Commits on Source (49)
Fixes #23612 , #23607, #23998 and #23666. MR: !11026 The fingerprinting logic in `Iface.Recomp` failed lookups when processing decls containing breakpoints for two reasons: * IfaceBreakpoint created binders for free variables instead of expressions * When collecting free names for the dependency analysis for fingerprinting, breakpoint FVs were skipped
d3874407 -
This MR is pure refactoring (#23916): * Combine `HsLam` and `HsLamCase` * Combine `HsCmdLam` and `HsCmdLamCase` This just arranges to treat uniformly \x -> e \case pi -> ei \cases pis -> ie In the exising code base the first is treated differently to the latter two. No change in behaviour. More specifics: * Combine `HsLam` and `HsLamCase` (constructors of `Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr.HsExpr`) into one data construtor covering * Lambda * `\case` * `\cases` * The new `HsLam` has an argument of type `HsLamVariant` to distinguish the three cases. * Similarly, combine `HsCmdLam` and `HsCmdLamCase` (constructors of `Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr.HsCmd` ) into one. * Similarly, combine `mkHsLamPV` and `mkHsLamCasePV` (methods of class `DisambECP`) into one. (Thank you Alan Zimmerman.) * Similarly, combine `LambdaExpr` and `LamCaseAlt` (constructors of `Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr.HsMatchContext`) into one: `LamAlt` with a `HsLamVariant` argument. * Similarly, combine `KappaExpr` and `ArrowLamCaseAlt` (constructors of `Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr.HsArrowMatchContext`) into one: `ArrowLamAlt` with a `HsLamVariant` argument. * Similarly, combine `PsErrLambdaInPat` and `PsErrLambdaCaseInPat` (constructors of `GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr.PsError`) into one. * Similarly, combine `PsErrLambdaInPat` and `PsErrLambdaCaseInPat` (constructors of `GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr.PsError`) into one. * In the same `PsError` data type, combine `PsErrLambdaCmdInFunAppCmd` and `PsErrLambdaCaseCmdInFunAppCmd` into one. * In the same `PsError` data tpye, combine `PsErrLambdaInFunAppExpr` and `PsErrLambdaCaseInFunAppExpr` into one. p* Smilarly combine `ExpectedFunTyLam` and `ExpectedFunTyLamCase` (constructors of `GHC.Tc.Types.Origin.ExpectedFunTyOrigin`) into one. Phew!
ef5342cd -
Rewrite conditional jump instructions with offsets >= 1MB to use unconditional jumps to avoid overflowing the immediate. Fixes #23746
2adc0508 -
We currently use the Monoid class as a constraint on Exact Print Annotation functions, so we can use mempty. But this leads to requiring Semigroup instances too, which do not always make sense. Instead, introduce a class NoAnn, with a function noAnn analogous to mempty. Closes #20372 Updates haddock submodule
1424f790 -
This fixes #21062. No test case, because triggering this code seems challenging.
bc204783 -
This is a bit of a shot in the dark to fix #24033, which appears to be another instance of #21712. For some reason the ld-override logic *still* appears to be active on Darwin targets (or at least one). Consequently, on misconfigured systems we may choose a non-`ld64` linker. It's a bit unclear exactly what happened in #24033 but ultimately the check added for #21712 was not quite right, checking for the `ghc_host_os` (the value of which depends upon the bootstrap compiler) instead of the target platform. Fix this. Fixes #24033.
f6b2751f -
* fix a few typos * add a new example showing when the warning fires * clarify the existing example * point out -Wincomplete-record-selects Fixes #24049.
e037f459 -
Fixes #23802
f20d02f8 -
Finley McIlwaine authored
In the `StgRhsCon` case of `GHC.Stg.Debug.collectStgRhs`, we were not coming up with an initial source span based on the span of the binder, which was causing instance dictionaries without dynamic superclass constraints to not have source locations in their IPE info. Now they do. Resolves #24005
69abb171 -
Simon Peyton Jones authored
* Make `mkSymCo` and `mkInstCo` smarter Fixes #23642 * Fix return role of `SelCo` in the coercion optimiser. Fixes #23617 * Make the coercion optimiser `opt_trans_rule` work better for newtypes Fixes #23619
ec5314a5 -
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This MR started as: allow the simplifer to do more in one pass, arising from places I could see the simplifier taking two iterations where one would do. But it turned into a larger project, because these changes unexpectedly made inlining blow up, especially join points in deeply-nested cases. The net result is good: a 2% improvement in compile time. The table below shows changes over 1%. The main changes are: * The SimplEnv now has a seInlineDepth field, which says how deep in unfoldings we are. See Note [Inline depth] in Simplify.Env * Avoid repeatedly simplifying coercions. see Note [Avoid re-simplifying coercions] in Simplify.Iteration As you'll see from the Note, this makes use of the seInlineDepth. * Allow Simplify.Utils.postInlineUnconditionally to inline variables that are used exactly once. See Note [Post-inline for single-use things]. * Allow Simplify.Iteration.simplAuxBind to inline used-once things. This is another part of Note [Post-inline for single-use things], and is really good for reducing simplifier iterations in situations like case K e of { K x -> blah } wher x is used once in blah. * Make GHC.Core.SimpleOpt.exprIsConApp_maybe do some simple case elimination. Note [Case elim in exprIsConApp_maybe] * When making join points, don't do so if the join point is so small it will immediately be inlined. See Note [Duplicating alternatives] * Do not add an unfolding to a join point at birth. This is a tricky one and has a long Note [Do not add unfoldings to join points at birth] It shows up in two places - In `mkDupableAlt` do not add an inlining - (trickier) In `simplLetUnfolding` don't add an unfolding for a fresh join point I am not fully satisifed with this, but it works and is well documented. * Many new or rewritten Notes. E.g. Note [Avoiding simplifying repeatedly] I discovered that GHC.HsToCore.Pmc.Solver.Types.trvVarInfo was very delicately balanced. It's a small, heavily used, overloaded function and it's important that it inlines. By a fluke it was before, but at various times in my journey it stopped doing so. So I added an INLINE pragma to it. Metrics: compile_time/bytes allocated ------------------------------------------------ CoOpt_Singletons(normal) -4.3% GOOD LargeRecord(normal) -23.3% GOOD PmSeriesS(normal) -2.4% T11195(normal) -1.7% T12227(normal) -20.0% GOOD T12545(normal) -5.4% T13253-spj(normal) -50.7% GOOD T13386(normal) -5.1% GOOD T14766(normal) -2.4% GOOD T15164(normal) -1.7% T15304(normal) +1.0% T15630(normal) -7.7% T15630a(normal) NEW T15703(normal) -7.5% GOOD T16577(normal) -5.1% GOOD T17516(normal) -3.6% T18223(normal) -16.8% GOOD T18282(normal) -1.5% T18304(normal) +1.9% T21839c(normal) -3.5% GOOD T3064(normal) -1.5% T5030(normal) -16.2% GOOD T5321Fun(normal) -1.6% T6048(optasm) -2.1% GOOD T8095(normal) -6.1% GOOD T9630(normal) -5.1% GOOD WWRec(normal) -1.6% geo. mean -2.1% minimum -50.7% maximum +1.9% Metric Decrease: CoOpt_Singletons LargeRecord T12227 T13253-spj T13386 T14766 T15703 T16577 T18223 T21839c T5030 T6048 T8095 T9630
37ea9daf -
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This commit adds two things to postInlineUnconditionally: 1. Do not postInlineUnconditionally join point, ever. Doing so does not reduce allocation, which is the main point, and with join points that are used a lot it can bloat code. See point (1) of Note [Duplicating join points] in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Iteration. 2. Do not postInlineUnconditionally a strict (demanded) binding. It will not allocate a thunk (it'll turn into a case instead) so again the main point of inlining it doesn't hold. Better to check per-call-site.
a57fd42c -
Simon Peyton Jones authored498d8293
Simon Peyton Jones authored
* making multi-branch cases not work free (fixes #22423) * use plan A for dataToTag and tagToEnum
4a16ecd9 -
Simon Peyton Jones authored
* No floating at all for join points * Never inline j x = I x Example: integerSignum !j = IS (integerSignum# j) We want this to inline and then cancel with an enclosing case. But it won't if we have changed it to integerSignum x = case x of IN a -> IS (...) IS b -> IS (...) IP c -> IS (...) This involved changing - UnfoldingGuidance to not say always-inline for j x = Ix - callSiteInline to inline join points only if there is a real benefit - ok_to_dup_alt in Simplify.Iteration * Row back (for now) on changes to GHC.Core.Utils.ExprIsCheap
6517a2ff -
Simon Peyton Jones authored4c867702
Simon Peyton Jones authoredf875ef1c
Simon Peyton Jones authored7514e8de
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Don't float an unlifted join point
cb5f2a8e -
Simon Peyton Jones authored
The most significant change is to mkSelCo.
af4f30b1 -
Simon Peyton Jones authored9c7acc26
Simon Peyton Jones authored735951dd
Simon Peyton Jones authored12609f12
Simon Peyton Jones authoredd5d52467
Sebastian Graf authored
A drastically improved architecture for local floating in CorePrep that decouples the decision of whether a float is going to be let- or case-bound from how far it can float (out of strict contexts, out of lazy contexts, to top-level). There are a couple of new Notes describing the effort: * `Note [Floating in CorePrep]` for the overview * `Note [BindInfo and FloatInfo]` for the new classification of floats * `Note [Floats and FloatDecision]` for how FloatInfo is used to inform floating decisions This is necessary ground work for proper treatment of Strict fields and unlifted values at top-level. Fixes #23442.
07bd48ae -
Sebastian Graf authored
Using the whole of `hadrian/` restarted in a loop for me.
fec58945 -
Sebastian Graf authored
This patch tweaks `exprIsConApp_maybe`, `exprIsHNF` and friends, and Demand Analysis so that they exploit and maintain strictness of DataCon workers. See `Note [Strict fields in Core]` for details. Very little needed to change, and it puts field seq insertion done by Tag Inference into a new perspective: That of *implementing* strict field semantics. Before Tag Inference, DataCon workers are strict. Afterwards they are effectively lazy and field seqs happen around use sites. History has shown that there is no other way to guarantee taggedness and thus the STG Strict Field Invariant. Knock-on changes: * `exprIsHNF` previously used `exprOkForSpeculation` on unlifted arguments instead of recursing into `exprIsHNF`. That regressed the termination analysis in CPR analysis (which simply calls out to `exprIsHNF`), so I made it call `exprOkForSpeculation`, too. * There's a small regression in Demand Analysis, visible in the changed test output of T16859: Previously, a field seq on a variable would give that variable a "used exactly once" demand, now it's "used at least once", because `dmdTransformDataConSig` accounts for future uses of the field that actually all go through the case binder (and hence won't re-enter the potential thunk). The difference should hardly be observable. * The Simplifier's fast path for data constructors only applies to lazy data constructors now. I observed regressions involving Data.Binary.Put's `Pair` data type. * Unfortunately, T21392 does no longer reproduce after this patch, so I marked it as "not broken" in order to track whether we regress again in the future. Fixes #20749, the satisfying conclusion of an annoying saga (cf. the ideas in #21497 and #22475).
5b226c89 -
Sebastian Graf authoredfafb6d89
Sebastian Graf authored
Just a sensible thing to do; should be a straight win.
- .ghcid 1 addition, 1 deletion.ghcid
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- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs 103 additions, 51 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs 160 additions, 124 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs 69 additions, 67 deletionscompiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs