- Aug 31, 2023
- Aug 30, 2023
hpc dropped SafeHaskell safety guarantees in order to simplify compatibility with newer versions of the directory package which dropped all SafeHaskell guarantees.
- Aug 29, 2023
The bug has been fixed by commit bad2f8b8.
- Builtin.PrimOps: ReturnsAlg was used only for unboxed tuples. Rename to ReturnsTuple. - Builtin.Utils: use SDoc for a panic message. The comment about <<details unavailable>> was obsoleted by e8d35677. - TagCheck: fix wrong logic. It was zipping a list 'args' with its version 'args_cmm' after filtering. - Core.Type: remove an outdated 1999 comment about unlifted polymorphic types - hadrian: remove leftover debugging print
Resolves #23540, #23120 This adds spans to certain expressions in the typechecker and renamer, and lets 'toHie' make use of those spans. Therefore the relevant evidence uses for the following syntax will now show up under the expected nodes in 'HieAst's: - Overloaded literals ('IsString', 'Num', 'Fractional') - Natural patterns and N+k patterns ('Eq', 'Ord', and instances from the overloaded literals being matched on) - Arithmetic sequences ('Enum') - Monadic bind statements ('Monad') - Monadic body statements ('Monad', 'Alternative') - ApplicativeDo ('Applicative', 'Functor') - Overloaded lists ('IsList') Also see Note [Source locations for implicit function calls] In the process of handling overloaded lists I added an extra 'SrcSpan' field to 'VAExpansion' - this allows us to more accurately reconstruct the locations from the renamer in 'rebuildHsApps'. This also happens to fix #23120. See the additions to Note [Looking through HsExpanded]
`T23540.hs` makes use of `explainEv` from `HieQueries.hs`, so `explainEv` has been moved to `TestUtils.hs`.
- Aug 28, 2023
sheaf authored
This commit accepts testsuite changes for the changes in the previous commit, which mean that TypeAbstractions is no longer implied by ScopedTypeVariables.
sheaf authored
This commit implements [amendment 604](https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/604/) to [GHC proposal 448](https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/448) by removing the implication of language extensions ScopedTypeVariables => TypeAbstractions To limit breakage, we now allow type arguments in constructor patterns when both ScopedTypeVariables and TypeApplications are enabled, but we emit a warning notifying the user that this is deprecated behaviour that will go away starting in GHC 9.12. Fixes #23776
Simon says this was fixed by commit 59202c80 Author: Sebastian Graf <sebastian.graf@kit.edu> Date: Fri Mar 31 17:35:22 2023 +0200 CorePrep: Eliminate EmptyCase and unsafeEqualityProof in CoreToStg instead We eliminate EmptyCase by way of `coreToStg (Case e _ _ []) = coreToStg e` now. The main reason is that it plays far better in conjunction with eta expansion (as we aim to do for arguments in CorePrep, #23083), because we can discard any arguments, `(case e of {}) eta == case e of {}`, whereas in `(e |> co) eta` it's impossible to discard the argument.
- Aug 27, 2023
The boot compiler was bumped to 9.4 in cebb5819. There is no point supporting older GHC versions with CPP.
- Aug 26, 2023
Artin Ghasivand authored
- Aug 25, 2023
The copyBytes function is provided by the import of Foreign. Fixes #23889
A warning can now be written with a category, e.g. {-# WARNInG in "x-c" e "d" #-} Keep track of the location of the 'in' keyword and string, as well as the original SourceText of the label, in case it uses character escapes.
As of https://reviews.llvm.org/D103048 LLVM no longer supports the `-stack-alignment=...` flag. Instead this information is passed via a module flag metadata node. This requires dropping support for LLVM 11 and 12. Fixes #23870
These are useful in `GHC.Driver.Config.*`.
This omission appears to be an oversight.
- Aug 24, 2023
We want to make sure we don't end up with poor codegen performance resulting from -finfo-table-map again as in #23103. This test adds a performance test tracking total allocations while compiling ExactPrint with -finfo-table-map.
This commit greatly refactors the way we compute estimated provenance for stack info tables. Previously, this process was done using an entirely separate traversal of the whole Cmm code stream to build the map from info tables to source locations. The separate traversal is now fused with the Cmm code generation pipeline in GHC.Driver.Main. This results in very significant code generation speed ups when -finfo-table-map is enabled. In testing, this patch reduces code generation times by almost 30% with -finfo-table-map and -O0, and 60% with -finfo-table-map and -O1 or -O2 . Fixes #23103
This commit performs boot-file consistency checking for TyCons into checkValidTyCl. This ensures that we eagerly catch any mismatches, which prevents the compiler from seeing these inconsistencies and panicking as a result. See Note [TyCon boot consistency checking] in GHC.Tc.TyCl. Fixes #16127
- Aug 23, 2023
To warn users that these modules are internal and their interfaces may change with little warning. As proposed in Core Libraries Committee #146 [CLC146]. [CLC146]: https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/146
The metric increase here isn't strictly due to this commit but it's a rather small, incidental change. Metric Increase: T8095 T13386 Metric Decrease: T8095 T13386 T18304