- Apr 27, 2024
Closes ghc/ghc#24288, implements CLC proposal https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/238. Adds a MonadFix instance for tuples, permitting value recursion in the "native" writer monad and bringing consistency with the existing instance for transformers's WriterT (and, to a lesser extent, for Solo).
- Apr 26, 2024
Closes #24670
Note [Escaping kind in type signatures] explains how we deal with escaping kinds in type signatures, e.g. f :: forall r (a :: TYPE r). a where the kind of the body is (TYPE r), but `r` is not in scope outside the forall-type. I had missed this subtlety in tcPatSynSig, leading to #24686. This MR fixes it; and a similar bug in tc_top_lhs_type. (The latter is tested by T24686a.)
A `BinHandle` contains too much information for reading data. For example, it needs to keep a `FastMutInt` and a `IORef BinData`, when the non-mutable variants would suffice. Additionally, this change has the benefit that anyone can immediately tell whether the `BinHandle` is used for reading or writing. Bump haddock submodule BinHandle split.
The goal is simplifiy adding deduplication tables to `ModIface` interface serialisation. We identify two main points of interest that make this difficult: 1. UserData hardcodes what `Binary` instances can have deduplication tables. Moreover, it heavily uses partial functions. 2. GHC.Iface.Binary hardcodes the deduplication tables for 'Name' and 'FastString', making it difficult to add more deduplication. Instead of having a single `UserData` record with fields for all the types that can have deduplication tables, we allow to provide custom serialisers for any `Typeable`. These are wrapped in existentials and stored in a `Map` indexed by their respective `TypeRep`. The `Binary` instance of the type to deduplicate still needs to explicitly look up the decoder via `findUserDataReader` and `findUserDataWriter`, which is no worse than the status-quo. `Map` was chosen as microbenchmarks indicate it is the fastest for a small number of keys (< 10). To generalise the deduplication table serialisation mechanism, we introduce the types `ReaderTable` and `WriterTable` which provide a simple interface that is sufficient to implement a general purpose deduplication mechanism for `writeBinIface` and `readBinIface`. This allows us to provide a list of deduplication tables for serialisation that can be extended more easily, for example for `IfaceTyCon`, see the issue #24540 for more motivation. In addition to this refactoring, we split `UserData` into `ReaderUserData` and `WriterUserData`, to avoid partial functions and reduce overall memory usage, as we need fewer mutable variables. Bump haddock submodule to accomodate for `UserData` split. ------------------------- Metric Increase: MultiLayerModulesTH_Make MultiLayerModulesRecomp T21839c -------------------------
- Apr 25, 2024
Move tuple renaming short cutter from `isBuiltInOcc_maybe` to `isPunOcc_maybe`, so we consider incoming module. I also fixed some hidden bugs that raised after the change was done.
This is achieved by requesting the final package database for ghc-internal, which mandates it is fully built as a dependency of configuring the `base` package. This is at the expense of cross-package parrallelism between ghc-internal and the base package. Fixes #24436
This commit removes obsolete deletection logic of the patch command from autoconf scripts, given we no longer need to patch anything in the GHC build process.
This commit removes obsolete Patch logic from hadrian, given we no longer need to patch the gmp tarball when building in-tree GMP.
This patch bumps the gmp-tarballs submodule and updates gmp to 6.3.0. The tarball format is now xz, and gmpsrc.patch has been patched into the tarball so hadrian no longer needs to deal with patching logic when building in-tree GMP.
This commit removes an obsolete ln script in ghc-bignum/gmp. See 060251c2 for its original intention, but it's been obsolete for a long time, especially since the removal of the make build system. Hence the house cleaning.
- Apr 23, 2024
More recent versions of Cabal modify the behaviour of libAbiHash which breaks our usage of registerPackage. It is simpler to inline the part of registerPackage that we need and avoid any additional dependency and complication using the higher-level function introduces.
Fixes #24682
This patch forces the driver to always merge objects when building dynamic objects even when ar -L is supported. It is an oversight of !8887: original rationale of that patch is favoring the relatively cheap ar -L operation over object merging when ar -L is supported, which makes sense but only if we are building static objects! Omitting check for whether we are building dynamic objects will result in broken .so files with undefined reference errors at executable link time when building GHC with llvm-ar. Fixes #22210.
The comments now live in the surrounding location, not inside the Match. Make sure we keep them. Closes #24707
This delays typechecking the corebindings until the bytecode generation happens. We also avoid allocating a thunk that is retained by `unsafeInterleaveIO`. In general, we shouldn't retain values of the hydrated `Type`, as not evaluating the bytecode object keeps it alive. It is better if we retain the unhydrated `IfaceType`. See Note [Hydrating Modules]
- Apr 22, 2024
It seems that our local Gitlab no longer has documentation for the `CODEOWNERS` file, but the master documentation still does. Use that instead.
- Apr 21, 2024
Serge S. Gulin authored
Our js files have defined google closure compiler types at jsdoc entries but these jsdoc entries are removed by cpp preprocessor. I considered that reusing them in javascript-backend would be a nice thing. Right now haskell processor uses `-traditional` option to deal with comments and `//` operators. But now there are following compiler options: `-C` and `-CC`. You can read about them at GCC (see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Preprocessor-Options.html#index-CC) and CLang (see https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangCommandLineReference.html#cmdoption-clang-CC). It seems that `-CC` works better for javascript jsdoc than `-traditional`. At least it leaves `/* ... */` comments w/o changes.
Serge S. Gulin authored
JS: Disable js linker warning for empty symbol table to make js tests running consistent across environments
Serge S. Gulin authored
By some reason MacOS builds add to stderr messages like: Ignoring unexpected archive entry: __.SYMDEF ... However I left stderr to `/dev/null` for compatibility with linux CI builds.
Serge S. Gulin authored
After enabling jsdoc and built-in google closure compiler types I was needed to deal with the following: 1. Define NodeJS-environment types. I've just copied minimal set of externs from semi-official repo (see https://github.com/externs/nodejs/blob/6c6882c73efcdceecf42e7ba11f1e3e5c9c041f0/v8/nodejs.js#L8). 2. Define Emscripten-environment types: `HEAP8`. Emscripten already provides some externs in our code but it supposed to be run in some module system. And its definitions do not work well in plain bundle. 3. We have some functions which purpose is to add to functions some contextual information via function properties. These functions should be marked as `modifies` to let google closure compiler remove calls if these functions are not used actually by call graph. Such functions are: `h$o`, `h$sti`, `h$init_closure`, `h$setObjInfo`. 4. STG primitives such as registries and stuff from `GHC.StgToJS`. `dXX` properties were already present at externs generator function but they are started from `7`, not from `1`. This message is related: `// fixme does closure compiler bite us here?`
Serge S. Gulin authored
These errors were fixed just by introducing stubbed functions with throw for further implementation.
Serge S. Gulin authored
These errors were treated as a hard failure for browser application. The fix is trivial: just throw error.
Serge S. Gulin authored
code copied from GHCJS (fixes #24602) I've just copied some old pieces of GHCJS from publicly available sources (See https://github.com/Taneb/shims/blob/a6dd0202dcdb86ad63201495b8b5d9763483eb35/src/io.js#L607). Also I didn't put details to h$fds. I took minimal and left only its object initialization: `var h$fds = {};`
Serge S. Gulin authored
in a closure to prevent conflict with emscripten (fixes #24602) Better solution is to use some JavaScript module system like AMD, CommonJS or even UMD. It will be investigated at other issues. At first glance we should try UMD (See https://github.com/umdjs/umd)
Serge S. Gulin authored
Serge S. Gulin authored
You may noted that I've also changed term of ``` , global "h$vt_double" ||= toJExpr IntV ``` See "IntV" and ``` WaitReadOp -> \[] [fd] -> pure $ PRPrimCall $ returnS (app "h$waidRead" [fd]) ``` See "h$waidRead"
- Apr 20, 2024
Contributes to #24669
Historically quite a few packages had to be stage0 as they depended on `template-haskell` and that was stage0. In #23536 we made it so that was no longer the case. This allows us to remove a bunch of packages from this list. A few still remain. A new version of `Win32` is required by `semaphore-compat`. Including `Win32` in the stage0 set requires also including `filepath` because otherwise Hadrian's dependency logic gets confused. Once our boot compiler has a newer version of `Win32` all of these will be able to be dropped. Resolves #24652
We can save much code and explanation in Tag Inference and StgToCmm by making `seq#` a known-key Magic Id in `GHC.Internal.IO` and inline this definition in CorePrep. See the updated `Note [seq# magic]`. I also implemented a new `Note [Flatten case-bind]` to get better code for otherwise nested case scrutinees. I renamed the contructors of `ArgInfo` to use an `AI` prefix in order to resolve the clash between `type CpeApp = CoreExpr` and the data constructor of `ArgInfo`, as well as fixed typos in `Note [CorePrep invariants]`. Fixes #24252 and #24124.
Fixes #23764 Implements https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0640-tyop-quantification-order.rst Updates haddock submodule.
- Apr 19, 2024
Include the location of the prefix @ in the span for InVisPat. Also removes unnecessary annotations from HsTP. Contributes to #24669
And remove unused parameter in checkPatBind Contributes to #24669