- Feb 14, 2024
This commit fixes two wasm unreg regressions caught by a nightly pipeline: - Unknown stg_scheduler_loopzh symbol when compiling scheduler.cmm - Invalid _hs_constructor(101) function name when handling ctor
Check for ptr/int arguments rather than 64-bit width arguments when counting integer register arguments. The old approach broke when we stopped using exclusively W64-sized types to represent sub-word sized integers. Fixes #24314
Leaving a few that are too tricky, maybe some other time. Also - remove some unneeded helpers from Parser.y - reduce allocations with strictness annotations Updates haddock submodule Metric Decrease: parsing001
- Feb 13, 2024
This commit adds JavaScriptFFI as a supported extension when the target platform is wasm32.
This commit adds JSFFI desugar logic for the wasm backend.
This commit fixes the priorities of ctors generated by GHC codegen on wasm32, see the referred note for details.
This commit allows the boxed JSVal type to be used as a foreign argument/result type.
This commit allows the javascript calling convention to be used when the target platform is wasm32.
The pure Haskell implementation causes i386 regression in unrelated work that can be fixed by using C-based atomic increment, see added comment for details.
- Feb 12, 2024
Just remove an out of date block of commented-out code, and tidy up the relevant Notes. See #8317.
Support linking C sources with JS output of the JavaScript backend. See the added documentation in the users guide. The implementation simply extends the JS linker to use the objects (.o) that were already produced by the emcc compiler and which were filtered out previously. I've also added some options to control the link with C functions (see the documentation about pragmas). With this change I've successfully compiled the direct-sqlite package which embeds the sqlite.c database code. Some wrappers are still required (see the documentation about wrappers) but everything generic enough to be reused for other libraries have been integrated into rts/js/mem.js.
Some Haskell codes unsafely cast StablePtr into ptr to compare against NULL. E.g. in direct-sqlite: if castStablePtrToPtr aggStPtr /= nullPtr then where `aggStPtr` is read (`peek`) from zeroed memory initially. We fix this by giving these StablePtr the same representation as other null pointers. It's safe because StablePtr at offset 0 is unused (for this exact reason).
- Feb 10, 2024
The eras profiling mode is useful for tracking the life-time of closures. When a closure is written, the current era is recorded in the profiling header. This records the era in which the closure was created. * Enable with -he * User mode: Use functions ghc-experimental module GHC.Profiling.Eras to modify the era * Automatically: --automatic-era-increment, increases the user era on major collections * The first era is era 1 * -he<era> can be used with other profiling modes to select a specific era If you just want to record the era but not to perform heap profiling you can use `-he --no-automatic-heap-samples`. https://well-typed.com/blog/2024/01/ghc-eras-profiling/ Fixes #24332
JavaScript codegen: Use GHC's tag inference where JS backend-specific evaluation inference was previously used (#24309)
- Feb 08, 2024
Fixes: #24411 Added test T24411 for regression
Per #23966, I want the top-level configure to only generate configuration data for Hadrian, not do any "real" tasks on its own. This is part of that effort --- one less file generated by it. (It is still done with a `.in` file, so in a future world non-Hadrian also can easily create this file.) Split modules: - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Config - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Version - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Version.Bounds - GHC.CmmToLlvm.Version.Type This also means we can get rid of the silly `unused.h` introduced in !6803 / 7dfcab2f as temporary kludge. Part of #23966
There are situations where LLVM will produce assembly which older gcc toolchains can't handle. For example on Deb10, it seems that LLVM >= 13 produces assembly which the default gcc doesn't support. A more robust solution in the long term is to require a specific LLVM compatible assembler when using -fllvm. Fixes #16354
Required bumps of the following submodules: * `directory` * `filepath` * `haskeline` * `process` * `unix` * `hsc2hs` * `Win32` * `semaphore-compat` and the addition of `os-string` as a boot package.
Rewrite the `HasHaddock` instance for `ConDecl GhcPs` to account for infix constructors. This change fixes a Haddock regression (introduced in 19e80b9a) that affected leading comments on infix data constructor declarations: -- | Docs for infix constructor | Int :* Bool The comment should be associated with the data constructor (:*), not with its left-hand side Int.
Here we move a good deal of the implementation of `base` into a new package, `ghc-internal` such that it can be evolved independently from the user-visible interfaces of `base`. While we want to isolate implementation from interfaces, naturally, we would like to avoid turning `base` into a mere set of module re-exports. However, this is a non-trivial undertaking for a variety of reasons: * `base` contains numerous known-key and wired-in things, requiring corresponding changes in the compiler * `base` contains a significant amount of C code and corresponding autoconf logic, which is very fragile and difficult to break apart * `base` has numerous import cycles, which are currently dealt with via carefully balanced `hs-boot` files * We must not break existing users To accomplish this migration, I tried the following approaches: * [Split-GHC.Base]: Break apart the GHC.Base knot to allow incremental migration of modules into ghc-internal: this knot is simply too intertwined to be easily pulled apart, especially given the rather tricky import cycles that it contains) * [Move-Core]: Moving the "core" connected component of base (roughly 150 modules) into ghc-internal. While the Haskell side of this seems tractable, the C dependencies are very subtle to break apart. * [Move-Incrementally]: 1. Move all of base into ghc-internal 2. Examine the module structure and begin moving obvious modules (e.g. leaves of the import graph) back into base 3. Examine the modules remaining in ghc-internal, refactor as necessary to facilitate further moves 4. Go to (2) iterate until the cost/benefit of further moves is insufficient to justify continuing 5. Rename the modules moved into ghc-internal to ensure that they don't overlap with those in base 6. For each module moved into ghc-internal, add a shim module to base with the declarations which should be exposed and any requisite Haddocks (thus guaranteeing that base will be insulated from changes in the export lists of modules in ghc-internal Here I am using the [Move-Incrementally] approach, which is empirically the least painful of the unpleasant options above Bumps haddock submodule. Metric Decrease: haddock.Cabal haddock.base Metric Increase: MultiComponentModulesRecomp T16875 size_hello_artifact
This logic appears to be incorrect as it would drop any dependency which was not in a direct dependency of the package being linked. In the ghc-internals split this started to cause errors because `ghc-internal` is not a direct dependency of most packages, and hence important symbols to keep which are hard coded into the js runtime were getting dropped.
We now must use `-passes` in place of `-O<n>` due to #21936. Closes #21936.
- Feb 06, 2024
This fixes a bug in 8db8d2fd, where we could lose track of acyclic components at the start of an unresolved cycle. We now ensure we never loose track of any of these components. As T24275 demonstrates, a "cyclic" SCC might not really be a true SCC: When viewed without boot files, we have a single SCC ``` [REC main:T24275B [main:T24275B {-# SOURCE #-}, main:T24275A {-# SOURCE #-}] main:T24275A [main:T24275A {-# SOURCE #-}]] ``` But with boot files this turns into ``` [NONREC main:T24275B {-# SOURCE #-} [], REC main:T24275B [main:T24275B {-# SOURCE #-}, main:T24275A {-# SOURCE #-}] main:T24275A {-# SOURCE #-} [main:T24275B], NONREC main:T24275A [main:T24275A {-# SOURCE #-}]] ``` Note that this is truly not an SCC, as no nodes are reachable from T24275B.hs-boot. However, we treat this entire group as a single "SCC" because it seems so when we analyse the graph without taking boot files into account. Indeed, we must return a single ResolvedCycle element in the BuildPlan for this as described in Note [Upsweep]. However, since after resolving this is not a true SCC anymore, `findCycle` fails to find a cycle and we have a sub-optimal error message as a result. To handle this, I extended `findCycle` to not assume its input is an SCC, and to try harder to find cycles in its input. Fixes #24275
This patch is a preparation for @a-binders implementation. The main changes are: * Skolemisation is now prepared to deal with @binders. See Note [Skolemisation overview] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify. Most of the action is in - Utils.Unify.matchExpectedFunTys - Gen.Pat.tcMatchPats - Gen.Expr.tcPolyExprCheck - Gen.Binds.tcPolyCheck Some accompanying refactoring: * I found that funTyConAppTy_maybe was doing a lot of allocation, and rejigged userTypeError_maybe to avoid calling it.
* Make HsMatchContext and HsStmtContext be parameterised over the function name itself, rather than over the pass. See [mc_fun field of FunRhs] in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr - Replace types HsMatchContext GhcPs --> HsMatchContextPs HsMatchContext GhcRn --> HsMatchContextRn HsMatchContext GhcTc --> HsMatchContextRn (sic! not Tc) HsStmtContext GhcRn --> HsStmtContextRn - Kill off convertHsMatchCtxt * Split GHC.Tc.Type.BasicTypes.TcSigInfo so that TcCompleteSig (describing a complete user-supplied signature) is its own data type. - Split TcIdSigInfo(CompleteSig, PartialSig) into TcCompleteSig(CSig) TcPartialSig(PSig) - Use TcCompleteSig in tcPolyCheck, CheckGen - Rename types and data constructors: TcIdSigInfo --> TcIdSig TcPatSynInfo(TPSI) --> TcPatSynSig(PatSig) - Shuffle around helper functions: tcSigInfoName (moved to GHC.Tc.Types.BasicTypes) completeSigPolyId_maybe (moved to GHC.Tc.Types.BasicTypes) tcIdSigName (inlined and removed) tcIdSigLoc (introduced) - Rearrange the pattern match in chooseInferredQuantifiers * Rename functions and types: tcMatchesCase --> tcCaseMatches tcMatchesFun --> tcFunBindMatches tcMatchLambda --> tcLambdaMatches tcPats --> tcMatchPats matchActualFunTysRho --> matchActualFunTys matchActualFunTySigma --> matchActualFunTy * Add HasDebugCallStack constraints to: mkBigCoreVarTupTy, mkBigCoreTupTy, boxTy, mkPiTy, mkPiTys, splitAppTys, splitTyConAppNoView_maybe * Use `penv` from the outer context in the inner loop of GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat.tcMultiple * Move tcMkVisFunTy, tcMkInvisFunTy, tcMkScaledFunTys down the file, factor out and export tcMkScaledFunTy. * Move isPatSigCtxt down the file. * Formatting and comments Co-authored-by:
Vladislav Zavialov <vlad.z.4096@gmail.com>
- Feb 05, 2024
This MR fixes #24251. See Note [Case-to-let for strictly-used binders] in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Iteration, plus #24251, for lots of discussion. Final Nofib changes over 0.1%: +----------------------------------------- | imaginary/digits-of-e2 -2.16% | imaginary/rfib -0.15% | real/fluid -0.10% | real/gamteb -1.47% | real/gg -0.20% | real/maillist +0.19% | real/pic -0.23% | real/scs -0.43% | shootout/n-body -0.41% | shootout/spectral-norm -0.12% +======================================== | geom mean -0.05% Pleasingly, overall executable size is down by just over 1%. Compile times (in perf/compiler) wobble around a bit +/- 0.5%, but the geometric mean is -0.1% which seems good.
- Feb 04, 2024
In the most common case, the comment queue is empty, so we can skip the work of processing it. This reduces allocations by about 10% in the parsing001 test. Metric Decrease: MultiLayerModulesRecomp parsing001
- Feb 03, 2024
Apoorv Ingle authored
- Fixes #18324 #20020 #23147 #22788 #15598 #22086 #21206 - The change is detailed in - Note [Expanding HsDo with HsExpansion] in `GHC.Tc.Gen.Do` - Note [Doing HsExpansion in the Renamer vs Typechecker] in `GHC.Rename.Expr` expains the rational of doing expansions in type checker as opposed to in the renamer - Adds new datatypes: - `GHC.Hs.Expr.XXExprGhcRn`: new datatype makes this expansion work easier 1. Expansion bits for Expressions, Statements and Patterns in (`ExpandedThingRn`) 2. `PopErrCtxt` a special GhcRn Phase only artifcat to pop the previous error message in the error context stack - `GHC.Basic.Origin` now tracks the reason for expansion in case of Generated This is useful for type checking cf. `GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr.tcExpr` case for `HsLam` - Kills `HsExpansion` and `HsExpanded` as we have inlined them in `XXExprGhcRn` and `XXExprGhcTc` - Ensures warnings such as 1. Pattern match checks 2. Failable patterns 3. non-() return in body statements are preserved - Kill `HsMatchCtxt` in favor of `TcMatchAltChecker` - Testcases: * T18324 T20020 T23147 T22788 T15598 T22086 * T23147b (error message check), * DoubleMatch (match inside a match for pmc check) * pattern-fails (check pattern match with non-refutable pattern, eg. newtype) * Simple-rec (rec statements inside do statment) * T22788 (code snippet from #22788) * DoExpanion1 (Error messages for body statments) * DoExpansion2 (Error messages for bind statements) * DoExpansion3 (Error messages for let statements) Also repoint haddock to the right submodule so that the test (haddockHypsrcTest) pass Metric Increase 'compile_time/bytes allocated': T9020 The testcase is a pathalogical example of a `do`-block with many statements that do nothing. Given that we are expanding the statements into function binds, we will have to bear a (small) 2% cost upfront in the compiler to unroll the statements.
- Feb 01, 2024
New syntax for WARNING and DEPRECATED pragmas was added, namely namespace specifierss: namespace_spec ::= 'type' | 'data' | {- empty -} warning ::= warning_category namespace_spec namelist strings deprecation ::= namespace_spec namelist strings A new data type was introduced to represent these namespace specifiers: data NamespaceSpecifier = NoSpecifier | TypeNamespaceSpecifier (EpToken "type") | DataNamespaceSpecifier (EpToken "data") Extension field XWarning now contains this NamespaceSpecifier. lookupBindGroupOcc function was changed: it now takes NamespaceSpecifier and checks that the namespace of the found names matches the passed flag. With this change {-# WARNING data D "..." #-} pragma will only affect value namespace and {-# WARNING type D "..." #-} will only affect type namespace. The same logic is applicable to DEPRECATED pragmas. Finding duplicated warnings inside rnSrcWarnDecls now takes into consideration NamespaceSpecifier flag to allow warnings with the same names that refer to different namespaces.
This commit enables the generic cmm optimizations in other NCGs to be run in the wasm backend as well, followed by a late cmm control-flow optimization pass. The added optimizations do catch some corner cases not handled by the pre-NCG cmm pipeline and are useful in generating smaller CFGs.
This commit explicitly disables the ncgPIC flag for the wasm32 target. The wasm backend doesn't support PIC for the time being.
This commit moves GHC.CmmToAsm.cmmToCmm to a standalone module, GHC.Cmm.GenericOpt. The main motivation is enabling this logic to be run in the wasm backend NCG code, which is defined in other modules that's imported by GHC.CmmToAsm, causing a cyclic dependency issue.
In hand-written Cmm it can sometimes be necessary to atomically load from memory deep within an expression (e.g. see the `CHECK_GC` macro). This MachOp provides a convenient way to do so without breaking the expression into multiple statements.
- Jan 31, 2024
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This fixes #24370 by making decomposeRuleLhs undertand dictionary /functions/ as well as plain /dictionaries/
A test *сс018* is attached (not sure about the naming convention though). Note that without the fix, the test fails with the *dodgy-foreign-imports* warning passed to stderr. The warning disappears after the fix. GHC shouldn't warn on imports of natural function pointers from C by value (which is feasible with CApiFFI), such as ```haskell foreign import capi "cc018.h value f" f :: FunPtr (Int -> IO ()) ``` where ```c void (*f)(int); ``` See a related real-world use-case [here](https://gitlab.com/daniel-casanueva/pcre-light/-/merge_requests/17). There, GHC warns on import of C function pointer `pcre_free`.