addTopDecls in module finalizers. · 71dd6e44
      Facundo Domínguez authored
      Module finalizer could call addTopDecls, however, the declarations
      added in this fashion were ignored. This patch makes sure to rename,
      type check and incorporate this declarations.
      Because a declaration may include a splice which calls addModFinalizer,
      the list of finalizers is repeteadly checked after adding declarations
      until no more finalizers remain.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: bgamari, goldfire, simonpj, austin
      Reviewed By: bgamari, simonpj
      Subscribers: simonmar, mboes, thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #12559
  3. Aug 31, 2016
  4. Aug 26, 2016
  5. Aug 12, 2016
  6. Jul 26, 2016
    • Edward Z. Yang's avatar
      Compute boot-defined TyCon names from ModIface. · 8f63ba30
      Edward Z. Yang authored
      Three things in this commit:
          1. Get rid of sb_ids; we are not going to use them
          to avoid infinite unfoldings in hs-boot files.
          2. Compute sb_tcs from ModIface rather than ModDetails.
          This means that the typechecker can look at this field
          without forcing the boot ModDetails, which would be
          bad if the ModDetails is not available yet (due to
          knot tying.)
          3. A big honking comment explaining what is going on
      Signed-off-by: default avatarEdward Z. Yang <>
      Reviewers: simonpj, austin, bgamari
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
  7. Jul 21, 2016
    • Ömer Sinan Ağacan's avatar
      Implement unboxed sum primitive type · 714bebff
      Ömer Sinan Ağacan authored
      This patch implements primitive unboxed sum types, as described in
      Main changes are:
      - Add new syntax for unboxed sums types, terms and patterns. Hidden
        behind `-XUnboxedSums`.
      - Add unlifted unboxed sum type constructors and data constructors,
        extend type and pattern checkers and desugarer.
      - Add new RuntimeRep for unboxed sums.
      - Extend unarise pass to translate unboxed sums to unboxed tuples right
        before code generation.
      - Add `StgRubbishArg` to `StgArg`, and a new type `CmmArg` for better
        code generation when sum values are involved.
      - Add user manual section for unboxed sums.
      Some other changes:
      - Generalize `UbxTupleRep` to `MultiRep` and `UbxTupAlt` to
        `MultiValAlt` to be able to use those with both sums and tuples.
      - Don't use `tyConPrimRep` in `isVoidTy`: `tyConPrimRep` is really
        wrong, given an `Any` `TyCon`, there's no way to tell what its kind
        is, but `kindPrimRep` and in turn `tyConPrimRep` returns `PtrRep`.
      - Fix some bugs on the way: #12375.
      Not included in this patch:
      - Update Haddock for new the new unboxed sum syntax.
      - `TemplateHaskell` support is left as future work.
      For reviewers:
      - Front-end code is mostly trivial and adapted from unboxed tuple code
        for type checking, pattern checking, renaming, desugaring etc.
      - Main translation routines are in `RepType` and `UnariseStg`.
        Documentation in `UnariseStg` should be enough for understanding
        what's going on.
      - Johan Tibell wrote the initial front-end and interface file
      - Simon Peyton Jones reviewed this patch many times, wrote some code,
        and helped with debugging.
      Reviewers: bgamari, alanz, goldfire, RyanGlScott, simonpj, austin,
                 simonmar, hvr, erikd
      Reviewed By: simonpj
      Subscribers: Iceland_jack, ggreif, ezyang, RyanGlScott, goldfire,
                   thomie, mpickering
      Differential Revision:
  8. Jul 20, 2016
    • Ömer Sinan Ağacan's avatar
      Support SCC pragmas in declaration context · 98b2c508
      Ömer Sinan Ağacan authored
      Not having SCCs at the top level is becoming annoying real quick. For
      simplest cases, it's possible to do this transformation:
          f x y = ...
          f = {-# SCC f #-} \x y -> ...
      However, it doesn't work when there's a `where` clause:
          f x y = <t is in scope>
            where t = ...
          f = {-# SCC f #-} \x y -> <t is out of scope>
            where t = ...
      Or when we have a "equation style" definition:
          f (C1 ...) = ...
          f (C2 ...) = ...
          f (C3 ...) = ...
      (usual solution is to rename `f` to `f'` and define a new `f` with a
      This patch implements support for SCC annotations in declaration
      contexts. This is now a valid program:
          f x y = ...
              g z = ...
              {-# SCC g #-}
          {-# SCC f #-}
      Test Plan: This passes slow validate (no new failures added).
      Reviewers: goldfire, mpickering, austin, bgamari, simonmar
      Reviewed By: bgamari, simonmar
      Subscribers: simonmar, thomie, mpickering
      Differential Revision:
  9. Jul 18, 2016
  10. Jul 07, 2016
  11. Jul 06, 2016
    • Facundo Domínguez's avatar
      Have addModFinalizer expose the local type environment. · 567dbd9b
      Facundo Domínguez authored
      This annotates the splice point with 'HsSpliced ref e' where 'e' is the
      result of the splice. 'ref' is a reference that the typechecker will fill with
      the local type environment.
      The finalizer then reads the ref and uses the local type environment, which
      causes 'reify' to find local variables when run in the finalizer.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: simonpj, simonmar, bgamari, austin, goldfire
      Reviewed By: goldfire
      Subscribers: simonmar, thomie, mboes
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #11832
  12. Jul 04, 2016
    • seraphime's avatar
      Treat duplicate pattern synonym signatures as an error · 2a3af152
      seraphime authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
      Fixes issue T12165 by banning duplicate pattern synonyms
      signatures. This seems to me the best solution because:
         1) it is coherent with the way we treat other duplicate signatures
         2) the typechecker currently doesn't try to apply a second
             signature to a pattern to see if it matches, probably because
             it assumes there is no more than one signature per object.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: goldfire, austin, mpickering, bgamari
      Reviewed By: mpickering, bgamari
      Subscribers: mpickering, thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #12165
  13. Jul 01, 2016
  14. Jun 24, 2016
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Fix renamer panic · 393928db
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This patch fixes Trac #12216 and #12127.  The 'combine' function
      in 'imp_occ_env' in RnNames.filterImports checked for an empty
      field-selector list, which was (a) unnecessary and (b) wrong.
      I've elaborated the comments.
      This does NOT fix #11959 which is related but not the same
      (it concerns bundling of pattern synonyms).
  15. Jun 23, 2016
    • niteria's avatar
      Provide Uniquable version of SCC · 35d1564c
      niteria authored
      We want to remove the `Ord Unique` instance because there's
      no way to implement it in deterministic way and it's too
      easy to use by accident.
      We sometimes compute SCC for datatypes whose Ord instance
      is implemented in terms of Unique. The Ord constraint on
      SCC is just an artifact of some internal data structures.
      We can have an alternative implementation with a data
      structure that uses Uniquable instead.
      This does exactly that and I'm pleased that I didn't have
      to introduce any duplication to do that.
      Test Plan:
      I looked at performance tests and it's a tiny bit better.
      Reviewers: bgamari, simonmar, ezyang, austin, goldfire
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Narrow the use of record wildcards slightly · 2f8cd14f
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      In reviewing the fix to Trac #12130 I found the wild-card
      fill-in code for ".." notation in record constructions hard
      to understand.  It went to great contortions (including the
      find_tycon code) to allow
          data T = C { x, y :: Int }
          f x = C { .. }
      to expand to
          f x = C { x = x, y = y }
      where 'y' is an /imported function/!  That seems way over the top
      for what record wildcards are supposed to do.
      So I have narrowed the record-wildcard expansion to include only
      /locally-bound/ variables; i.e. not top level, and certainly not
      I don't think anyone is using record wildcards in this bizarre way, so
      I don't expect any fallout. Even if there is, you can easily
      initialise fields with eponymous but imported values by hand.
      An intermediate position would be to allow /local/ top-level
      definitions.  But I doubt anyone is doing that either.
      Let's see if there's any fallout.  It's a local change, easy to
      revert, so I've just gone ahead to save everyone's time.
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Give lookupGRE_Name a better API · 3e0af469
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      lookupGRE_Name should return either zero or one GREs, never
      several. This is a consequence of INVARIANT 1 on GlobalRdrEnv.
      So it's better if it returns a Maybe; the panic on multiple results
      is put in one place, instead of being scattered or ignored.
      Just refactoring, no change in behaviour
  16. Jun 22, 2016
  17. Jun 20, 2016
  18. Jun 18, 2016
  19. Jun 13, 2016
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Improve typechecking of let-bindings · 15b9bf4b
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This major commit was initially triggered by #11339, but it spiraled
      into a major review of the way in which type signatures for bindings
      are handled, especially partial type signatures.  On the way I fixed a
      number of other bugs, namely
      The main change is that I completely reorganised the way in which type
      signatures in bindings are handled. The new story is in TcSigs
      Note [Overview of type signatures].  Some specific:
      * Changes in the data types for signatures in TcRnTypes:
        TcIdSigInfo and new TcIdSigInst
      * New module TcSigs deals with typechecking type signatures
        and pragmas. It contains code mostly moved from TcBinds,
        which is already too big
      * HsTypes: I swapped the nesting of HsWildCardBndrs
        and HsImplicitBndsrs, so that the wildcards are on the
        oustide not the insidde in a LHsSigWcType.  This is just
        a matter of convenient, nothing deep.
      There are a host of other changes as knock-on effects, and
      it all took FAR longer than I anticipated :-).  But it is
      a significant improvement, I think.
      Lots of error messages changed slightly, some just variants but
      some modest improvements.
      New tests
      * typecheck/should_compile
          * SigTyVars: a scoped-tyvar test
          * ExPat, ExPatFail: existential pattern bindings
          * T12069
          * T11700
          * T11339
      * partial-sigs/should_compile
          * T12033
          * T11339a
          * T11670
      One thing to check:
      * Small change to output from ghc-api/landmines.
        Need to check with Alan Zimmerman
  20. Jun 10, 2016
  21. Jun 06, 2016
    • Alan Zimmerman's avatar
      Merge MatchFixity and HsMatchContext · a13cb279
      Alan Zimmerman authored
      MatchFixity was introduced to facilitate use of API Annotations.
      HsMatchContext does the same thing with more detail, but is chased
      through all over the place to provide context when processing a Match.
      Since we already have MatchFixity in the Match, it may as well provide
      the full context.
      updates submodule haddock
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: austin, goldfire, bgamari
      Subscribers: thomie, mpickering
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #12105
      (cherry picked from commit 306ecad5)
    • niteria's avatar
      Desugar ApplicativeDo and RecDo deterministically · e684f546
      niteria authored
      This fixes a problem described in
      Note [Deterministic ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo desugaring].
      Test Plan: ./validate + new testcase
      Reviewers: simonpj, bgamari, austin, simonmar
      Reviewed By: simonmar
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
  22. Jun 02, 2016
    • niteria's avatar
      Kill nameSetElems in rnCmdTop · be470851
      niteria authored
      This change isn't necessary for determinism. appAName, choiceAName,
      loopAName all have pre-allocated Uniques and their relative order
      can't change. I opted to use nameSetElemsStable here because:
      * the cost is negligible
      * it's less fragile than just documenting
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: simonpj, austin, bgamari, simonmar
      Reviewed By: simonmar
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
    • niteria's avatar
      Kill nameSetElems in findImportUsage · e2446c0d
      niteria authored
      nameSetElems is nondeterministic and while I think we don't need
      determinism here it doesn't hurt.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: ezyang, bgamari, austin, simonmar
      Reviewed By: simonmar
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
  23. May 24, 2016
    • niteria's avatar
      Document some benign nondeterminism · 4c6e69d5
      niteria authored
      I've changed the functions to their nonDet equivalents and explained
      why they're OK there. This allowed me to remove foldNameSet,
      foldVarEnv, foldVarEnv_Directly, foldVarSet and foldUFM_Directly.
      Test Plan: ./validate, there should be no change in behavior
      Reviewers: simonpj, simonmar, austin, goldfire, bgamari
      Reviewed By: bgamari
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
  24. May 11, 2016
    • niteria's avatar
      Document SCC determinism · 3edbd091
      niteria authored
      I've documented the guarantees that stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices
      provides and commented on the call sites to explain why they are
      OK from determinism standpoint. I've changed the functions to
      nonDetUFM versions, so that it's explicit they could introduce
      nondeterminism.  I haven't defined container (VarSet, NameSet)
      specific versions, so that we have less functions to worry about.
      Test Plan: this is mostly just documentation,
      it should have no runtime effect
      Reviewers: bgamari, simonmar, austin, simonpj
      Reviewed By: simonpj
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
  25. May 10, 2016
    • Matthew Pickering's avatar
      Forbid variables to be parents in import lists. · 53f26f5a
      Matthew Pickering authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
      In the long discussion on #11432, it was decided that when a type
      constructor is parsed as a variable ((--.->) is one example) then in
      order to export the type constructor then the user should be required to
      use the ExplicitNamespaces keyword.
      This was implemented in quite an indirect manner in the renamer. It
      is much more direct to enforce this in the parser at the expense of
      slighty worse error messages. Further to this, the check in the
      renamer was actually slightly wrong. If the variable was in scope
      then no error was raised, this was causing panics, see #12026 for an
      Reviewers: austin, bgamari
      Subscribers: davean, skvadrik, thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #12026
  26. May 02, 2016
    • Facundo Domínguez's avatar
      StaticPointers: Allow closed vars in the static form. · 36d29f7c
      Facundo Domínguez authored
      With this patch closed variables are allowed regardless of whether
      they are bound at the top level or not.
      The FloatOut pass is always performed. When optimizations are
      disabled, only expressions that go to the top level are floated.
      Thus, the applications of the StaticPtr data constructor are always
      The CoreTidy pass makes sure the floated applications appear in the
      symbol table of object files. It also collects the floated bindings
      and inserts them in the static pointer table.
      The renamer does not check anymore if free variables appearing in the
      static form are top-level. Instead, the typechecker looks at the
      tct_closed flag to decide if the free variables are closed.
      The linter checks that applications of StaticPtr only occur at the
      top of top-level bindings after the FloatOut pass.
      The field spInfoName of StaticPtrInfo has been removed. It used to
      contain the name of the top-level binding that contains the StaticPtr
      application. However, this information is no longer available when the
      StaticPtr is constructed, as the binding name is determined now by the
      FloatOut pass.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: goldfire, simonpj, austin, hvr, bgamari
      Reviewed By: simonpj
      Subscribers: thomie, mpickering, mboes
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #11656
  27. Apr 28, 2016
    • niteria's avatar
      Add uniqSetAny and uniqSetAll and use them · 3c426b05
      niteria authored
      There are couple of places where we do `foldUniqSet` just to
      compute `any` or `all`. `foldUniqSet` is non-deterministic in the
      general case and `any` and `all` also read nicer.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: simonmar, goldfire, simonpj, bgamari, austin
      Reviewed By: simonpj
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #4012
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Refactor RecordPatSynField, FieldLabel · 3dce4f2d
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This patch uses the named fields of
       * FieldLabel
       * RecordPatSynField
      in construction and pattern matching. The fields
      existed before, but we were often using positional notation.
      Also a minor refactor of the API of mkPatSynRecSelBinds
      No change in functionality
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Comments only · af6dced9
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
  28. Apr 22, 2016
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Improve the behaviour of warnIf · f02af79e
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      Now that warnIf takes a "reason", we can test the reason
      in warnIf rather than in the caller.  Less code, and less
      risk of getting the test and the reason out of sync.
  29. Apr 20, 2016
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      SCC analysis for instances as well as types/classes · 353d8ae6
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This big patch is in pursuit of Trac #11348.
      It is largely the work of Alex Veith (thank you!), with some
      follow-up simplification and refactoring from Simon PJ.
      The main payload is described in RnSource
        Note [Dependency analysis of type, class, and instance decls]
      which is pretty detailed.
      * There is a new data type HsDecls.TyClGroup, for a strongly
        connected component of type/class/instance/role decls.
        The hs_instds field of HsGroup disappears, in consequence
        This forces some knock-on changes, including a minor
        haddock submodule update
      Smaller, weakly-related things
      * I found that both the renamer and typechecker were building an
        identical env for RoleAnnots, so I put common code for
        RoleAnnotEnv in RnEnv.
      * I found that tcInstDecls1 had very clumsy error handling, so I
        put it together into TcInstDcls.doClsInstErrorChecks
  30. Apr 19, 2016
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      Tighten checking for associated type instances · 8136a5cb
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This patch finishes off Trac #11450.  Following debate on that ticket,
      the patch tightens up the rules for what the instances of an
      associated type can look like.  Now they must match the instance
      header exactly. Eg
         class C a b where
          type T a x b
      With this class decl, if we have an instance decl
        instance C ty1 ty2 where ...
      then the type instance must look like
           type T ty1 v ty2 = ...
      with exactly
        - 'ty1' for 'a'
        -  'ty2' for 'b', and
        - a variable for 'x'
      For example:
        instance C [p] Int
          type T [p] y Int = (p,y,y)
      Previously we allowed multiple instance equations and now, in effect,
      we don't since they would all overlap.  If you want multiple cases,
      use an auxiliary type family.
      This is consistent with the treatment of generic-default instances,
      and the user manual always said "WARNING: this facility (multiple
      instance equations may be withdrawn in the future".
      I also improved error messages, and did other minor refactoring.
  31. Apr 12, 2016
    • Richard Eisenberg's avatar
      Fix #11811. · b1084fd7
      Richard Eisenberg authored
      Previously, I had forgotten to omit variables already in scope
      from the TypeInType CUSK check. Simple enough to fix.
      Test case: typecheck/should_compile/T11811
  32. Apr 10, 2016
    • Jason Eisenberg's avatar
      Fix suggestions for unbound variables (#11680) · 470d4d5b
      Jason Eisenberg authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
      When the typechecker generates the error message for an out-of-scope
      variable, it now uses the GlobalRdrEnv with respect to which the
      variable is unbound, not the GlobalRdrEnv which is available at the time
      the error is reported.  Doing so ensures we do not provide suggestions
      which themselves are out-of-scope (because they are bound in a later
      inter-splice group).
      Nonetheless, we do note in the error message if an unambiguous, exact
      match to the out-of-scope variable is found in a later inter-splice
      group, and we specify where that match is not in scope.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: goldfire, austin, bgamari
      Reviewed By: goldfire
      Subscribers: thomie
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #11680
    • bollmann's avatar
      Fix Template Haskell bug reported in #11809. · 2f82da76
      bollmann authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
      Record selectors of data types spliced in with Template Haskell are not
      renamer-resolved correctly in GHC HEAD. The culprit is
      `newRecordSelector` which violates notes `Note [Binders in Template
      Haskell] in Convert.hs` and `Note [Looking up Exact RdrNames] in
      RnEnv.hs`. This commit fixes `newRecordSelector` accordingly.
      Test Plan: ./validate
      Reviewers: thomie, mpickering, bgamari, austin, simonpj, goldfire
      Reviewed By: goldfire
      Differential Revision:
      GHC Trac Issues: #11809
  33. Apr 05, 2016